
مقاطعات موئسيا السفلى (يمين) وموئسيا العليا (يسار) مبيّنتين
موئسيا السفلى (highlighted).
موئسيا العليا (highlighted).
المقاطعات الموئسية وشمال البلقان في القدم المتأخر
موئسيا مع المدن الپنطية تيراس وأولبيا

موئسيا (Moesia ؛ //؛باللاتينية: Moesia؛ باليونانية: Μοισία) كانت منطقة قديمة ومقاطعة رومانية لاحقة تقع في البلقان جنوب نهر الدانوب. وقد ضمت معظم أراضي ما اليوم صربيا الوسطى وكوسوڤووالأجزاء الشمالية من شمال مقدونيا الحديثة (موئسيا العليا)، شمال بلغاريا ودوبرويا الرومانية (موئسيا السفلى).


In ancient geographical sources, Moesia was bounded to the south by the Haemus (Balkans) and Scardus (Šar) mountains, to the west by the Drinus (Drina) river, on the north by the Donaris (Danube) and on the east by the Euxine (Black Sea).


The region was inhabited chiefly by Thracians, Dacians (Thraco-Dacians), Illyrian and Thraco-Illyrian peoples. The name of the region comes from Moesi, Thraco-Dacian peoples who lived there before the Roman conquest.

Parts of Moesia belonged to the polity of Burebista, a Getae king who established his rule over a large part of the northern Balkans between 82 BC and 44 BC. He led plunder and conquest raids across Central and Southeastern Europe, subjugating most of the neighbouring tribes. After his assassination in an inside plot, the empire was divided into several smaller states.

انظر أيضاً

  • Diocese of Moesia
  • داتشيا أورليانا
  • List of ancient cities in Thrace and Dacia
  • List of Roman governors of Lower Moesia
  • List of Roman governors of Upper Moesia
  • Inscriptions of Upper Moesia
  • Moesogoths
  • Margus (city)


  1. ^ Lena Olausson; Catherine Sangster, eds. (2006). Oxford BBC Guide to Pronunciation. Oxford University Press.
  2. ^ Daniel Jones (2006). Peter Roach; James Hartman; Jane Setter (eds.). Cambridge Pronouncing Dictionary. Cambridge University Press.
  3. ^ "C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Vitellius Maximilian Ihm, Ed". perseus.tufts.eud.
  4. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير سليم؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة EB1911


  • András Mócsy, Pannonia and Upper Moesia: A History of the Middle Danube Provinces of the Roman Empire, Routledge Revivals Series, 2014. ISBN 9781317754251
  • Conor Whately, Exercitus Moesiae: The Roman Army in Moesia from Augustus to Severus Alexander. BAR international series, S2825. Oxford: 2016. ISBN 9781407314754

وصلات خارجية

  • Inscriptions of Moesia Superior, University of Belgrade (بالفرنسية)
  • Cities in the Provinces Moesia Superior and Moesia Inferior
  • Timacum Maius
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-08 11:52:50
التصنيفات: صفحات بأخطاء في المراجع, موئسيا, Ancient history of the Balkans, Provinces of the Roman Empire, Romanization of Southeastern Europe, Historical regions in Bulgaria, Historical regions in Romania, Historical regions in Serbia, بلغاريا القديمة, Ancient history of Romania, Ancient history of Serbia, Ancient history of Ukraine, Roman Balkans, Bulgaria in the Roman era, Serbia in the Roman era, Šar Mountains, Former countries in the Balkans, Articles containing non-English-language text

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