الامبراطور شون‌ژي

عودة للموسوعة

الامبراطور شون‌ژي

Shunzhi Emperor
2nd Emperor of the Qing Dynasty
الحكم 8 October 1643 –خمسة February 1661
Hong Taiji
Kangxi Emperor
Regents Dorgon (1643–1650)
Jirgalang (1643–1647)
الزوج Consort Jing (Empress Xiaohuizhang (Empress Xiaoxian (Empress Xiaokangzhang (ز. 1653–61)
الأنجال Fuquan, Prince Yuxian of the First Rank
Princess Gongque of the Second Rank
Kangxi Emperor
Changning, Prince Gong of the First Rank
Longxi, Prince Chunjing of the First Rank
الاسم الكامل
Aisin Gioro Fulin
(愛新覺羅 福臨)
Manchu: Fulin (ᡶᡠᠯᡳᠨ)
العهد ومدته
(順治;ثمانية February 1644 – 17 February 1662)
Manchu: Ijishūn dasan ( ᡳᠵᡳᠰᡥᡡᠨ ᡩᠠᠰᠠᠨ)
Mongolian: Эеэр засагч (ᠡᠶᠡᠪᠡᠷᠭᠦᠦ ᠵᠠᠰᠠᠭᠴᠢ)
الاسم بعد الوفاة
Emperor Titian Longyun Dingtong Jianji Yingrui Qinwen Xianwu Dahe Honggong Zhiren Chunxiao Zhang
Manchu: Eldembuhe hūwangdi ( ᡝᠯᡩᡝᠮᠪᡠᡥᡝ
اسم المعبد
Shizu (世祖)
Manchu: Šidzu ( ᡧᡳᡯᡠ)
[[أسرة حاكمة|]] Aisin Gioro
الأب Hong Taiji
الأم Empress Xiaozhuangwen
وُلِد Aisin Gioro Fulin
(1638-03-15)15 مارس 1638
(崇德三年 正月 三十日)
Yongfu Palace, Mukden Palace
توفي 5 فبراير 1661(1661-02-05) (عن عمر 22 عاماً)
(順治十八年 正月 七日)
Hall of Mental Cultivation
الدفن Xiao Mausoleum, Eastern Qing tombs
الامبراطور شون‌ژي
صينية تقليدية 順治帝
صينية مبسطة 顺治帝
المعني الحرفي Smoothly-Ruling Emperor

شون‌ژي الامبراطور (15 مارس 1638 –خمسة فبراير 1661) كان ثالث أباطرة أسرة تشينگ وأول امبراطور تشينگ يحكم الصين، من 1644 حتى 1661. A committee of Manchu princes chose him to succeed his father, Hong Taiji (1592–1643), in September 1643, when he was five years old. The princes also appointed two co-regents: Dorgon (1612–1650), the 14th son of the Qing dynasty's founder Nurhaci (1559–1626), and Jirgalang (1599–1655), one of Nurhaci's nephews, both of whom were members of the Qing imperial clan.

From 1643 to 1650, political power lay mostly in the hands of Dorgon. Under his leadership, the Qing Empire conquered most of the territory of the fallen Ming dynasty (1368–1644), chased Ming loyalist regimes deep into the southwestern provinces, and established the basis of Qing rule over China despite highly unpopular policies such as the "hair cutting command" of 1645, which forced Qing subjects to shave their forehead and braid their remaining hair into a queue resembling that of the Manchus. After Dorgon's death on the last day of 1650, the young Shunzhi Emperor started to rule personally. He tried, with mixed success, to fight corruption and to reduce the political influence of the Manchu nobility. In the 1650s, he faced a resurgence of Ming loyalist resistance, but by 1661 his armies had defeated the Qing Empire's last enemies, seafarer Koxinga (1624–1662) and the Prince of Gui (1623–1662) of the Southern Ming dynasty, both of whom would succumb the following year. The Shunzhi Emperor died at the age of 22 of smallpox, a highly contagious disease that was endemic in China, but against which the Manchus had no immunity. He was succeeded by his third son Xuanye, who had already survived smallpox, and who reigned for sixty years under the era name "Kangxi" (hence he was known as the Kangxi Emperor). Because fewer documents have survived from the Shunzhi era than from later eras of the Qing dynasty, the Shunzhi era is a relatively little-known period of Qing history.

"Shunzhi" was the name of this ruler's reign period in Chinese. This title had equivalents in Manchu and Mongolian because the Qing imperial family was Manchu and ruled over many Mongol tribes that helped the Qing to conquer China. The emperor's personal name was Fulin, and the posthumous name by which he was worshipped at the Imperial Ancestral Temple was Shizu (Wade–Giles: Shih-tsu; Chinese: 世祖).

الخلفية التاريخية

Depiction of a Jurchen man on a Ming woodblock print dated 1609. The original caption explained that the Jurchens lived near the Changbai Mountains and wore "deerskin shoes and fish-scale clothing."

يصبح امبراطوراً

Hong Taiji, whose five-year-old son, Fulin, became the Shunzhi Emperor in 1643

وصاية دورگون (1643-1650)

Prince Regent Dorgon in imperial regalia. He reigned as a quasi emperor from 1643 to his death in 1650, a period during which the Qing conquered almost all of China.

شبه امبراطور

الاستقرار في العاصمة

The circular mound of the Altar of Heaven, where the Shunzhi Emperor conducted sacrifices on 30 October 1644, ten days before being officially proclaimed Emperor of China. The ceremony marked the moment when the Qing dynasty seized the تفويض السماء.

Examination cells in Beijing. In order to enhance their legitimacy among the Chinese elite, the Qing reestablished the imperial civil service examinations almost as soon as they seized Beijing in 1644.

فتح الصين

A late-Qing woodblock print representing the Yangzhou massacre of May 1645. Dorgon's brother Dodo ordered this massacre to scare other southern Chinese cities into submission. By the late nineteenth century the massacre was used by anti-Qing revolutionaries to arouse anti-Manchu sentiment among the Han Chinese population.

A man in San Francisco's Chinatown around 1900. The Chinese habit of wearing a queue came from Dorgon's July 1645 edict ordering all men to shave their forehead and tie their hair into a queue similar to those of the Manchus.

Johan Nieuhof's portrait of Shang Kexi, who recaptured Guangzhou from Ming loyalist forces in 1650. He was one of the Han Chinese generals the Qing relied on to conquer and administer southern China. Entrenched in the south, he eventually took part in the anti-Qing rebellion of the Three Feudatories in 1673.

الانتنطق والحكم الشخصي (1651–1661)

التطهير من عصابة دورگون

پورتريه شون‌ژي الامبراطور، بالغاً

السياسة الطائفية ومكافحة الفساد

Court dress was a controversial topic during the Shunzhi era. High official Chen Mingxia was denounced in 1654 because he advocated returning to Ming-dynasty court dress, an example of which is shown in this 17th-century portrait of Ni Yuanlu.

التخوم ودافعوالجزية والعلاقات الخارجية

"سفارة المغل" (emissaries من أحد أمراء المغل الذي كان يحكم طرفان في آسيا الوسطى) as portrayed in 1656 by Dutch visitors to the بكين شون‌ژي الامبراطور.

The bell-shaped White Dagoba, which can still be seen في Beihai Park في بكين، was commissioned by شون‌ژي الامبراطور لتكريم البوذية التبتية.

الحملات المتواصلة ضد مينگ الجنوبية

The flight of the Yongli Emperor—the last sovereign of the مينگ الجنوبية dynasty—from 1647 to 1661. The provincial and national boundaries are those of the جمهورية الصين الشعبية.

الشخصية والعلاقات

يوهان أدم شال فون بل، المبشر اليسوعي الذي كان شون‌ژي الامبراطور يناديه تودداً مافا ("جدّي" بلغة المانچو).

الوفاة والخلافة

Electron micrograph of the smallpox virus, against which the Manchus had no immunity. The Shunzhi Emperor died of it, and his young successor, Xuanye, was chosen because he had already survived it.


وصية مزورة

پورتريه رسمي من البلاط لـ أوبوي، الذي فيخمسة فبراير 1661 سُمي وصياً رئيسياً على كانگ‌شي الامبراطور الذي اعتلى العرش مؤخراً في سن السابعة.


"الجولات الجنوبية" الثلاثة لـ كانگ‌شي الامبراطور في منطقة جيانگ‌نان —1684، 1689 (المصوّرة هنا)، والتي أكدت على الهيبة والثقة في أسرة تشينگ الموحـَّدة جديداً بعد سنوات من فوزها على المتناحرين الثلاث.

In fiction and popular culture

  • Portrayed by Yan Kun, Chen Weichen, Wang Peiwen, and Li Yifan in Xiaozhuang Mishi (2003)
  • Portrayed by Tang Yinuo and Daichi Harashima in Da Qing Fengyun (2006)
  • Portrayed by Jung Yun-seok in Blooded Palace: The War of Flowers (2013)

انظر أيضاً

  • Chinese emperors family tree (late)
  • Chronology of the Shunzhi reign
  • List of emperors of the Qing dynasty


  1. ^ Wakeman 1985.
  2. ^ Zarrow 2004a, passim.
  3. ^ في 1951 Italian scholar Luciano Petech was the first to hypothesize that these emissaries came من طرفان، وليس من هند المغل (Petech 1951, cited in Lach & van Kley 1994, plate 315). Kim 2008, p. 109 discusses this Turfan embassy in some detail.
  4. ^ Chang 2007, p. 86.

أعمال مذكورة

الامبراطور شون‌ژي
بيت آي‌شن-جيورو
وُلِد: 15 مارس 1638 توفي:خمسة فبراير 1661
ألقاب ملكية
Hong Taiji
امبراطور أسرة تشينگ
كانگ‌شي الامبراطور
چونگ‌ژن الامبراطور
امبراطور الصين
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-07 09:32:39
التصنيفات: Missing redirects, مواليد 1638, وفيات 1661, 17th-century Chinese monarchs, Child rulers from Asia, وفيات بالجدري, Infectious disease deaths in China, People from Shenyang, أباطرة أسرة تشينگ, Bannermen, Articles containing non-English-language text

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