رئيس الگابون

عودة للموسوعة

رئيس الگابون

الجمهورية الگابونية
Président de la
République gabonaise
المعيار الرئاسي
علي بونگواوندمبا

منذ 16 أكتوبر 2009
المقر القصر الرئاسي, ليبرڤيل
طول المدة 7 سنوات
التشكل 17 أغسطس 1960
أول شاغل Léon M'ba
النائب نائب رئيس الگابون
الراتب 65,000 دولار أمريكي سنويًا

هذه الموضوعة هي جزء من سلسلة:

  • الرئيس المؤقت
    • روز فرنسين روگمبه
  • نائب الرئيس
    • Didjob Divungi Di Ndinge
  • رئيس الوزراء
    • Paul Biyoghé Mba
  • البرلمان
    • مجلس الشيوخ
    • المؤتمر الوطني
  • الأحزاب السياسية
  • الانتخابات: 2006
    الانتخابات الرئاسية 2009
  • Provinces
  • Departments
  • العلاقات الخارجية

دول أخرى • أطلس
 بوابة السياسة

هذه قائمة بـ رؤساء الگابون منذ تشكيل منصب الرئيس في عام 1960 ، حتى يومنا هذا.

وقد خدم ما مجموعه ثلاثة أشخاص كرئيس (دون احتساب رئيسين بالإنابة).

وصف المنصب


The president of the republic is elected for a presidential term of seven (7) years, by universal and direct suffrage. The president is re-electable.

The election is won by the candidate who obtains the largest number of votes.

All Gabonese citizens, male and female, who are at least forty (40) years old, have resided in Gabon for at least twelve (12) months, and who enjoy their full civil and political rights are eligible to run for the seat of the presidency.

The Constitutional Court may extend the provisioned time periods conforming to Article 11 below, but the elections may not take place more than thirty-five (35) days after the date of the decision of the Constitutional Court.

If an application of the policies in the present paragraphs postpones the election to a date beyond the last day in office of the current president, he or she will remain in office until the election of the successor.

The ways and means by which the present article may be applied are fixed by organic law.

The presidential term begins on the day he presents himself for the presidential oath and finishes at the end of the seventh year following his election.

The election of the president of the republic takes place at least a month and at most two months before the end of the previous president’s term.

A current president may not shorten his or her term in any manner to run for another term.

If the current president of the republic runs for the next presidential term, the National Assembly may not be dissolved. The president may also not exercise his power to legislate by ordinance from the moment he announces his candidacy up to the election. In cases of necessity, Parliament may convene in an extraordinary session.

يمين المنصب

The presidential oath marks the beginning of the presidential term. It may not take place before the Constitutional Court’s decision to proclaim the official election results.

At the moment of the president’s entry into office, the president of the republic will solemnly take the oath below, before the Parliament and the Constitutional Court, the left hand on the Constitution, and the other hand raised before the national flag:

I promise to devote all my energies to the good of the Gabonese people, to assure their well-being and to protect them from all misfortune, to respect and defend the Constitution and the State of law, to fulfill conscientiously the duties of my position and to be just to all.


In case of a vacancy of the presidential office for whatever reason, or a permanent impairment of the current president, affirmed by the Constitutional Court called upon by the government through an absolute majority of its members, or failing that, by the bureaus of the two chambers of Parliament with a majority of their members, the president of the Senate will temporarily exercise the duties of the president of the republic, or in case of permanent impairment of the president of the Senate, affirmed by the Constitutional Court called upon in the same conditions, the first vice-president of the Senate will temporarily carry out the duties of the presidential office.

The authority that assumes the presidential office in the interim will be temporarily invested with the full duties and powers of the president of the republic, to the exclusion of certain duties and powers provisioned by Articles 18, 19, and the first paragraph of 116. The temporary president may not present him or herself as a candidate of the next presidential election.

Before his or her entry into office, the authority concerned will take the oath of office according to the conditions of Article 12 above.

In the case of a vacancy, or if the president’s impairment is declared permanent by the Constitutional Court, the polls for the election of the new president, excluding cases of emergency announced by the Constitutional Court, will take place at least thirty (30) days or at most sixty (60) days after the beginning of the vacancy or the declaration of a permanent impairment of the Ppident.



Political parties

  • ██ Gabonese Democratic Bloc (BDG) → Gabonese Democratic Party (PDG)
  • ██ Democratic and Republican Alliance (ADERE)


  • ██ Denotes Acting President
No. Portrait Name
Elected Term of office Political affiliation Prime Minister(s)
Took office Left office Time in office
style="background:نطقب:Gabonese Democratic Party/meta/color; color:white;"| 1 Léon M'ba
17 August 1960 27 November 1967
(died in office.)
7 سنة , 102 يوم BDG Himself
style="background:نطقب:Gabonese Democratic Party/meta/color; color:white;"| 2 Omar Bongo Ondimba
2 December 1967 8 June 2009
41 سنة , 188 يوم BDG / PDG Mébiame
Ntoutoume Emane
Eyeghe Ndong
style="background:نطقب:Democratic and Republican Alliance/meta/color; color:white;"| – Didjob Divungi Di Ndinge
6 May 2009 10 June 2009 35 يوم ADERE Eyeghe Ndong
style="background:نطقب:Gabonese Democratic Party/meta/color; color:white;"| – Rose Francine Rogombé
10 June 2009 16 October 2009 128 يوم PDG Eyeghe Ndong
Biyoghé Mba
style="background:نطقب:Gabonese Democratic Party/meta/color; color:white;"| 3 Ali Bongo Ondimba
16 October 2009 Incumbent 10 سنة , 237 يوم PDG Biyoghé Mba
Ndong Sima
Ona Ondo
Nkoghe Bekale


  1. ^ Briefly interrupted during the 17–18 February 1964 coup d'état.
  2. ^ Previously named Albert-Bernard Bongo; changed name on 29 September 1973, after conversion to Islam. Added Ondimba to name on 15 November 2003.
  3. ^ Acted for Bongo while he was incapacitated in the hospital, Vice President.
  4. ^ Succeeded Bongo as the constitutional successor, President of the Senate.
  5. ^ Son of Omar Bongo Ondimba.

أحدث الانتخابات

Candidate Party Votes %
Ali Bongo Ondimba Gabonese Democratic Party 177,722 49.80
Jean Ping Union of Forces for Change 172,128 48.23
Bruno Ben Moubamba Independent 1,896 0.53
Raymond Ndong Sima Independent 1,510 0.42
Pierre Claver Maganga Moussavou Social Democratic Party 1,130 0.32
Paul Mba Abessole National Woodcutters' Rally – Rally for Gabon 761 0.21
Gérard Ella Nguema Independent 583 0.16
Augustin Moussavou King Gabonese Socialist Party 553 0.15
Dieudonné Minlama Mintogo Independent 393 0.11
Abel Mbombe Nzoudou Independent 214 0.06
Invalid/blank votes 16,420
Total 373,310 100
Registered voters/turnout 627,805 59.46
Source: Interior Ministry, Interior Ministry

أنظر أيضاً

  • Gabon
    • List of colonial governors of Gabon
    • First Lady of Gabon
    • Vice President of Gabon
    • Prime Minister of Gabon
  • Lists of office-holders


  1. ^ "Top 15 Highest Paid African Presidents 2017". 15 December 2016.
  2. ^ Articleتسعة of the Constitution of 1991.
  3. ^ Articleعشرة of the Constitution of 1991.
  4. ^ Article 11 of the Constitution of 1991.
  5. ^ Article 11A of the Constitution of 1991.
  6. ^ Article 12 of the Constitution of 1991.
  7. ^ Article 13 of the Constitution of 1991.

وصلات خارجية

  • Official website (in فرنسية)
  • World Statesmen – Gabon
  • 1991 Constitution of Gabon (as amended in 2011)(in إنگليزية)
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-09 14:27:26
التصنيفات: Official website not in Wikidata, Articles with فرنسية-language sources (fr), Articles with إنگليزية-language sources (en), رؤساء الجابون, قوائم الرؤساء الوطنيين, القوائم المتعلقة بالجابون, تأسيسات 1960 في غابون, صفحات تستعمل قالبا ببيانات مكررة, Articles containing non-English-language text

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