محافظات صربيا

عودة للموسوعة

محافظات صربيا

محافظات صربيا
Окрузи Србије
Okruzi Srbije
Districts of Serbia
Kolubara District Mačva District Moravica District Pomoravlje District Rasina District Raška District Šumadija District Zlatibor District Bor District Braničevo District Jablanica District Nišava District Pčinja District Pirot District Pirot District Toplica District Zaječar District Central Banat District North Bačka District North Banat District South Bačka District South Banat District Srem District West Bačka District Subdivisions of Belgradeخريطة المحافظات الحالية لصربيا
خريطة تفاعلية للمحافظات الحالية في صربيا. حدود محافظات كوسوڤومتنازَع عليها.
التصنيف Unitary state
المسقط جمهورية صربيا
العدد 24 Districts (29 including Kosovo) + City of Belgrade
عدد السكان 91,754 (Toplica) – 1,687,132 (Belgrade)
المساحة 3,230 kم2 (1,248 ميل2) (Podunavlje) – 15,900 kم2 (6,140 ميل2) (Zlatibor)
الحكومة District government, National government
التقسيمات بلدية and مدينة
هذه الموضوعة هي جزء من سلسلة عن
  • بلدان أخرى

أُكروگ okrug هوأحد the first-level administrative divisions of Serbia, corresponding to a "province" in many other countries. The term okrug (pl. okruzi) literally means "encircling", and can also be translated as "county", though it is generally rendered by the Serbian government as "district".

The Serbian local government reforms of 1992, going into effect the following year, created 29 districts, with the City of Belgrade holding similar authority. Following the controversial 2008 Kosovo declaration of independence, new districts were created by the so-called Republic of Kosovo government; the Serbian government does not recognize these districts.

The districts of Serbia are generally named after historical and geographical regions, though some, such as the Pčinja District and the Nišava District, are named after local rivers. Their areas and populations vary to a large extent, ranging from the relatively-small Podunavlje District to the much larger محافظة زلاتيبور.

As regional centers of state authority, the districts have little room for self-government and do not have local flags. Still, they are each run by a commissioner as well as cooperating municipal leaders. The districts can be further divided into cities and municipalities.


The territorial organisation of Serbia is regulated by the Law on Territorial Organization, adopted by the National Assembly on 29 December 2007. According to the Law, the territorial organization of the republic comprises municipalities and cities, the City of Belgrade with special status, and autonomous provinces. Districts are not mentioned in this law but are defined by the Government of Serbia's Enactment of 29 January 1992. They are defined as the districts as "regional centers of state authority", enacting affairs run by the relevant Ministries.

Serbia is divided into 29 districts (8 in Šumadija and Western Serbia,تسعة in Southern and Eastern Serbia,سبعة in Vojvodina andخمسة in Kosovo and Metohija), plus the City of Belgrade. The City of Belgrade is not part of any district, but has a special status very similar to that of a district.

محافظات كوسوڤو

Serbian laws treat Kosovo and Metohija as integral part of Serbia (Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija). The Enactment defines five districts on the territory of Kosovo. But, since 1999, following the Kosovo War Kosovo is under United Nations' administration of UNMIK. In 2000, the UNMIK administration changed territorial organisation on the territory of Kosovo. All five districts were abolished, and seven new districts were created. Serbian government does not recognize this move, and accepts only five pre-2000 districts.

قائمة المحافظات

المحافظات في شومادية وغرب صربيا

Šumadija i Zapadna Srbija

District Seat Area
in km²
Population 2011 Population
per km²
Municipalities and cities Settlements
Kolubara District
(Kolubarski okrug)
Valjevo 2,474 174,228 70.4
  • Osečina
  • Ub
  • Lajkovac
  • City of Valjevo
  • Mionica
  • Ljig
Mačva District
(Mačvanski okrug)
Šabac 3,268 297,778 91.1
  • Bogatić
  • City of Šabac
  • City of Loznica
  • Vladimirci
  • Koceljeva
  • Mali Zvornik
  • Krupanj
  • Ljubovija
Moravica District
(Moravički okrug)
Čačak 3,016 212,149 70.3
  • Gornji Milanovac
  • City of Čačak
  • Lučani
  • Ivanjica
Pomoravlje District
(Pomoravski okrug)
Jagodina 2,614 212,839 84.8
  • City of Jagodina
  • Ćuprija
  • Paraćin
  • Svilajnac
  • Despotovac
  • Rekovac
Rasina District
(Rasinski okrug)
Kruševac 2,667 240,463 90.2
  • Varvarin
  • Trstenik
  • Ćićevac
  • City of Kruševac
  • Aleksandrovac
  • Brus
Raška District
(Raški okrug)
Kraljevo 3,918 300,102 76.6
  • City of Kraljevo
  • Vrnjačka Banja
  • Raška
  • City of Novi Pazar
  • Tutin
Šumadija District
(Šumadijski okrug)
Kragujevac 2,387 290,900 121.8
  • Aranđelovac
  • Topola
  • Rača
  • Batočina
  • Knić
  • Lapovo
  • City of Kragujevac
Zlatibor District
(Zlatiborski okrug)
Užice 6,140 284,729 46.4
  • Bajina Bašta
  • Kosjerić
  • City of Užice
  • Požega
  • Čajetina
  • Arilje
  • Nova Varoš
  • Prijepolje
  • Sjenica
  • Priboj

المحافظات في جنوب وشرق صربيا

Južna i Istočna Srbija

District Seat Area
in km²
Population 2011 Population
per km²
Municipalities and cities Settlements
Bor District
(Borski okrug)
Bor 3,507 123,848 35.3
  • City of Bor
  • Kladovo
  • Majdanpek
  • Negotin
Braničevo District
(Braničevski okrug)
Požarevac 3,865 180,480 46.7
  • Veliko Gradište
  • City of Požarevac
  • Golubac
  • Malo Crniće
  • Žabari
  • Petrovac
  • Kučevo
  • Žagubica
Jablanica District
(Jablanički okrug)
Leskovac 2,769 215,463 77.8
  • City of Leskovac
  • Bojnik
  • Lebane
  • Medveđa
  • Vlasotince
  • Crna Trava
Nišava District
(Nišavski okrug)
Niš 2,729 373,404 136.8
  • Aleksinac
  • Svrljig
  • Merošina
  • Ražanj
  • Doljevac
  • Gadžin Han
  • City of Niš
Pčinja District
(Pčinjski okrug)
Vranje 3,520 158,717 45.1
  • Vladičin Han
  • Surdulica
  • Bosilegrad
  • Trgovište
  • City of Vranje
  • Bujanovac
  • Preševo
Pirot District
(Pirotski okrug)
Pirot 2,761 92,277 33.4
  • Bela Palanka
  • City of Pirot
  • Babušnica
  • Dimitrovgrad
Podunavlje District
(Podunavski okrug)
Smederevo 1,248 198,184 158.8
  • City of Smederevo
  • Smederevska Palanka
  • Velika Plana
Toplica District
(Toplički okrug)
Prokuplje 2,231 90,600 40.6
  • Prokuplje
  • Blace
  • Kuršumlija
  • Žitorađa
Zaječar District
(Zaječarski okrug)
Zaječar 3,623 118,295 32.6
  • Boljevac
  • Knjaževac
  • City of Zaječar
  • Sokobanja

محافظات ڤويڤودينا

محافظات ڤويڤودينا.
District Seat Area
in km²
Population 2011 Population
per km²
Municipalities and cities Settlements
Central Banat District
(Srednjebanatski okrug)
Zrenjanin 3,256 186,851 57.4
  • Novi Bečej
  • Nova Crnja
  • Žitište
  • Sečanj
  • City of Zrenjanin
North Bačka District
(Severnobački okrug)
Subotica 1,784 185,552 104.0
  • City of Subotica
  • Bačka Topola
  • Mali Iđoš
North Banat District
(Severnobanatski okrug)
Kikinda 2,329 146,690 63.0
  • Kanjiža
  • Senta
  • Ada
  • Čoka
  • Novi Kneževac
  • City of Kikinda
South Bačka District
(Južnobački okrug)
Novi Sad 4,016 615,371 151.3
  • Srbobran
  • Bač
  • Bečej
  • Vrbas
  • Bačka Palanka
  • Bački Petrovac
  • Žabalj
  • Titel
  • Temerin
  • Beočin
  • Sremski Karlovci
  • City of Novi Sad
South Banat District
(Južnobanatski okrug)
Pančevo 4,245 291,327 68.6
  • Plandište
  • Opovo
  • Kovačica
  • Alibunar
  • City of Vršac
  • Bela Crkva
  • City of Pančevo
  • Kovin
Srem District
(Sremski okrug)
Sremska Mitrovica 3,486 311,053 89.2
  • Šid
  • Inđija
  • City of Sremska Mitrovica
  • Irig
  • Ruma
  • Stara Pazova
  • Pećinci
West Bačka District
(Zapadnobački okrug)
Sombor 2,420 187,581 77.5
  • City of Sombor
  • Apatin
  • Odžaci
  • Kula

محافظات كوسوڤوومتوهية

محافظات كوسوڤوومتوهية.

Five of Serbian Districts are on the territory of Kosovo, comprising 28 municipalities and 1 city. In 2000, UNMIK createdسبعة new districts[] and 30 municipalities. Serbia does not exercise sovereignty over this polity. For the UNMIK districts and the districts of Kosovo, see Districts of Kosovo. Because the Serbian government has no control over Kosovo since it declared independence, it was not included in Serbia's 2011 census. For current demographic information about Kosovo, see Kosovo's 2011 census.

District Seat Area
in km²
Population 2002 Population
per km²
Municipalities and cities
Kosovo District
(Kosovski okrug)
Pristina 3,310 672,292 203.1
  • City of Pristina
  • Glogovac
  • Kosovo Polje
  • Lipljan
  • Obilić
  • Podujevo
  • Uroševac
  • Štimlje
  • Kačanik
  • Štrpce
Kosovo-Pomoravlje District
(Kosovsko-Pomoravski okrug)
Gnjilane 1,389 217,726 156.8
  • Kosovska Kamenica
  • Novo Brdo
  • Gnjilane
  • Vitina
Kosovska Mitrovica District
(Kosovskomitrovički okrug)
Kosovska Mitrovica 2,053 275,904 134.4
  • Kosovska Mitrovica
  • Leposavić
  • Srbica
  • Vučitrn
  • Zubin Potok
  • Zvečan
Peć District
(Pećki okrug)
Peć 2,459 414,187 168.4
  • Peć
  • Istok
  • Klina
  • Đakovica
  • Dečani
Prizren District
(Prizrenski okrug)
Prizren 2,196 376,085 171.3
  • Orahovac
  • Suva Reka
  • Prizren
  • Gora

انظر أيضاً

  • التقسيمات الادارية في صربيا
  • بلديات ومدن صربيا
  • Cities and towns of Serbia
    • المدن والبلدات والقرى في ڤويڤودينا
  • الأماكن المأهولة في صربيا
  • Districts of Kosovo
  • ISO 3166-2:RS

ملاحظات ومراجع


خطأ استشهاد: الوسم <ref> المُعرّف في <references> فيه خاصية group "lower-alpha" التي لا تظهر في النص السابق.


  1. ^ "Facts about Serbia". Government of Serbia. Retrieved 2008-09-29.
  2. ^ "Zakon o teritorijalnoj organizaciji Srbije" (in Serbian). Parliament of Serbia.CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link) []


  • Balinovac, Zoran M.; Damjanović, Jasmina (2006). Miklič, Peter. ed. The government and state administration system in the Republic of Serbia – compilation of laws and explanatory articles. Belgrade: Dial, Grafolik. ISBN 86-902823-3-5. Archived from the original. You must specify the date the archive was made using the |archivedate= parameter. http://www.suk.gov.rs/dotAsset/7328.pdf. 
  • "Uredba o Upravnim okruzima" (PDF). Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije/Sl. glasnik RS. 15. 2006. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2010-11-05. Retrieved 2017-11-01.

وصلات خارجية

تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-07 10:57:05
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