محافظات كولومبيا

عودة للموسوعة

محافظات كولومبيا

Capital district and departments of Colombia
Distrito Capital y los Departamentos de Colombia (Spanish)
محافظة لا گواخيرا محافظة ماگدالنا محافظة أتلانتيكو Cesar Department محافظة بوليڤار Norte de Santander Department محافظة سوكره محافظة كوردوبا Santander Department Antioquia Department Boyacá Department Arauca Department Chocó Department Caldas Department Cundinamarca Department Casanare Department Vichada Department Valle del Cauca Department Tolima Department محافظة متا Huila Department Guainía Department Guaviare Department محافظة كاوكا Vaupés Department Nariño Department محافظة كاكويتا Putumayo Department محافظة أمازوناس Risaralda Department Risaralda Department Quindío Department Quindío Department Bogotá Bogotá
التصنيف Unitary state
المسقط Republic of Colombia
العدد 32 Departments
1 Capital District
عدد السكان (Departments only):33,152 (Vaupés) – 5,750,478 (Antioquia)
المساحة (Departments only):50 kم2 (19.3 ميل2) (San Andrés) – 109,665.0 kم2 (42,341.89 ميل2) (Amazonas)
الحكومة Department government, National government
التقسيمات Municipality
  1. تحويل نطقب:سياسة كولومبيا

Colombia is a unitary republic made up of thirty-two departments (Spanish: departamentos, sing. departamento) and a Capital District (Distrito Capital). Each department has a Governor (gobernador) and a Department Assembly (Asamblea Departamental), elected by popular vote for a four-year period. The governor cannot be re-elected in consecutive periods. Departments are country subdivisions and are granted a certain degree of autonomy.

Departments are formed by a grouping of municipalities (municipios, sing. municipio). Municipal government is headed by mayor (alcalde) and administered by a Municipal Council (concejo municipal), both of which are elected for four-year periods.

جدول المحافظات

Each one of the departments of Colombia in the map below links to a corresponding article. Current governors serving four-year terms from 2015 to 2019 are also shown, along with their respective political party or coalition.

ID المحافظة المحافظ الحزب العاصمة المساحة (كم²) التعداد تأسست
00 منطقة العاصمة Enrique Peñalosa CR بوگوتا &&&&&&&&&&&01587.&&&&&01٬587 &&&&&&&&08254722.&&&&&08٬254٬722 1538
01 Amazonas Manuel Antonio Carebilla Cuéllar CR Leticia &&&&&&&&&0109665.&&&&&0109٬665 &&&&&&&&&&080360.&&&&&080٬360 1991
02 Antioquia Luis Pérez Liberal Medellín &&&&&&&&&&063612.&&&&&063٬612 &&&&&&&&05750478.&&&&&05٬750٬478 1826
03 Arauca Ricardo Alvarado Bestene La U Arauca &&&&&&&&&&023818.&&&&&023٬818 &&&&&&&&&0282302.&&&&&0282٬302 1991
04 Atlántico Eduardo I. Verano de la Rosa Liberal Barranquilla &&&&&&&&&&&03388.&&&&&03٬388 &&&&&&&&02365663.&&&&&02٬365٬663 1910
05 Bolívar Dumek José Turbay Paz Liberal Cartagena &&&&&&&&&&025978.&&&&&025٬978 &&&&&&&&02229967.&&&&&02٬229٬967 1857
06 Boyacá Carlos Andrés Amaya Rodríguez Green Tunja &&&&&&&&&&023189.&&&&&023٬189 &&&&&&&&01411239.&&&&&01٬411٬239 1539
07 Caldas Guido Echeverri Piedrahíta La U Manizales &&&&&&&&&&&07888.&&&&&07٬888 &&&&&&&&01170187.&&&&&01٬170٬187 1905
08 Caquetá Álvaro Pacheco Álvarez Liberal Florencia &&&&&&&&&&088965.&&&&&088٬965 &&&&&&&&&0463333.&&&&&0463٬333 1982
09 Casanare Josue Alirio Barrera Rodríguez CD Yopal &&&&&&&&&&044640.&&&&&044٬640 &&&&&&&&&0325713.&&&&&0325٬713 1991
10 Cauca Óscar Rodrigo Campo Hurtado Liberal Popayán &&&&&&&&&&029308.&&&&&029٬308 &&&&&&&&01363054.&&&&&01٬363٬054 1857
11 Cesar Francisco Fernando Ovalle Angarita La U Valledupar &&&&&&&&&&022905.&&&&&022٬905 &&&&&&&&01050303.&&&&&01٬050٬303 1967
12 Chocó Jhoany Carlos Alberto Palacios Mosquera Liberal Quibdó &&&&&&&&&&046530.&&&&&046٬530 &&&&&&&&&0413173.&&&&&0413٬173 1947
13 Córdoba Edwin José Besaile Fayad La U Montería &&&&&&&&&&025020.&&&&&025٬020 &&&&&&&&01392905.&&&&&01٬392٬905 1952
14 Cundinamarca Jorge Emilio Rey Ángel CR Bogotá &&&&&&&&&&024210.&&&&&024٬210 &&&&&&&&02680041.&&&&&02٬680٬041 1857
15 Guainía Javier Eliecer Zapata Parrado Liberal Inirida &&&&&&&&&&072238.&&&&&072٬238 &&&&&&&&&&043314.&&&&&043٬314 1963
16 Guaviare Nebio De Jesús Echeverry Cadavid AICO San José del Guaviare   &&&&&&&&&&053460.&&&&&053٬460 &&&&&&&&&0133236.&&&&&0133٬236 1991
17 Huila Carlos Julio González Villa CR Neiva &&&&&&&&&&019890.&&&&&019٬890 &&&&&&&&&0994218.&&&&&0994٬218 1905
18 La Guajira Oneida Rayeth Pinto Pérez CR Riohacha &&&&&&&&&&020848.&&&&&020٬848 &&&&&&&&&0524619.&&&&&0524٬619 1965
19 Magdalena Rosa Cotes De Zuñiga CR Santa Marta &&&&&&&&&&023188.&&&&&023٬188 &&&&&&&&01403318.&&&&&01٬403٬318 1824
20 Meta Marcela Amaya Liberal Villavicencio &&&&&&&&&&085635.&&&&&085٬635 &&&&&&&&&0771089.&&&&&0771٬089 1960
21 Nariño Camilo Romero Green Pasto &&&&&&&&&&033268.&&&&&033٬268 &&&&&&&&01775139.&&&&&01٬775٬139 1904
22 Norte de Santander William Villamizar Laguado La U Cúcuta &&&&&&&&&&021658.&&&&&021٬658 &&&&&&&&01493932.&&&&&01٬493٬932 1910
23 Putumayo Sorrel Parisa Aroca Rodríguez Green Mocoa &&&&&&&&&&024885.&&&&&024٬885 &&&&&&&&&0378483.&&&&&0378٬483 1991
24 Quindío Carlos Eduardo Osorio Buritica N/A Armenia &&&&&&&&&&&01845.&&&&&01٬845 &&&&&&&&&0613375.&&&&&0613٬375 1966
25 Risaralda Sigifredo Salazar Osorio Conservative Pereira &&&&&&&&&&&04140.&&&&&04٬140 &&&&&&&&01024362.&&&&&01٬024٬362 1966
26 San Andrés y Providencia   Ronald Housni Jaller Liberal San Andrés &&&&&&&&&&&&&052.&&&&&052 &&&&&&&&&&083491.&&&&&083٬491 1991
27 Santander Didier Alberto Tavera Amado Liberal Bucaramanga &&&&&&&&&&030537.&&&&&030٬537 &&&&&&&&02085084.&&&&&02٬085٬084 1857
28 Sucre Edgar Enrique Martínez Romero CR Sincelejo &&&&&&&&&&010917.&&&&&010٬917 &&&&&&&&&0868648.&&&&&0868٬648 1966
29 Tolima Óscar Barreto Quiroga Conservative Ibagué &&&&&&&&&&023562.&&&&&023٬562 &&&&&&&&01312972.&&&&&01٬312٬972 1886
30 Valle del Cauca Dilian Francisca Toro Torres La U Cali &&&&&&&&&&022140.&&&&&022٬140 &&&&&&&&04524678.&&&&&04٬524٬678 1910
31 Vaupés Jesús María Vásquez Caicedo CR Mitú &&&&&&&&&&054135.&&&&&054٬135 &&&&&&&&&&033152.&&&&&033٬152 1991
32 Vichada Luis Carlos Álvarez Morales La U Puerto Carreño &&&&&&&&&0100242.&&&&&0100٬242 &&&&&&&&&&097276.&&&&&097٬276 1991
  • Estimate for Cundinamarca includes the country's capital, Bogotá.

Territorios indígenas

منطق رئيسي: Indigenous territory (Colombia)

The indigenous territories are at the third level of administrative division in Colombia, as are the municipalities. Indigenous territories are created by agreement between the government and indigenous communities. In cases where indigenous territories covering more than one department or municipality, local governments jointly administer them with the indigenous councils, as set out in Articles 329 and 330 of the Colombian Constitution of 1991. Also indigenous territories may achieve local autonomy if they meet the requirements of the law.

Article 329 of the 1991 constitution recognizes the collective indigenous ownership of indigenous territories and repeats that are inalienable. Law 160 of 1994 created the National System of Agrarian Reform and Rural Development Campesino, and replaced Law 135 of 1961 on Agrarian Social Reform; it establishes and sets out the functions of INCORA, one of the most important being to declare which territories will acquire the status of indigenous protection and what extension of existing ones will be allowed. Decree 2164 of 1995 interprets Law 160 of 1994, providing, among other things, a legal definition of indigenous territories.

Indigenous territories in Colombia are mostly in the departments of Amazonas, Cauca, La Guajira, Guaviare and Vaupés.


جمهورية گران كولومبيا

منطق رئيسي: تقسيمات گران كولومبيا

When it was first established in 1819, República de la Gran Colombia had three departments. Venezuela, Cundinamarca (now Colombia) and Quito (now Ecuador). In 1824 the Distrito del Centro (which became Colombia) was divided into five departments, and further divided into seventeen provinces. One department, Istmo Department, consisting of two provinces later became Panama.

República de la Nueva Granada

With the dissolution of Gran Colombia in 1826 by the Revolution of the Morrocoyes (La Cosiata), New Granada kept its 17 provinces. In 1832 the provinces of Vélez and Barbacoas were created, and in 1835 those of Buenaventura and Pasto were added. In 1843 those of Cauca, Mompós and Túquerres were created. At this time the cantons (cantones) and parish districts were created, which provided the basis for the present-day municipalities.

By 1853 the number of provinces had increased to thirty-six, namely:Antioquia, Azuero, Barbacoas, Bogotá, Buenaventura, Cartagena, Casanare, Cauca, Chiriquí, Chocó, Córdova, Cundinamarca, García Rovira, Mariquita, Medellín, Mompós, Neiva, Ocaña, Pamplona, Panamá, Pasto, Popayán, Riohacha, Sabanilla, Santa Marta, Santander, Socorro, Soto, Tequendama, Tunja, Tundama, Túquerres, Valle de Upar, Veraguas, Vélez and Zipaquirá. However, the new constitution of 1853 introduced federalism, which lead to the consolidation of provinces into states. By 1858 this process was complete, with a resulting eight federal states: Panamá was formed in 1855, Antioquia in 1856, Santander in May 1857, and Bolívar, Boyacá, Cauca, Cundinamarca and Magdalena were formed in June 1858. 1861 saw the creation of the final federal state of Tolima.

جمهورية كولومبيا

The Colombian Constitution of 1886 converted the states of Colombia into departments, with the state presidents renamed as governors. The states formed the following original departments:

  • Antioquia Department
  • Bolívar Department
  • Boyacá Department
  • Cauca Department
  • Cundinamarca Department
  • Magdalena Department
  • Panamá Department
  • Santander Department
  • Tolima Department

معرض خرائط

انظر أيضاً

  • ISO 3166-2:CO
  • List of Colombian flags
  • List of country subdivisions
  • List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area
  • States of Colombia
  • List of Colombian departments by Human Development Index


  1. ^ "Division Política de Colombia" (in الإسبانية). Portal ColombiaYA.com. Archived from the original onعشرة March 2009.
  2. ^ Decree 2164 of 1995 provides "Reserva Indígena. Es un globo de terreno baldío ocupado por una o varias comunidades indígenas que fué delimitado y legalmente asignado por el INCORA a aquellas para que ejerzan en él los derechos de uso y usufructo con exclusión de terceros. Las reservas indígenas constituyen tierras comunales de grupos étnicos, para los fines previstos en el artículo 63 de la Constitución Política y la ley 21 de 1991. […] Territorios Indígenas. Son las áreas poseidas en forma regular y permanente por una comunidad, parcialidad o grupo indígena y aquellas que, aunque no se encuentren poseidas en esa forma, constituyen el ámbito tradicional de sus actividades sociales, económicas y culturales. " Art. 21: "Los resguardos son una institución legal y sociopolítica de carácter especial, conformada por una o más comunidades indígenas, que con un título de propiedad colectiva que goza de las garantías de la propiedad privada, poseen su territorio y se rigen para el manejo de éste y su vida interna por una organización autónoma amparada por el fuero indígena y su sistema normativo propio."
  3. ^ Guhl Nannetti, Ernesto (1991). "Capítulo XII: División Política de la Gran Colombia". Las fronteras políticas y los límites naturales: escritos geograficos [Political Boundaries and Their Natural Limits: Geographic writings] (in الإسبانية). Bogotá: Fondo FEN. ISBN .
  4. ^ Aguilera Peña, Mario (January 2002). "División política administrativa de Colombia". Credential Historia (in الإسبانية). Bogotá: Banco de la República. Archived from the original on 16 February 2011.
  5. ^ Oficina Nacional de Estadística (Office of National Statistics) (1876). "Estadística de Colombia" [Colombian Statistics] (PDF) (in الإسبانية). Bogotá: Oficina Nacional de Estadística. Retrieved 23 November 2016. []
  6. ^ Domínguez, Camilo; Chaparro, Jeffer; Gómez, Carla (2006). "Construcción y deconstrucción territorial del Caribe Colombiano durante el siglo XIX". Scripta Nova (Revista Electrónica de Geografía y Ciencias Sociales). 10 (218 (75)).

وصلات خارجية

  • (بالفرنسية) List of Colombian departments governors
  • Departments of Colombia at statoids.com
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-08 01:53:48
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