المخطوطة السينائية

عودة للموسوعة

المخطوطة السينائية

المخطوطات الإنجيلية
البرديات • uncials • minuscules • lectionaries
Uncial 01
كتاب إستر
Name Sinaiticus
Sign א
Text التوراة والإنجيل
Date c. 330-360
Script اليونانية
Found Sinai 1844
Now at المخطة البريطانية، جامعة لايپزيگ، دير سانت كاترين، المخطة الوطنية الروسية
Cite Lake, K. (1911).Codex Sinaiticus Petropolitanus, Oxford.
Size 38 x 34 cm
Type Alexandrian text-type
Category I
Note very close to Papyrus 66

المخطوطة السينائية Codex Sinaiticus (علامات الرفوف والمراجع: لندن، المخطة البريطانية، إضافي 43725; Gregory-Aland nº א [Aleph] or 01, [Soden δ 2]) هوأحد أبرز النسخ القديمة المكتوبة بخط اليد للإنجيل اليوناني. وقد كـُتبت في القرن الرابع بحروف uncial . وقد لفتت أنظار الباحثين في القرن 19 في دير سانت كاترين اليوناني، وقد تم اكتشاف المزيد من تلك المخطوطات في القرن 20، ومعظمها يوجد اليوم في المخطة البريطانية. وفي الأصل، كانت تضم نسخة كاملة من العهدين القديم والجديد. وقد بقيت التوراة اليونانية (أوSeptuagint) بشكل شبه كامل، وكذلك نسخة كاملة من العهد الجديد، بالإضافة إلى رسالة برنابا، وأجزاء من راعي هرماس.


لوقا 11, 2 في المخطوطة السينائية

The work was written in scriptio continua with neither breathings nor polytonic accents. Occasional points and few ligatures are used, though nomina sacra with overlines are employed throughout. Some words usually abbreviated in other manuscripts (such as πατηρ and δαυειδ), are in this codex both written in full and abbreviated forms. Almost regularly, a plain iota is substituted for the epsilon-iota diphthong (error of iotacism), e.g. ΔΑΥΕΙΔ instead οf ΔΑΥΙΔ, ΠΕΙΛΑΤΟΣ instead of ΠΙΛΑΤΟΣ, ΦΑΡΕΙΣΑΙΟΙ instead of ΦΑΡΙΣΑΙΟΙ, ΣΑΔΔΟΥΚΑΙΕΟΙ instead of ΣΑΔΔΟΥΚΑΙΟΙ, etc.

Each line has some twelve to fourteen Greek uncial letters, arranged in four columns (48 lines in column) with carefully-chosen line breaks and slightly ragged right edges. In result the eight columns thus presented to the reader when the volume is opened have much of the appearance of the succession of columns in a papyrus roll. The poetical books of the Old Testament written in στίχοι, only in two columns per page. There are no breathings or accents. The codex has almost 4 000 000 uncial letters.

Each rectangular page has the proportions 1.1 to 1, while the block of text has the reciprocal proportions, 0.91 (the same proportions, rotated 90°). If the gutters between the columns were removed, the text block would mirror the page's proportions. Typographer Robert Bringhurst referred to the codex as a "subtle piece of craftsmanship".

The folios are made of vellum parchment made from donkey or antelope skin. Most of the quires or signatures contain four leaves save two containing five. It is estimated that about 360 animals were slaughtered for making the folios of this codex, assuming all animals yielded a good enough skin. As for the cost of the material, time of scribes and binding, it equals the life time wages of one individual at the time.

The portion of the codex held by the British Library consists of 346½ folios, 694 pages (38.1 cm x 34.5 cm), constituting over half of the original work. Of these folios, 199 belong to the Old Testament including the apocrypha (deuterocanonical) and 147½ belong to the New Testament, along with two other books, the Epistle of Barnabas and part of The Shepherd of Hermas. The apocryphal books present in the surviving part of the Septuagint are 2 Esdras, Tobit, Judith, 1 & أربعة Maccabees, Wisdom and Sirach. The books of the New Testament are arranged in this order: the four Gospels, the epistles of Paul (Hebrews follows 2 Thess), the Acts of the Apostles, the General Epistles, and the Book of Revelation. The fact that some parts of the codex are preserved in good condition, while others are in very poor condition, implies they were separated and stored in several places.

قراءات مغلوطة ارثوذكسية

في 1 يوحنا 5:6 يوجد التحريف النصي δι' ὕδατος καὶ αἵματος καὶ πνεύματος (عبر الماء والدم والروح) ضمن المخطوطات: المخطوطة السكندرية، 104, , 614, , 2412, 2495, 598m, syrh, , ، اوريجن.بارت إرمان وصفها بأنها قراءة مغلوطة ارثوذكسية.

Text-type and relationship to other manuscripts

جزء من المخطوطة السينائية، يضم كتاب إستر 2:3-8.

أمثلة للاختلافات بين المخطوطة السينائية والمخطوطة الڤاتيكانية في متا 1:18-19:

المخطوطة السينائي المخطوطة الڤاتيكانية
Του δε ΙΥ ΧΥ η γενεσις ουτως ην
μνηστευθισης της μητρος αυτου
Μαριας τω Ιωσηφ πριν ην συνελθιν αυτους
ευρεθη εν γαστρι εχουσα εκ ΠΝΣ αγιου
Ιωσηφ δε ο ανηρ αυτης δικαιος ων
και μη θελων αυτην παραδιγματισαι
εβουληθη λαθρα απολυσαι αυτην
Του δε ΧΥ ΙΥ η γενεσις ουτως ην
μνηστευθεισης της μητρος αυτου
Μαριας τω Ιωσηφ πριν ην συνελθειν αυτους
ευρεθη εν γαστρι εχουσα εκ ΠΝΣ αγιου
Ιωσηφ δε ο ανηρ αυτης δικαιος ων
και μη θελων αυτην δειγματισαι
εβουληθη λαθρα απολυσαι αυτην

تاريخ المخطوطة

التاريخ المبكر للمخطوطة


Constantin von Tischendorf in 1870
Lithography of the دير سانت كاترين based on sketches made by archimandrite Porphiryj Uspienski 1857)
The monastery of the St. Catherine; litography from the album of P. Uspensky

المسقط الحالي

المخطة البريطانية

انظر أيضاً

  • List of New Testament uncials
  • Biblical manuscript
  • Textual Criticism


  1. ^ It was estimated by Tischendorf and used by Scrivener in his Introduction to the Sinaitic Codex (1867) as an argument against authorship of Simonides (‘‘Christianity’’, p. 1889.)
  2. ^ Also in Minuscule 69, Minuscule 336, and several other manuscripts Pauline epistles precede Acts.
  3. ^ ولمطالعة نص مختلف لهذا الإصحاح، انظر: Textual variants in the First Epistle of John.


  1. ^ Aland, Kurt and Aland, Barbara (1995). The Text of the New Testament: An Introduction to the Critical Editions and to the Theory and Practice of Modern Textual Criticism, transl. Erroll F. Rhodes, Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, p. 107-108.
  2. ^ Jongkind, Dirk (2007). Scribal Habits of Codex Sinaiticus, Gorgias Press LLC, p. 74 ff, 93-94.
  3. ^ K. Lake, (1911). Codex Sinaiticus Petropolitanus: The New Testament, the Epistle of Barnabas and the Shepherd of Hermas, Oxford: Clarendon Press, p. XVI.
  4. ^ Kenyon, F. G., (1939). , (4th ed.), London, p. 191.
  5. ^ Scrivener F. H. A., (1864). , Cambridge: Deighton, Bell, and Co., p. XIII.
  6. ^ Bringhurst, Robert (2004). The Elements of Typographic Style (version 3.0), pp. 174–75. Vancouver: Hartley & Marks. ISBN 0-88179-205-5.
  7. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير سليم؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة Bruce
  8. ^ The Codex Sinaiticus Website
  9. ^ Skeat, T. C. "The Last Chapter in the History of the Codex Sinaiticus", Novum Testamentum XLII, 4, pp. 313-315.
  10. ^ UBS3, p. 823.
  11. ^ Bart D. Ehrman, The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1993, p. 60.

وصلات خارجية

صور المخطوطة السينائية

  • Codex Sinaiticus Project
  • Codex Sinaiticus at the Center for the Study of NT Manuscripts (JPG)
  • 1911 Facsimile of Codex Sinaiticus (PDF)
  • Turn the pages of the Codex Sinaiticus online (British Library interactive)


  • Codex Sinaiticus at the Encyclopedia of Textual Criticism
  • Codex Sinaiticus page at bible-researcher.com
  • Earlham College facsimile of Codex Sinaiticus
  • Codex Sinaiticus page at the British Library website
  • A real-life Bible Code: the amazing story of the Codex Sinaiticus
  • Joint project managed by ITSEE for digitizing the codex
  • E. Henschke, The Codex Sinaiticus, its History and Modern Presentation
  • Who Owns the Codex Sinaiticus Biblical Archaeology Review Library
  • H. T. Anderson Translation, Codex Sinaiticus
  • Bibliorum Codex Sinaiticus Petropolitanus 1862 (one from 120 facsimile-examples)
  • The rival to the Bible, the BBC.


  • Jongkind, Dirk (2007). Scribal Habits of Codex Sinaiticus. Gorgias Press LLC.
  • Kenyon, Frederic G. (4th ed. 1939). Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts. London. Check date values in: |year= (help)
  • Lake, Kirsopp (1911). Codex Sinaiticus Petropolitanus: The New Testament, the Epistle of Barnabas and the Shepherd of Hermas. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Magerson, P. (1983). Codex Sinaiticus: An Historical Observation, Bib Arch, 46 (1983), pp. 54–56.
  • Metzger, Bruce M. (1991). Manuscripts of the Greek Bible: An Introduction to Palaeography. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN .
  • Metzger, Bruce M. (2005). The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption, and Restoration (in (إنگليزية)). New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  • Milne, H. J. M. and Skeat, T. C., (1938). Scribes and Correctors of the Codex Sinaiticus, London: British Museum.
  • T. C. Skeat, A four years work on the Codex Sinaiticus: Significant discoveries in reconditioned ms., in: T. C. Skeat and J. K. Elliott, , Brill 2004, pp. 109–118.
  • Schneider, Ulrich Johannes (ed.) (2007). Codex Sinaiticus. Geschichte und Erschließung der «Sinai-Bibel». Leipzig: Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig. ISBN .CS1 maint: extra text: authors list (link)
  • Scrivener, Frederick Henry Ambrose (1864; 2nd ed. 1867). . Cambridge: Deighton Bell. Check date values in: |year= (help); External link in |title= (help)
  • Streeter, Burnett Hillman (1924). The Four Gospels. A Study of Origins the Manuscripts Tradition, Sources, Authorship, & Dates. Oxford: MacMillan and Co Limited.
  • Tischendorf, Constantin von (1866). When Were Our Gospels Written?, An Argument by Constantine Tischendorf. With a Narrative of the Discovery of the Sinaitic Manuscript. New York: American Tract Society.
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-06 10:13:00
التصنيفات: صفحات بأخطاء في المراجع, Portal templates with all redlinked portals, Commons category link is locally defined, CS1 errors: dates, Pages with citations using unsupported parameters, CS1 maint: unrecognized language, CS1 maint: extra text: authors list, CS1 errors: external links, Greek New Testament uncials, 4th-century biblical manuscripts, Septuaginta manuscripts, صفحات بها أخطاء في البرنامج النصي

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