قائمة البلدان حسب نسبة متحدثي الإنجليزية بين السكان

عودة للموسوعة

قائمة البلدان حسب نسبة متحدثي الإنجليزية بين السكان

Percentage of the population with a knowledge of English
Population density of people whose mother tongue is English.

هذه هي قائمة من بلدان العالم حسب مجموع السكان الناطقين بالانكليزية في هذا البلد. ويضم ذلك جميع من لغتهم واللغة الثانية من المتحدثين بالانكليزية. إحصاءات عن لغة ثانية المتحدثين وعادة ما تكون غير دقيقة ، ويرجع ذلك جزئيا إلى عدم وجود تعريف متفق عليه على نطاق واسع من المتحدثين بلغة ثانية.

قائمة بترتيب إجمالي المتحدثين

Country Eligible population Total English speakers Total English speakers (%) As first language As first language (%) As an additional language As an additional language (%) Comments
 الولايات المتحدة 296,603,003 283,160,411 95.46 234,171,556 79.0 48,988,855 16.5 Figures are from the 2011-2015 American Community Survey 5-year estimates by the U.S. Census Bureau for persons ageخمسة and older. Total English speakers are those who either spoke English at home (i.e. as first language), or reported speaking another language at home but could speak English "very well" or "well" (i.e. as an additional language).
 الهند 1,028,737,436 125,344,737 12.18 226,449 0.02 125,118,287 12.16 Official language. 2001 Census figures for population and first, second, and third languages. English as a first language is only spoken by 226,449 people, as a second language by 86,125,221, and as a third language by 38,993,066.
 نيجريا 201,292,000 114,172,822 56.72 114,172,822 56.72 Official language of the state.
 پاكستان 145,000,000 17,000,000 – 81,000,000 11.72 — 49.00 81,000,000 Official language of the state.
The percentage of total speakers was 49% in 2009.
 الفلپين 110,437,852 70,371,000 63.72 36,935 0.0037 70,371,000 63.72 Total population: Census 2010. Proportion of total speakers: Census 2000, text above Figure 7. 63.71% of the then 66.7 million people agedخمسة years or more could speak English. Proportion of native speakers: Census 1995, as quoted by Andrew Gonzalez in "The Language Planning Situation in the Philippines", Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 19 (5&6), 487–525, p. 492: .04% of the then 68.4 million people were native speakers of English. (1998). "Six out ofعشرة people agedخمسة and over can speak english (63.71%)."
 المملكة المتحدة 64,000,000 59,600,000 97.74 54,400,000 92.14 5,128,000 5.60 Additional English speaker figures are for usual residents aged ثلاثة years and over with a main language other than English who can speak English "very well" or "well".
 ألمانيا 80,600,000 45,400,000 56 272,000 0.338 45,100,000 56 Native speakers: Statistisches Bundesamt (cited here).
Non-native speakers: Eurobarometer report 2012
Does not include foreign military personnel based in Germany.
 كندا 34,767,255 29,973,590 86.21 19,460,850 52.40 10,287,415 28.69 Source: [3]. The 2016 count reported that 23,757,525 people were able to conduct a conversation in English but not French, while 6,216,065 were able to converse in both English and French. The census also asked for the first language learned at home in childhood and still understood by the individual: 52% or 19,460,850 reported English as their sole mother tongue, 165,320 reported both English and French as mother tongues, 533,265 reported English and a non-official language as mother tongues, and 33,900 reported English, French and a non-official language as mother tongues.
 أستراليا 21,394,309 17,357,833 97 15,013,965 70.17 2,343,868 17 The 2001 census data is subject to multiple interpretations. The data noted that 18,972,350 persons out of 21,394,309 total were speakers of a language, and excluded young children. However, more than a million of those 18,972,350 persons provided no information; 879,778 did not give information on proficiency, and 203,101 were "overseas visitors" who were not asked. Of the 17,889,671 persons for whom an inquiry was made 17,357,833 spoke English only, or "well" or "very well" as a second language; while 531,838 spoke "not well" or "not at all".
 إيطاليا 59,619,290 17,000,000 34 17,000,000 34
 بنگلادش 163,323,100 30,108,031 18 709,873 29,398,158
 مصر 83,289,500 28,101,325 35 28,101,325 35
 تايلند 63,038,247 17,121,187 27.16 17,121,187 27.16
 هولندا 16,770,000 15,030,000 90 15,030,000 90
 نيپال 29,890,686 10,700,866 35.8 20,000 0.067 876,720 []
 جنوب أفريقيا 52,981,991 16,424,417 31 4,930,510 9.3 11,493,907 22 Native speakers from 2011 Census.
Non-native speakers: Crystal (2003), p. 109.
 پولندا 38,501,000 14,300,000 37 100,000 14,200,000 Source: Central Statistical Office Additional language speakers are people age 18–69, who reported that the English language as their first of second best foreign language, Central Statistical Office Native language counted as those who speak English at home.
 هجريا 70,586,256 12,000,000 17 12,000,000 17
 العراق 31,700,000 11,095,000 35 11,000,000
 إسپانيا 47,190,000 10,400,000 22 10,400,000 22
 الصين 1,270,000,000 81,700,000 6.43 81,700,000 6.43 Among 390.16 mainland chineses who have learned english 20.94% are able to conduct daily conversations
 البرازيل 205,000,000 10,542,000 5 292,000 0.14 10,250,000 5 Source: British council (2012) and EF. Only 5% of Brazilians have a proficient grasp of English as a second or foreign additional language and an additional 6% have a very rudimentary knowledge. Brazil has 240 thousand British descendants and 180 thousand North American ancestry citizens including the Confederados cultural sub-group, descendants of the Confederate colonies.
 السويد 9,921,541 8,200,000 86 8,200,000 86
 كنيا 43,013,431 8,100,000 18.83 7,900,000
 الكاميرون 19,740,000 7,500,000 38 7,500,000 38
 روسيا 138,312,535 7,574,303 5.48 2,522 7,571,787 Source: Composition by Nationality and Language Ability, Citizenship, Tables 4.5 and 4.1, Russian Census (2010). The "total" figure is the number of residents who reported English as one of the languages they knew. The "first language" figure is the number of residents who reported "American" or "English" as their nationality. The "additional languages" figure is the difference. More thanتسعة million schoolgoers studied English as a foreign language in 2008–2009.
 بلجيكا 10,584,534 6,250,000 60 6,250,000 60 (the 2012 report seems to have a critical typo) Note that the Belgian population is divided in two distinct linguistic regions: The Dutch-speaking Flanders, and the French-speaking Wallonia (note that the region of Brussels also has a majority of native French speakers). Like in the Netherlands, a high percentage of Flemish people speak English fluently, and in Wallonia, a lower percentage of people speak English, which brings down the total percentage.
 إسرائيل 7,303,000 6,205,000 84.97 100,000 1.37 6,105,000 Source: Ethnologue (2005)
English is widely spoken, both by the Jewish majority and by minority ethnic groups.
 النمسا 8,415,000 6,150,000 73 6,150,000 73
 رومانيا 19,043,767 5,900,000 31 5,900,000 31
 زيمبابوي 13,349,000 5,550,000 41.58 250,000 1.87 5,300,000
 اليونان 10,787,690 5,500,000 51 5,500,000 51
 سيراليون 5,866,000 4,900,000 83.53 500,000 8.52 4,400,000
 المكسيك 120,664,000 15,686,262 11.6 15,686,262 11.6 Consulta Mitofsky-Tracking Poll Roy Campos: Las Lenguas Extranjeras en México, January 2013; and II Conteo de Población y Vivienda, Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática (INEGI).
 الدنمارك 5,543,000 4,770,000 86 4,770,000 86
  سويسرا 7,637,300 4,680,000 61.28 73,400 0.96 4,606,600 Figure for speakers of English as "main language", according to Federal Statistical Office, Neuchâtel 2008 Source for number of non-native English speakers is a 1999 publication by Prof. François Grin cited here: http://switzerland.isyours.com/e/countries/uk/language.html
 المغرب 32,770,900 4,587,926 14 4,587,926 14
 أيرلندا 4,422,100 4,350,000 98.37 4,122,100 93.21 237,900 ; Central Statistics Office [4]; Travbla
 سنغافورة 5,607,300 4,218,737 83.1 1,873,302 36.9 2,345,435 Source: 2015 Census. Second language speaker figure only includes those literate in English aged 15 or more and does not include third language proficiency. General Household Survey 2015 "Language Spoken at Home Among Residents Agedخمسة Years and Over"
 غانا 27,000,000 18,000,000 66.67 18,000,000 66.67 Source: 2010 Ghanaian Census
 تنزانيا 40,454,000 4,000,000 9.89 4,000,000 9.89
 تايوان 23,577,271 6,601,635 28
 نيوزيلندا 4,275,100 3,673,623 97.82 3,673,623 85.93 There were 4,027,947 responses to 2006 Census: Language spoken. 3,673,679 gave English as a response, 81,936 had no English but another language. The balance of 272,382 were; no language (too young) 75,195, no response 196,221, response unidentifiable 588, response outside scope 378. Hence it is most meaningful to express the English-speaking per cent without including the figures for these 272,382. This gives 97.8% English-speaking, 2.2% non-English-speaking (3,673,679 and 81,936 divided by 3,755,565)
Crystal (2003), p. 109, gives figures of 3,700,000 native speakers and 150,000 second language speakers.
 فنلندا 5,410,000 3,800,000 70 3,800,000 70
 الپرتغال 10,623,000 2,900,000 27 2,900,000 27
 پاپوا غينيا الجديدة 6,331,000 3,150,000 49.76 150,000 2.37 3,000,000
 ليبريا 3,750,000 3,100,000 82.67 600,000 16 2,500,000
 الأردن 6,598,000 2,969,370 45 2,969,370 45
 جامايكا 2,714,000 2,650,000 97.64 2,600,000 95.8 50,000
 الجزائر 35,954,000 2,516,780 7 2,516,780 7
 أوغندا 30,884,000 2,500,000 8.09 2,500,000 8.09
 هونگ كونگ 7,336,585 3,903,063 53.2 300,417 4.3 3,587,590 According to 2016 population census, Hong Kong has approximately 3.9 million speakers, of whom 300,417 regard English as their "usual" language.
 التشيك 10,562,214 2,850,000 27 2,850,000 27
 الأرجنتين 42,192,500 2,752,681 6.52 Percentage of people who state to have a high level of English. Another 19.49% and 16.23% of people said they had an intermediate and low level, respectively, of English.
 اليمن 24,800,000 2,232,000 9 2,232,000 9
 كرواتيا 4,555,000 2,200,000 49 2,200,000 49
 كولومبيا 47,661,368 2,012,950 4.22 75,600 1,937,350 Total was estimated by multiplying projected population for 2014 (DANE) by percentage of Colombian population that speaks English 4.09% then 63,600 was added to that figure which is the total of American and British residents. Figures for native speakers are as follows: 60,000 U.S. citizens that reside in Colombia 12,000 are Colombian Raizal from San Andrés and Isla de Providencia where they speak San Andrés–Providencia Creole 3,600 British expatriates
 المجر 9,982,000 2,000,000 20 2,000,000 20
 پورتوريكو 3,991,000 1,940,000 48.61 100,000 1,840,000
 زامبيا 11,922,000 1,910,000 16.02 110,000 1,800,000
 بلغاريا 7,640,238 1,900,000 25 2,605 1,902,605
 قزخستان 12,156,705 1,874,583 15.4 602 1,873,981 Number of those who understand spoken English, from these 1.9 million: 311,435 (2.6%/16.6%) can only read, 931,444 (7.7%/49.6%) can read and write in English. The number of native speakers is the sum of Americans and Englishmen "by nationality". (Census 2009)
 لبنان 4,265,600 1,706,000 40 1,706,000 40
 تشيلي 16,634,603 1,585,027 9.53 Source: 2012 Census.
 رواندا 10,137,400 1,520,610 15 1,520,610 15
 سلوڤاكيا 5,397,036 1,400,000 26 1,400,000 26
 ترنيداد وتوباگو 1,305,000 1,145,000 87.74 1,145,000 87.7
 سلوڤنيا 2,050,000 1,210,000 59 1,210,000 59
 لتوانيا 3,053,800 1,160,000 38 1,160,000 38
 لاتڤيا 2,070,371 950,000 46 950,000 46
 گويانا 751,000 680,000 90.55 650,000 86.6 30,000
 بتسوانا 1,639,833 630,000 38.42 630,000 38.42
 إستونيا 1,294,236 650,000 50 650,000 50
 قبرص 839,000 610,000 73 610,000 73
 ملاوي 13,931,831 540,209 3.88 209 540,000
 لسوتو 1,795,000 500,000 27.86 500,000 27.86
 سورينام 470,784 410,000 87.09 260,000 45.6 150,000
 مالطا 453,000 400,000 89 48,000 10.6 352,000
 ناميبيا 1,820,916 314,000 17.24 14,000 300,000
 لوكسمبورگ 509,000 290,000 56 290,000 56
 البهاما 330,549 288,000 87.13 260,000 78.7 28,000
 بربادوس 279,000 275,000 98.57 262,000 93.9 13,000
 بليز 301,270 246,000 81.65 190,000 63.1 56,000
 مدغشقر 23,042,300 4,147,614 18 4,147,614 18 The main languages are French and Malagasy.[]
 كوستاريكا 4,910,526 400,415 8.2 400,415 8.2
 فرنسا 65,350,000 23,000,000 39 23,000,000 39
 موريشيوس 1,264,866 202,000 15.97 2,000 200,000
 ڤانواتو 215,446 180,000 83.55 60,000 34.6 120,000
 فيجي 853,445 176,000 20.62 6,000 170,000
 جزر سولومون 552,438 175,000 31.68 10,000 165,000
 گوام 173,456 158,000 91.09 58,000 33.4 100,000
 بروناي 381,371 144,000 39.07 10,000 134,000
 سانت ڤنسنت والگرنادينز 120,000 114,000 95 114,000 95
 الجزر العذراء الأمريكية 108,448 113,000 95.97 98,000 15,000
 گرينادا 110,000 100,000 90.91 100,000 90.9
 ساموا 188,540 94,000 49.86 1,000 93,000
 جزيرة مان 80,058 80,000 99.93 80,000
 ميانمار 53,900,000 2,400,000 4.45 2,400,000 4.45
 سانت لوشيا 165,000 71,000 43.03 31,000 18.8 40,000
 جزر ماريانا الشمالية 84,000 70,000 83.33 5,000 65,000
 أنتيگا وبربودا 85,000 68,000 80 66,000 77.6 2,000
 ساموا الأمريكية 57,345 45,933 80.1 1,791 44,142
 ميكرونزيا 111,000 64,000 57.66 4,000 60,000
 برمودا 65,000 63,000 96.92 63,000 96.9
 دومنيكا 67,000 63,000 94.03 3,000 4.8 60,000
 جزر مارشال 59,000 60,000[محل شك] 98.33 60,000 98.33
 إسواتيني 1,141,000 50,000 4.38 50,000 4.38
 أروبا 104,000 44,000 42.31 9,000 35,000
 گامبيا 1,709,000 40,000 2.34 40,000 2.34
 سانت كيتس ونڤيس 50,000 39,000 78 39,000 78
 جزر كايمان 47,000 36,000 76.6 36,000 76.6
 سيشل 87,000 33,000 37.93 3,000 30,000
 جبل طارق 28,875 28,875 100 28,000 97.0 875
 تونگا 100,000 30,000 30 30,000 30
 كيريباس 95,000 23,000 24.21 23,000 24.21
 ج. العذراء البريطانية 23,000 20,000 86.96 20,000 87.0
 پالاو 20,000 18,500 92.5 500 18,000
 أندورا 81,222 17,869 22 17,869 22
 أنگويلا 13,000 12,000 92.31 12,000 92.3
 ناورو 12,000 11,600 96.67 900 10,700 English is spoken as the language of government and commerce.
 جزر كوك 20,200 4,000 19.8 1,000 3,000
 مونتسرات 5,900 4,000 67.8 4,000 67.8
Total 5,102,585,737 1,179,874,130 23.12 336,358,172 28.5 838,676,510
  •  الاتحاد الأوروپي The European Union is a supranational union composed of 27 member states. The combined total English speaking population is 229,850,000 (out of a total population of 500,000,000 - 46%) including 61,850,000 native speakers and 168,000,000 non-native speakers, and would be ranked 2nd if it were included.

انظر أيضا

  • English medium education
  • English-speaking world
  • List of countries where English is an official language
  • World Englishes

Non-English speaking populations:

  • Arabophone
  • Francophone
  • Hispanophone
  • Iberophone
  • Indosphere
  • Lusophone
  • Russophone
  • Sinophone


  1. ^ Statistics on second language speakers are inevitably not precise; partly because there is no widely agreed definition of second language speakers – there is no differentiation between countries where English is the lingua franca and those where it is not.
  2. ^ Includes speakers of an English creole.
  3. ^ Includes speakers of an English creole.
  4. ^ Includes speakers of an English creole.
  5. ^ Includes speakers of Jamaican English creole.
  6. ^ Includes speakers of an English creole.
  7. ^ Includes speakers of an English creole.
  8. ^ Includes speakers of an English creole.
  9. ^ Includes speakers of an English creole.
  10. ^ Includes speakers of an English creole.
  11. ^ Includes speakers of an English creole.
  12. ^ Includes speakers of an English creole.
  13. ^ Includes speakers of an English creole.
  14. ^ Includes speakers of an English creole.
  15. ^ Includes speakers of an English creole.
  16. ^ Includes speakers of an English creole.
  17. ^ Includes speakers of an English creole.
  18. ^ Includes speakers of an English creole.
  19. ^ Includes speakers of an English creole.
  20. ^ Includes speakers of an English creole.
  21. ^ Includes speakers of an English creole.
  22. ^ Includes speakers of an English creole.
  23. ^ Includes speakers of an English creole.
  24. ^ Includes speakers of an English creole.
  25. ^ Includes speakers of an English creole.


  1. ^ "AGE BY LANGUAGE SPOKEN AT HOME BY ABILITY TO SPEAK ENGLISH FOR THE POPULATIONخمسة YEARS AND OVER: 2011-2015 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates". U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved 14 September 2017.
  2. ^ S, Rukmini. "Sanskrit and English: there's no competition".
  3. ^ "Census of India : India at a glance / Population". www.censusindia.gov.in.
  4. ^ "EF EPI 2018 – Nigeria". www.ef.edu (in الإنجليزية). Retrieved 13 May 2019.
  5. ^ Euromonitor International 2009.
  6. ^ Crystal 2003, p. 64.
  7. ^ Pinon & Haydon 2010.
  8. ^ Before mistakenly correcting the percentage again, please note that there are fewer people agedخمسة years or more in any country than there are people in that country, because some people are toddlers or infants. In other words, no, the numbers will not automatically add up. 63.71% is what the cited source, text above Figureسبعة Archived 26 December 2013 at the Wayback Machine., a report from the 2000 census, really says. This multiplied by the 2010 census's total population overخمسة produces the number in the chart. The 2010 number comes from , 2013, Chapter 5, Demography Archived 26 December 2013 at the Wayback Machine., table 5.1 or 5.6
  9. ^ From mid-2009 to late 2013 this entry overstated the number of native speakers by roughly 100fold, and inflated the number of total speakers, on the alleged basis of material in "Philippines". Ethnologue. 19 February 1999. Retrieved 16 October 2013.. In fact, Ethnologue as of 24 December 2013 simply repeats the number of native speakers, 20,000, reported in Crystal 2003, on the basis of an old (pre-1995) census, and does not address total speakers at all. This attempt to correct these errors in turn perpetrates both error and original research, by applying the old percentages listed above, 63.71% of people overخمسة as total speakers in 2000, and .04% of people as native speakers in 1995, to the 2010 totals from , 2013, Chapter 5, Demography Archived 26 December 2013 at the Wayback Machine., tables 5.1 and 5.6. Andrew Gonzalez died in 2006; someone else's attention to the 2010 census figures, which appear not to be online and may not have been printed yet in adequate detail, is needed to produce reliable, more or less current, numbers.
  10. ^ 2000 Census of population and Housing, Educational Characteristics of the Filipinos "Archived copy". Archived from the original on ثلاثة January 2017. Retrieved 12 May 2016. CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  11. ^ "2011 Census: Quick Statistics for England and Wales, March 2011". Office for National Statistics. Retrieved 30 January 2013.
  12. ^ 2001 Australian Census
  13. ^ [1][]
  14. ^ Eurobarometer 2012.
  15. ^ Euromonitor International 2011.
  16. ^ "The Benefits of the English Language for Individuals and Societies: Quantitative Indicators from Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia and Yemen" (PDF). Britishcouncil.org. Archived from the original (PDF) on 13 May 2014. Retrieved 8 April 2016.
  17. ^ Crystal 2003.
  18. ^ Nepalese census. (date not verified)
  19. ^ (PDF). Pretoria: Statistics South Africa. 2012. p. 30. ISBN . Archived (PDF) from the original on 13 May 2015.
  20. ^ "Human Capital in Poland in 2015, figure 15, p. 52" (PDF). stat.gov.pl. Retrieved 7 April 2019.
  21. ^ Demographics Yearbook of Poland: 2014, Table 1, 32,44,190,
  22. ^ Eurobarometer 2006.
  23. ^ https://www.academia.edu/2034954/The_statistics_of_English_in_China_An_analysis_of_the_best_available_data_from_government_sources
  24. ^ Languages of Israel, Ethnologue.com
  25. ^ Multilingualism in Israel, Bar-Ilan University – Faculty of Humanities : Language Policy Research Center.
  26. ^ "ERIC – English Language Teaching Profile: Israel., 1976-Dec". Eric.ed.gov. Retrieved 8 April 2016.
  27. ^ "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) onعشرة October 2014. Retrieved 6 October 2014. CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  28. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 24 August 2007. Retrieved 24 October 2007. CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  29. ^ Resident population according to main language Archived 30 October 2007 at the Wayback Machine., Federal Statistical Office, Neuchâtel 2008
  30. ^ "The most complete list of English schools and courses in Ireland". Travbla.com. Archived from the original onعشرة August 2009. Retrieved 8 April 2016.
  31. ^ "2010 Population & Housing Census" (PDF). Statsghana.gov.gh. Archived from the original (PDF) on 25 September 2013. Retrieved 8 April 2016.
  32. ^ Census2011.gov.hk (PDF). pp. 5, 22 & 45–46 https://www.bycensus2016.gov.hk/data/16bc-summary-results.pdf. Retrieved 30 August 2016. Missing or empty |title= (help)
  33. ^ "Sociedad :: Los idiomas de los argentinos" (in الإسبانية). Página/12. Retrieved 16 October 2013.
  34. ^ "¿Qué porcentaje de la población colombiana habla inglés?". Colombiestad.gov.co. 1 May 2006. Archived from the original onثمانية May 2014. Retrieved 8 April 2016.
  35. ^ [2][]
  36. ^ "Islander Creole English". Ethnologue.
  37. ^ "Special Reports | Brits Abroad". BBC News. Retrieved 8 April 2016.
  38. ^ "2011 census of Bulgaria" (PDF) (in English). Retrieved 5 August 2016.CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  39. ^ "Síntesis de resultados Censo 2012" (PDF) (in Spanish). Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas. Retrieved 2 April 2013.CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link) []
  40. ^ Edrinnie Kayambizinthu (1998). "The Language Planning Situation in Malawi" (PDF). Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. 19 (5&6): 369. CiteSeerX doi:10.1080/01434639808666363. Archived from the original (PDF) on 11 September 2008.
  41. ^ "Encuesta Nacional de Hogares 2017".
  42. ^ Central Intelligence Agency 2019.
  43. ^ "Census: Linguistic knowledge 2004" (PDF).
  44. ^ Crystal (2005), p. 109, UK and Ireland total. Non-native speakers: 2006 Eurobarometer survey. Covered EU citizens aged 15 years or more.


  • Central Intelligence Agency (7 May 2019). "American Samoa". The World Factbook. Langley, Virginia: Central Intelligence Agency. Retrieved 13 May 2019.
  • Crystal, David (2003). . Cambridge University Press. ISBN .
  • Eurobarometer (2006). (PDF).: Only includes EU citizens aged 15 and above.
  • Eurobarometer (2012). (PDF).: Only includes EU citizens aged 15 and above.
  • Euromonitor International (2009). Report.
  • Euromonitor International (2011). Report.
  • Pinon, Robert; Haydon, Jon (December 2010), The Benefits of the English Language for Individuals and Societies: Quantitative Indicators from Cameroon, Nigeria, Rwanda, Bangladesh and Pakistan, Euromonitor International Ltd, https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/sites/teacheng/files/Euromonitor%20Report%20A4.pdf 
  • Ramaswami, Sowmya; Sarraf, Iyad; Jon, Haydon (April 2012), The Benefits of the English Language for Individuals and Societies: Quantitative Indicators from Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia and Yemen, Euromonitor International Ltd, https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/sites/teacheng/files/Euromonitor%20report%20final%20July%202012.pdf 
  • Raymond G. Gordon Jr., ed. (2005). "English". Ethnologue: Languages of the World (Fifteenth ed.). Dallas, Texas: SIL International. ISBN .
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-06 20:02:09
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