الانتخابات العامة التشيلية 2017

عودة للموسوعة

الانتخابات العامة التشيلية 2017

الانتخابات الرئاسية التشيلية 2017

→ 2013 November 19, 2017 (first round)
December 17, 2017 (second round)
2021 ←
المتسابق سباستيان پنييرا ألخاندروگيليير
الحزب Independent Independent
الائتلاف تشيلى ڤاموس قوة الأغلبية
التصويت Popular 3,795,896 3,160,225
النسبة 54.57% 45.43%

The results of the first (on the left) and the second (on the right) rounds by communes.

██ سباستيان پنييرا ██ ألخاندروگيليير ██ Beatriz Sánchez

██ Carolina Goic

President before election

ميشل باتشلت

Elected President

سباستيان پنييرا

هذه الموضوعة هي جزء من سلسلة عن
Comptroller General
المحكمة الدستورية
  • بلدان أخرى

الانتخابات العامة في تشيلى انعقدت يوم الأحد 19 نوفمبر 2017، وضمت انتخابات رئاسية وبرلمانية وإقليمية.

Voters went to the polls to elect:

  • A President of the Republic to serve a four-year term.
  • Twenty three of 43 members of the Senate to serve an eight-year term in the National Congress.
  • The full 155 members of the Chamber of Deputies to serve a four-year term in the National Congress.
  • The full 278 members of the regional boards to serve a four-year term.

في 17 ديسمبر 2017، اِنتـُخـِب سباستيان پنييرا رئيساً لتشيلى لمدة ثانية. وقد حصل على 36% من الأصوات، وكانت أعلى نسبة بين المرشحين الثمانية في انتخابات 2017. وفي الجولة الثانية، قابل پنييرا ألخاندروگيليير، مذيع الأخبار بالتلفزيون الذي كان يمثل تحالف باتشلت "الأغلبية الجديدة" (Nueva Mayoría). وقد فاز پنييرا في الجولة الثانية بأغلبية 54% من الأصوات.

شعار الحملة الانتخابية لپنييرا في الجولة الثانية من الانتخابات

انتخابات تشيلى 2017 كانت اختيارا بين أهون الشرين. باتشلت زادت التزامات الدولة تجاه الفقراء، لكنها نفـّرت الاستثمار. فاختار الشعب النموولومقرونا بالفساد على المساواة في الفقر. ولذلك فالوضع غير مستقر.

المرشحون الرئاسيون

Candidate Endorsement Remarks

Eduardo Artés
Patriotic Union
Patriotic Union The teacher and president of the Patriotic Union was registered before the Servel by his party on July 22, 2017.

Marco Enríquez-Ominami
Progressive Party
Progressive Party The former candidate in the past two presidential elections announced his candidacy on September 7, 2016. On May 19, 2017 he officially registered his pre-candidacy before the election authority. On August 20, 2017 his party officially registered his candidacy before the Servel.

Carolina Goic
Christian Democratic Party
Christian Democratic Party The current senator for Magallanes was proclaimed by the Christian Democratic Party as candidate on March 11, 2017. On April 29, 2017, the PDC decided not to participate in a New Majority primary, breaking away from the coalition after 28 years. On May 11, 2017 Goic officially registered her pre-candidacy before the Servel, accompanied by former president Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle. On August 19, 2017 the PDC officially registered her candidacy before the Servel.

Alejandro Guillier
The Force of the Majority:
  • MAS Region
  • Communist Party
  • Citizen Left
  • Party for Democracy
  • Social Democrat Radical Party
  • Socialist Party

Independent electors

The current senator for Antofagasta was proclaimed by the Social Democrat Radical Party as candidate on January 7, 2017. On April 9, 2017 he was chosen by the Socialist Party's Central Committee as its candidate after a secret election in which he beat former president Ricardo Lagos by nearly two-thirds of the vote; he was proclaimed as candidate by that party on April 21, 2017. On May 7, 2017, the Communist Party proclaimed him as their candidate. On May 13, 2017 the Party for Democracy unanimously proclaimed him as their candidate in a show of hands. As the New Majority coalition failed to organize a primary and Guillier decided to stay as an independent, he was forced to collect thousands of signatures in order to compete. On August 4, 2017 he officially registered his candidacy before the Servel, presenting 61,403 signatures, more than the 33 thousand needed to register an independent candidacy.

José Antonio Kast
Independent electors The current deputy and former UDI party member stated on March 8, 2017 he would not participate in a Chile Vamos primary and would instead collect the necessary signatures needed to become an independent candidate to run directly in the November 2017 election. On August 18, 2017 he officially registered his independent candidacy before the Servel, presenting 43,461 signatures.

Alejandro Navarro
País The current senator for Biobío and former MAS party member announced his intention to run as President on March 24, 2017. He has the support of the newly formed País party. On August 18, 2017 País officially registered his candidacy before the Servel.

Sebastián Piñera
Chile Vamos:
  • Political Evolution
  • Independent Regionalist Party
  • National Renewal
  • Independent Democratic Union


The former president was proclaimed as candidate by the Independent Regionalist Party on December 17, 2016, by the Independent Democratic Union on March 24, 2017, and two days later by his former party, National Renewal. On July 2, 2017 he won the Chile Vamos primary with 58% of the vote, thereby officially becoming a presidential candidate. On July 8, 2017, Amplitude —a party that is not member of Chile Vamos— proclaimed him as its candidate. On August 6, 2017, Political Evolution, which had supported Felipe Kast during the primaries, officially joined Piñera's campaign team.

Beatriz Sánchez
Broad Front (Frente Amplio):
  • Humanist Party
  • Liberal Party
  • Democratic Revolution
  • Power
  • Green Ecologist Party
  • Equality Party
The journalist announced on March 21, 2017 during her own radio show that she was quitting her job to think about the possibility of running for President. On March 31, 2017 she gained the official support from both Democratic Revolution and Autonomist Movement. She launched her candidacy on April 3, 2017 at a rally near Plaza Baquedano in Santiago. On April 16, 2017 she was proclaimed as candidate by the Humanist Party, and on April 23, 2017 the Libertarian Left gave her its support. On May 9, 2017 she was proclaimed as candidate by the Poder party, and four days later by the Progressive Democratic Movement. On May 14, 2017 the Autonomous Left proclaimed her as their candidate. On May 29, 2017 the Liberal Party proclaimed her as their candidate, while on June 6, 2017, the Green Ecologist Party did the same. On July 2, 2017 she won the Broad Front primary with nearly 68% of the vote. Her primary win was officially sanctioned by the Election Court (Tricel) on July 24, 2017 during a ceremony in Santiago. On July 31, 2017, Sánchez presented her campaign team, which included members of the Equality Party, which had supported her primary opponent, Alberto Mayol.


The two candidates making it to a second round: Alejandro Guillier (left) and Sebastián Piñera.


Candidate Party/coalition First round Second round
Votes % Votes %
Sebastián Piñera Ind./Chile Vamos 2,418,540 36.64 3,796,918 54.57
Alejandro Guillier Ind./The Force of the Majority 1,498,040 22.70 3,160,628 45.43
Beatriz Sánchez Ind./Broad Front 1,338,037 20.27
José Antonio Kast Ind. 523,375 7.93
Carolina Goic PDC 387,784 5.88
Marco Enríquez-Ominami PRO 376,871 5.71
Eduardo Artés UPA 33,665 0.51
Alejandro Navarro País 23,968 0.36
Valid votes 6,600,280 100.00 6,957,546 100.00
Null votes 64,504 0.96 56,440 0.80
Blank votes 38,543 0.57 18,892 0.27
Total votes 6,703,327 100.00 7,032,878 100.00
Registered voters/turnout 14,347,288a 46.72 14,347,288a 49.02
Voting age population/turnout 14,009,047 47.68b 14,022,729 50.00c
Sources: First round: Tricel via Diario Oficial. Second round: Tricel via Electoral Service.

aIncludes electors registered to vote from abroad (39,137).
bExcludes votes from abroad (23,308).
cExcludes votes from abroad (21,320).


Revised provisional results.
 •  Summary of November 19, 2017 Senate election results

Distribution by parties

Distribution by pacts

The Force of the Majority
Chile Vamos
Electoral pact/party 2017 election results Distribution of seats
Votes % ± Candidates Seats ± 2014–22 Total % ±
B. For All Chile 22,929 1.38% -2.80% 2.80% 8 0 0 1 1 2.33% -0.31% 0.31%
    País 6,970 0.42% New 2 0 New 1 1 2.33% -0.31% 0.31%
    Progressive Party (PRO) 15,959 0.96% -3.22% 3.22% 6 0 0 0 0 0% 0.00%
G. Broad Front 184,333 11.06% 10.38% 23 1 1 0 1 2.33% 2.33%
    Democratic Revolution (RD) 38,224 2.29% New 5 1 1 0 1 2.33% 2.33%
    Equality Party (PI) 26,640 1.6% New 1 0 New 0 0 0% 0.00%
    Humanist Party (PH) 62,223 3.73% 3.05% 11 0 0 0 0 0% 0.00%
    Liberal Party (PL) 28,774 1.73% New 2 0 New 0 0 0% 0.00%
    Power 28,472 1.71% New 4 0 New 0 0 0% 0.00%
H. Sumemos 112,985 6.78% New 20 0 -2 2 0 0 0% -5.26% 5.26%
    Amplitude 62,601 3.76% New 10 0 -2 2 0 0 0% -5.26% 5.26%
    Citizens 45,636 2.74% New 5 0 New 0 0 0% 0.00%
    Everybody 4,748 0.28% New 5 0 New 0 0 0% 0.00%
K. Green Regionalist Coalition 2,916 0.17% New 4 0 New 0 0 0% 0.00%
    Patagonian Regional Democracy (DRP) 519 0.03% New 2 0 New 0 0 0% 0.00%
    Social Green Regionalist Federation (FREVS) 2,397 0.14% New 2 0 New 0 0 0% 0.00%
M. Patriotic Union (UPA) 7,312 0.44% New 3 0 New 0 0 0% 0.00%
N. The Force of the Majority 380,203 22.82% -3.88% 3.88% 28 7 3 8 15 34.88% 3.30%
    Communist Party (PC) 20,209 1.21% 1.21% 2 0 0 0 0 0% 0.00%
    Party for Democracy (PPD) 200,299 12.02% -1.83% 1.83% 12 4 1 3 7 16.28% 0.49%
    Social Democrat Radical Party (PRSD) 34,448 2.07% -1.54% 1.54% 4 0 0 1 1 2.33% -0.31% 0.31%
    Socialist Party (PS) 125,247 7.52% -1.71% 1.71% 10 3 2 4 7 16.28% 3.12%
O. Democratic Convergence 238,644 14.32% -2.25% 2.25% 13 3 -1 1 3 6 13.95% -4.47% 4.47%
    Christian Democratic Party (PDC) 237,983 14.28% -2.29% 2.29% 12 3 -1 1 3 6 13.95% -4.47% 4.47%
    MAS Region 661 0.04% New 1 0 New 0 0 0% 0.00%
P. Chile Vamos 628,320 37.71% -9.95% 9.95% 29 12 5 7 19 44.19% 7.34%
    Independent Democratic Union (UDI) 210,897 12.66% -11.63% 11.63% 12 4 1 5 9 20.93% -0.12% 0.12%
    National Renewal (RN) 349,622 20.98% 0.79% 15 6 2 2 8 18.6% 2.82%
    Political Evolution (Evópoli) 67,801 4.07% New 2 2 2 0 2 4.65% 4.65%
Independent candidates 88,701 5.32% 1.11% 4 0 -1 1 1 1 2.33% -2.94% 2.94%
Valid votes 1,666,343 100.00% 132 23 20 43
Null votes 70,958 3.90%
Blank votes 81,964 4.51%
Total votes 1,819,265 100.00%
Source: Servicio Electoral de Chile.
  1. ^ Results compared with the 2009 Senate elections.
  2. ^ 20 seats were assigned after the 2013 Senate elections for the period 2014–2022. Distribution by parties and pacts at the moment of the 2017 election.
  3. ^ Total number of senators for the 2018–2022 period, including both classes of senators. Distribution by parties and pacts at the moment of the 2017 election.
  4. ^ Change in the percentage of seats in the Senate after the 2017 election. According to the 2015 constitutional reform, the number of seats will increase from 38 to 43 in 2017, and 50 in 2021.
  5. ^ Compared with the 2009 results of the ثلاثة independent candidates presented by Red Progresista in the New Majority for Chile pact.
  6. ^ Senators Lily Pérez and Antonio Horvath were elected in 2009 as members of National Renewal (RN). Pérez resigned in 2014 to found Amplitude and Horvath, after resigning RN in 2013, joined Ammplitude as an independent in 2016. 2009 votes for both senators are counted in RN, but their seats are counted with Amplitude.
  7. ^ Senator Fulvio Rossi was elected in 2009 as member of the Socialist Party (PS). He resigned in 2016 and become independent. Its 2009 votes are counted in PS, but his seat is counted as independent.
  8. ^ Although the Independent Regionalist Party (PRI) did not present any candidate for Senate elections, their 2009 votes are counted as part of Chile Vamos.
  9. ^ Compared with the 2009 results of the Independent Democratic Union and the candidacy of Ena von Baer as independent within the Coalition for Change pact.
  10. ^ Compared with the 2009 results of the independent candidates outside any pact and those allied with the defunct Clean Chile, Vote Happy pact.

مجلس النواب

النتائج المؤقتة المعدلة.
 •  ملخص نتائج انتخابات مجلس النواب في 19 نوفمبر 2017

التوزيع بين الأحزاب

التوزيع بين الائتلافات

الجبهة العريضة
قوة الأغلبية
تشيلى ڤاموس
ائتلاف/حزب الأصوات % ± المرشحون المقاعد ± % المقاعد ±
B. For All Chile 235,035 3.92% -1.13% 1.13% 125 1 1 0.65% 0.65%
    País 35,469 0.59% New 17 0 New 0% New
    Progressive Party (PRO) 199,566 3.33% -0.46% 0.46% 108 1 1 0.65% 0.65%
D. Revolutionary Workers Party (PTR) 4,663 0.08% New 4 0 New 0% New
G. Broad Front 988,728 16.49% 8.62% 168 20 17 12.9% 10.40%
    Democratic Revolution (RD) 343,019 5.72% 4.83% 35 10 9 6.45% 5.62%
    Equality Party (PI) 129,232 2.16% 1.08% 27 1 1 0.65% 0.65%
    Green Ecologist Party (PEV) 128,629 2.14% 1.30% 23 1 1 0.65% 0.65%
    Humanist Party (PH) 253,787 4.23% 0.63% 50 5 4 3.23% 2.39%
    Liberal Party (PL) 46,605 0.78% 0.51% 9 2 1 1.29% 0.46%
    Power 87,456 1.46% New 24 1 1 0.65% 0.65%
H. Sumemos 94,493 1.58% New 77 0 New 0% New
    Amplitude 61,319 1.02% New 44 0 New 0% New
    Citizens 30,286 0.51% New 25 0 New 0% New
    Everybody 2,888 0.05% New 8 0 New 0% New
K. Green Regionalist Coalition 115,241 1.92% 1.24% 41 4 3 2.58% 1.75%
    Patagonian Regional Democracy (DRP) 20,575 0.34% New 20 0 New 0% New
    Social Green Regionalist Federation (FREVS) 94,666 1.58% 0.90% 21 4 3 2.58% 1.75%
M. Patriotic Union (UPA) 51,348 0.86% New 56 0 New 0% New
N. The Force of the Majority 1,442,567 24.06% -7.23% 7.23% 175 43 -1 1 27.74% -8.92% 8.92%
    Communist Party (PC) 275,096 4.59% 0.47% 31 8 2 5.16% 0.16%
    Party for Democracy (PPD) 365,988 6.1% -4.92% 4.92% 52 8 -7 7 5.16% -7.34% 7.34%
    Social Democrat Radical Party (PRSD) 216,355 3.61% -0.02% 0.02% 33 8 2 5.16% 0.16%
    Socialist Party (PS) 585,128 9.76% -1.36% 1.36% 59 19 2 12.26% -1.91% 1.91%
O. Democratic Convergence 640,490 10.68% -5.75% 5.75% 121 14 -9 9 9.03% -10.13% 10.13%
    Christian Democratic Party (PDC) 616,550 10.28% -5.41% 5.41% 104 14 -8 8 9.03% -9.30% 9.30%
    Citizen Left (IC) 14,358 0.24% -0.39% 0.39% 7 0 -1 1 0% -0.83% 0.83%
    MAS Region 9,582 0.16% 0.06% 10 0 0 0% 0.00%
P. Chile Vamos 2,319,428 38.68% 1.28% 182 72 23 46.45% 5.62%
    Independent Democratic Union (UDI) 957,245 15.96% -3.00% 3.00% 74 30 1 19.35% -4.81% 4.81%
    Independent Regionalist Party (PRI) 39,692 0.66% -0.50% 0.50% 10 0 0 0% 0,00%
    National Renewal (RN) 1,067,270 17.8% 2.88% 73 36 17 23.23% 7.39%
    Political Evolution (Evópoli) 255,221 4.26% 3.34% 25 6 5 3.87% 3.04%
Independent candidates 104,717 1.75% 0.45% 11 1 1 0.65% 0.65%
Valid votes 5,996,710 100.00% 960 155
Null votes 317,742 4.76%
Blank votes 360,694 5.40%
Total votes 6,675,146 100.00%
Source: Servicio Electoral de Chile.
  1. ^ Compared with the 2013 results of If You Want It, Chile Changes pact, excluding the Liberal Party and Jaime Mulet candidacy as independent within the pact.
  2. ^ Compared with the 2013 results of New Constitution for Chile pact, the Liberal Party, the Humanist Party and the independent candidacies of Giorgio Jackson, Gabriel Boric and Francisco Figueroa.
  3. ^ Compared with the 2013 results of the candidacy of Giorgio Jackson as independent.
  4. ^ Compared with the 2013 results of the Green Ecologist Party and the candidacy of Francisco Figueroa as independent.
  5. ^ Compared with the 2013 results of the Humanist Party and the candidacy of Gabriel Boric as independent.
  6. ^ Compared with the 2013 results of the candidacies of Alejandra Sepúlveda as independent and Jaime Mulet as independent within the If You Want It, Chile Changes list.
  7. ^ Compared with the 2013 results of the New Majoriy coalition, including the أربعة continuing parties and the independents signed by the pact (except PDC member Iván Fuentes) and excluding the results of the Christian Democratic Party, the Citizen Left and the Broad Social Movement (MAS).
  8. ^ Compared with the 2013 results of the Christian Democratic Party and the candidacy of Iván Fuentes as independent within the New Majority pact.
  9. ^ Compared with the 2013 resultes of the ثلاثة IC candidates (Sergio Aguiló, Gonzalo Rovira and Leopoldo Pineda) presented as independent within the New Majority pact.
  10. ^ Compared with the 2013 results of the Broad Social Movement (MAS).
  11. ^ Compared with the 2013 results of the Alliance coalition, including associated independents, and the Independent Regionalist Party (PRI)
  12. ^ Compared with the 2013 results of the candidacy of Felipe Kast, Rodrigo Carrasco, Sergio Correa, Pamela Medina and Carlos Urrestarazu as independents within the Alliance pact.
  13. ^ Compared with the 2013, not including the candidacies of Giorgio Jackson, Gabriel Boric, Francisco Figueroa and Alejandra Sepúlveda.

المجالس المحلية

النتائج المؤقتة المعدلة.
Electoral pact/party Votes % Candidates Seats
Chile Vamos UDI – PRI – Ind. 1,104,270 19.00% 254 56
    PRI and Ind. 158,980 2.74% 93 4
    UDI – Ind. 945,290 16.26% 161 52
For All Chile 210,897 3.63% 138 2
    País + Ind. 25,279 0.43% 25 0
    PRO + Ind. 185,618 3.19% 113 2
Integration for Development 9,259 0.16% 13 1
    For Regional Integration 9,259 0.16% 13 1
Revolutionary Workers Party 2,927 0.05% 2 0
Chile Vamos RN – Evópoli 1,303,946 22.43% 268 77
    Evópoli and Ind. 237,857 4.09% 84 5
    RN – Ind. 1,066,089 18.34% 184 72
For a Just and Decentralized Chile 876,134 15.07% 257 47
    IC and Ind. 9,892 0.17% 8 1
    MAS-Region and Ind. 1,391 0.02% 1 1
    PCCh and Ind. 270,241 4.65% 71 11
    PPD and Ind. 429,719 7.39% 104 26
    PRSD and Ind. 164,891 2.84% 73 8
Sumemos 78,740 1.35% 68 2
    Amplitude and Ind. 64,873 1.12% 48 2
    Citizens and Ind. 13,743 0.24% 19 0
    Everybody and Ind. 124 0.00% 1 0
Broad Front 686,719 11.81% 163 18
    Humanists plus Ind. 199,282 3.43% 68 6
    Equality for the Peoples 153,735 2.64% 35 2
    Liberals plus Ind. 19,653 0.34% 14 0
    Democratic Revolution and Ind. 302,812 5.21% 44 10
    Independents 11,237 0.19% 2 0
Let's Refound Chile 57,007 0.98% 33 0
    Patriotic Union 57,007 0.98% 33 0
Green Regionalist Coalition 84,424 1.45% 84 2
    Regional Democracy and Ind. 19,539 0.34% 38 0
    Regionalist Federation and Ind. 64,885 1.12% 46 2
United for Decentralization 1,101,632 18.95% 265 70
    PDC and Ind. 580,582 9.99% 135 44
    PS and Ind. 521,050 8.96% 130 26
Ecologist and Citizen Front 247,229 4.25% 94 2
    Green Ecologist Party
Independents 49,585 0.85% 11 1
Valid votes 5,812,769 100.00% 1.650 278
Null votes 365,005 5.47%
Blank votes 493,623 7.40%
Total votes 6,671,397 100.00%
Source: Servicio Electoral de Chile.

== المراجع ==

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  31. ^ "Beatriz Sánchez lanza oficialmente su carrera presidencial y presenta equipo de campaña". Emol.com. Retrieved April 27, 2017.
  32. ^ "P. Humanista proclama a Beatriz Sánchez como su carta presidencial y candidata asegura que pasará a segunda vuelta". Emol.com. April 16, 2017. Retrieved April 27, 2017.
  33. ^ Tvn, 24Horas.cl (April 23, 2017). "Izquierda Libertaria oficializa a Beatriz Sánchez como su candidata presidencial".
  34. ^ Chile., BioBioChile – La Red de Prensa Más Grande de (May 9, 2017). "Beatriz Sánchez suma el apoyo de Poder Ciudadano y FA minimiza críticas de Guillier".
  35. ^ "Movimiento Democrático Progresista". www.facebook.com.
  36. ^ Comunicaciones, Compañia Chilena de. "Izquierda Autónoma proclamó a Beatriz Sánchez como su candidata presidencial".
  37. ^ S.A.P., El Mercurio (May 29, 2017). "Partido Liberal proclamó a Beatriz Sánchez como su abanderada presidencial - Emol.com".
  38. ^ "Partido Ecologista Verde apoyará a Beatriz Sánchez en primarias".
  39. ^ "Beatriz Sánchez oficializa candidatura ante el Tricel con fuertes críticas a Piñera".
  40. ^ S.A.P., El Mercurio (July 31, 2017). "Beatriz Sánchez presentó a su comité político y confirmó que integrará al equipo de Mayol - Emol.com".
  41. ^ "Servel publicó padrones electorales definitivos para Chile y el extranjero – Servicio Electoral de Chile". www.servel.cl.

وصلات خارجية

  • Elections in Chile (Interior Ministry)

نطقب:Chilean elections

تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-06 11:19:37
التصنيفات: صفحات بأخطاء في المراجع, CS1 errors: dates, CS1 maint: unrecognized language, Pages using deprecated image syntax, Presidential elections in Chile, 2017 in Chile, 2017 elections in South America, November 2017 events in South America, Election and referendum articles with incomplete results, December 2017 events in South America

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