الألفية: الألفية 3
القرون: القرن 20 - القرن 21 - القرن 22
العقود: عقد 1980  عقد 1990  عقد 2000  - عقد 2010 -  عقد 2020  عقد 2030  عقد 2040
السنوات: 2014 2015 2016 - 2017 - 2018 2019 2020

سنة 2017 (MMXVII) كانت سنة بسيطة تبدأ يوم الأحد (الرابط يعرض التقويم كاملاً) التقويم الگريگوري، السنة 2017 بعد الميلاد (م)، السنة 17 في الألفية 3، السنة 17 في القرن 21، والسنة ثمانية في عقد 2010.

2017 حسب الموضوع:
أخبار حسب الشهر
يناير – فبراير – مارس – أبريل – مايو– يونيو
يوليو– أغسطس – سبتمبر – أكتوبر – نوفمبر – ديسمبر
العمارة – الفن – القصص المصورة – السينما – الصوت والصورة – الأدب (الشعر) – الموسيقى (موسيقى الريف، الهيڤي ميتال، الموسيقى العربية) – الإذاعة – التلفزيون – ألعاب الصوت والصورة
الانتخابات – قادة دوليون – السياسة – قادة الدول – الدول المستقلة
العلوم والتكنولوجيا
الآثار – الطيران – فهم الطيور – فهم الأرصاد الجوية – فهم الأحياء القديمة – النقل بالسكك الحديدية – العلوم – رحلات الفضاء
الرياضة – ألعاب القوى (المضمار الميدان) – كرة السلة – كرة القدم – كرة اليد – الكرة الطائرة – الكريكت – هوكي الجليد – Motorsport – التنس – دوري الرگبي – اتحاد الرگبي
حسب المكان
الجزائر – الأرجنتين – أستراليا – بلجيكا - البرازيل – كندا – الصين – الدنمارك – إلسلڤادور – مصر – الاتحاد الاوروپي – فرنسا – جورجيا – ألمانيا – غانا – المجر – الهند – العراق – إيران – أيرلندا – إسرائيل – إيطاليا – اليابان – كنيا – ليتوانيا – لوكسمبورگ – ماليزيا – المكسيك – نيوزيلندا – النرويج – پاكستان – الأراضي الفلسطينية – الفلپين – پولندا – رومانيا – روسيا – سنغافورة – جنوب أفريقيا – كوريا الجنوبية – إسپانيا – سريلانكا – الإمارات المتحدة – المملكة المتحدة – الولايات المتحدة
موضوعات أخرى
جوائز – القانون – القادة الدينيون - الإنترنت
تصنيف المواليد والوفيات
مواليد – وفيات
تصنيفات تأسيسات وانحلالات
تأسيسات – انحلالات
تصنيفات أعمال وأطروحات
أعمال – أطروحات
2017 في التقاويم الأخرى
التقويم الگريگوري 2017
آب أوربه كونديتا 2770
التقويم الأرمني 1466
التقويم الآشوري 6767
التقويم البهائي 173–174
التقويم البنغالي 1424
التقويم الأمازيغي 2967
سنة العهد البريطاني 65 إليز. 2 – 66 إليز. 2
التقويم البوذي 2561
التقويم البورمي 1379
التقويم البيزنطي 7525–7526
التقويم الصيني 丙申年 (النار القرد)
4713 أو4653
    — إلى —
丁酉年 (النار الديك)
4714 أو4654
التقويم القبطي 1733–1734
التقويم الديسكوردي 3183
التقويم الإثيوپي 2009–2010
التقويم العبري 5777–5778
التقاويم الهندوسية
 - ڤيكرام سامڤات 2073–2074
 - شاكا سامڤات 1939–1940
 - كالي يوگا 5118–5119
تقويم الهولوسين 12017
تقويم الإگبو 1017–1018
التقويم الإيراني 1395–1396
التقويم الهجري 1438–1439
التقويم الياباني Heisei 29
تقويم جوچى 106
التقويم اليوليوسي الگريگوري ناقص 13 يوم
التقويم الكوري 4350
تقويم مينگوو جمهورية الصين 106
التقويم الشمسي التايلندي 2560
توقيت يونيكس 1483228800–1514764799

2017 has been designated as:

  • International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development by the United Nations General Assembly.



  • January 19 – ECOWAS forces, including troops from Senegal, Ghana, and Nigeria, intervene in the Gambia's political crisis to force longtime President Yahya Jammeh to step down after losing the December 2016 elections to Adama Barrow.
  • January 21 – Millions of people worldwide join the Women's March in response to the inauguration of Donald Trump. 420 marches were reported in the U.S. and 168 in other countries, becoming the largest single-day protest in American history and the largest worldwide protest in recent history.
  • 26 يناير – Scientists at Harvard University report the first creation of هيدروجين معدني in a laboratory.
  • 27 يناير - Worldwide controversy results after United States president Donald Trump signs an executive order restricting travel and immigration from العراق وإيران, ليبيا، الصومال، السودان وسوريا واليمن.


  • 11 فبراير – North Korea prompts international condemnation by test firing a ballistic missile across the Sea of Japan.


  • 10 مارس
    • Park Geun-hye is removed as لرئيس كوريا الجنوبية by the Constitutional Court.
    • The UN warns that the world is facing the biggest humanitarian crisis since World War II, with up to 20 million people at risk of starvation and famine in Yemen, Somalia, South Sudan and Nigeria.
  • March 29 – The United Kingdom invokes Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union, beginning the formal EU withdrawal process.
  • March 30 – SpaceX conducts the world’s first reflight of an orbital class rocket.


  • Aprilستة – In response to a suspected chemical weapons attack on a rebel-held town, the U.S. military launches 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at an air base in Syria. Russia describes the strikes as an "aggression", adding they significantly damage U.S.–Russia ties.


  • May 12 – Computers around the world are hit by a large-scale ransomware cyberattack, which goes on to affect at least 150 countries.
  • May 22 – A terrorist bombing attack at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England kills 22 people and injures over 500.


  • June 1 – Amidst widespread criticism, the U.S. announces its decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement in due time.
  • June ثلاثة – An Islamic terror attack on London Bridge, United Kingdom killsثمانية and injures 48.
  • Juneخمسة – Montenegro joins NATO as the 29th member
  • Juneسبعة – Two terrorist attacks are simultaneously carried out by five terrorists belonging to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) against the Iranian Parliament building and the Mausoleum of Ruhollah Khomeini, both in Tehran, Iran, leaving 17 civilians dead and 43 wounded. It becomes the first ISIL attack in Iran.
  • Juneثمانية – In the midst of Brexit, a snap general election is held in the UK, three years before the next one was due, resulting in a hung parliament, with the Conservative Party, led by Prime Minister Theresa May, losing their majority in Parliament. The Labour Party, led by Jeremy Corbyn, makes gains for the first time since 1997. Days later, the Conservative Party, now lacking a majority, enters a confidence-and-supply deal with the Northern Irish DUP.
  • Juneعشرة – The 2017 World Expo is opened in Astana, Kazakhstan.
  • June 12 – American student Otto Warmbier returns home in a coma after spending 17 months in a North Korean prison and dies a week later.
  • June 14 – A fire at Grenfell Tower in London kills 71 people.
  • June 18 – Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) fire six surface-to-surface mid-range ballistic missiles from domestic bases targeting ISIL forces in the Syrian Deir ez-Zor Governorate in response to the terrorist attacks in Tehran earlier that month.
  • June 21 – The Great Mosque of al-Nuri in Mosul, Iraq, is destroyed by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.
  • June 25 – The World Health Organization estimates that Yemen has over 200,000 cases of cholera.
  • June 27 – A series of cyberattacks using the Petya malware begins, affecting organizations in Ukraine.


  • July أربعة – Russia and China urge North Korea to halt its missile and nuclear programs after it successfully tested its first intercontinental ballistic missile.
  • Julyسبعة – The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons is voted for by 122 states.
  • Julyعشرة – Iraqi Civil War: Mosul is declared fully liberated from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.


  • August 5
    • The UN Security Council unanimously approves fresh sanctions on North Korean trade and investment.
    • Mauritania holds a constitutional referendum for approval of proposed amendments to the constitution
  • August 12 – The Unite the Right rally is held in Charlottesville, Virginia, by a variety of white nationalist and other far-right groups; Heather Heyer, a counter-protestor, is killed after being hit by a car.
  • August 17 – The first observation of a collision of two neutron stars (GW170817) is hailed as a breakthrough in multi-messenger astronomy when both gravitational and electromagnetic waves from the event are detected. Data from the event provided confirmatory evidence for the r-process theory of the origin of heavy elements like gold.
  • August 21 – A total solar eclipse (nicknamed "The Great American Eclipse") is visible within a band across the entire contiguous United States of America, passing from the Pacific to the Atlantic coasts.
  • August 25 – ongoing – A military operation targeting Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar "seems a textbook example of ethnic cleansing", according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
  • August 25–30 – Hurricane Harvey strikes the United States as a Category 4 hurricane, causing catastrophic damage to the Houston metropolitan area, mostly due to record-breaking floods. At least 108 deaths are recorded, and total damage reaches $125 billion (2017 USD), making Harvey the costliest natural disaster in United States history, tied with Hurricane Katrina in 2005.


  • September 1 – Russian President Vladimir Putin expels 755 diplomats in response to الولايات المتحدة sanctions.
  • September ثلاثة – North Korea conducts its sixth and most powerful nuclear test.
  • September 6–10 – The Caribbean and United States are struck by Hurricane Irma, a Category 5 hurricane that is the strongest hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic basin outside the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. The storm causes at least 146 deaths and $64.2 billion (2017 USD) in damage.
  • September 13 – The International Olympic Committee awards Paris and Los Angeles the right to host the 2024 and 2028 Summer Olympics, respectively.
  • September 15 – Cassini–Huygens ends its 13-year mission by plunging into Saturn, becoming the first spacecraft to enter the planet's atmosphere.
  • September 19 – Eleven days after another powerful earthquake, and on the 32nd anniversary of the deadly 1985 Mexico City earthquake, a Mw 7.1 earthquake strikes central Mexico, killing more than 350, leaving up to 6,000 injured and thousands more homeless.
  • September 19–20 – Just two weeks after Hurricane Irma struck the Caribbean, Hurricane Maria strikes similar areas, making landfall on Dominica as a Category 5 hurricane, and Puerto Rico as a Category 4 hurricane. Maria caused at least 112 deaths and damages estimated in excess of $91.6 billion (2017 USD).
  • September 25 – Iraqi Kurdistan votes in a referendum to become an independent state, in defiance of Iraq; by October 15, the crisis escalates into a short-lived armed conflict over disputed territories.


  • October 1 – Fifty-eight people are killed and 851 injured when Stephen Paddock opens fire on a crowd in Las Vegas, surpassing the 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting as the deadliest mass shooting perpetrated by a lone gunman in U.S. history.
  • October 12 – The United States announces its decision to withdraw from UNESCO, and is immediately followed by Israel.
  • October 14 – A massive blast caused by a truck bombing in Mogadishu, Somalia kills at least 512 people and injures 316 others.
  • October 17 – Syrian Civil War: Raqqa is declared fully liberated from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.
  • October 25 – At the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping assumes his second term as General Secretary (China's paramount leader), and the political theory Xi Jinping Thought is written into the party's constitution.
  • October 27 – Based on the results of a previously held referendum, Catalonia declares independence from Spain, but the Catalan Republic is not recognised by the Spanish government or any other sovereign nation.


  • November 2 – A new species of orangutan is identified in Indonesia, becoming the third known species of orangutan as well as the first great ape to be described for almost a century.
  • November ثلاثة – Syrian Civil War: both Deir ez-Zor in Syria and Al-Qa'im in Iraq are declared liberated from ISIL on the same day.
  • Novemberخمسة – The German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung publishes 13.4 million documents leaked from the offshore law firm Appleby, along with business registries in 19 tax jurisdictions that reveal offshore financial activities on behalf of politicians, celebrities, corporate giants and business leaders. The newspaper shared the documents with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists and asked it to lead the investigation.
  • November 12 – A magnitude 7.3 earthquake strikes the border region between Iraq and Iran leaving at least 530 dead and over 70,000 homeless.
  • November 15
    • Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe is placed under house arrest, as the military take control of the country. He resigns six days later, after 37 years of rule.
    • A Leonardo da Vinci painting, Salvator Mundi, sells for US$450 million at Christie's in New York, a new record price for any work of art.
  • November 20 – Nature publishes an article recognising the high-velocity asteroid ʻOumuamua as originating from outside the Solar System, i.e. the first known interstellar object.
  • November 22 – The International Court of Justice finds Ratko Mladić guilty of genocide committed in Srebrenica during the 1990s Bosnian War, the worst massacre in Europe since World War II. He is sentenced to life in prison.
  • November 24 – A mosque attack in Sinai, Egypt kills 305 worshippers and leaves hundreds more wounded.


  • Decemberخمسة – Russia is banned from the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang by the International Olympic Committee, following an investigation into state-sponsored doping.
  • Decemberستة – The United States officially recognises Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
  • Decemberتسعة – The Iraqi military announces that it has "fully liberated" all of Iraq's territory from "ISIS terrorist gangs" and retaken full control of the Iraqi-Syrian border.
  • December 14 – The Walt Disney Company announces that it will acquire most of 21st Century Fox, including the 20th Century Fox film studio, for $66 billion.
  • December 22 – The UN Security Council votes 15–0 in favor of additional sanctions on North Korea, including measures to slash the country's petroleum imports by up to 90%.
  • December 24 – Guatemala follows in the footsteps of the الولايات المتحدة by announcing that they will also move their Israeli embassy to Jerusalem, followed by Honduras and Panama two days later.


  • August 31 – Prince Gabriel, Duke of Dalarna


منطق رئيسي: وفيات في 2017


Mário Soares
Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani
Roman Herzog
John Hurt
  • 1 يناير
    • خليل محشي أكاديمي وتربوي فلسطيني.
  • نطقب:بيانات بلد بريطانيا ديريك بارفيت فيلسوف بريطاني.
  • هيلاريون كابوتشي مطران كنيسة الروم الكاثوليك.
  • يعقوب نئمان سياسي ووزير اسرائيلي.
    • Tony Atkinson, British economist (و. 1944)
    • Derek Parfit, British philosopher (و. 1942)
  • 2 يناير
    • John Berger, British art critic, novelist and painter (و. 1926)
    • Viktor Tsaryov, Russian footballer (و. 1931)
  • 3 يناير – Igor Volk, Ukrainian-born Russian cosmonaut (و. 1937)
  • 4 يناير
    • Ezio Pascutti, Italian footballer (و. 1937)
    • Georges Prêtre, French conductor (و. 1924)
    • Milt Schmidt, Canadian ice hockey player (و. 1918)
  • 5 يناير: رفيق السبيعي ممثل سوري.
  • 6 يناير
    • Octavio Lepage, Venezuelan politician, former Acting President of Venezuela (و. 1923)
    • بايزيد عثمان، أمير عثماني (و. 1924)
    • Om Puri, Indian actor (و. 1950)
  • 7 يناير
    • Nat Hentoff, American music critic and political commentator (و. 1925)
    • Mário Soares, 17th President and 105th Prime Minister of Portugal (و. 1924)
  • January 8
    • Nicolai Gedda, Swedish operatic tenor (و. 1925)
    • Ruth Perry, Liberian politician, former Chairwoman of the Council of State (و. 1939)
    • علي أكبر هاشمي رفسنجاني، رئيس إيران الرابع. (و. 1934)
    • جيمس مانشم، رئيس سيشل الأول (و. 1939)
    • Peter Sarstedt, English singer-songwriter (و. 1941)
  • January 9
    • Zygmunt Bauman, Polish-British sociologist (و. 1925)
    • Roberto Cabañas, Paraguayan footballer (و. 1961)
  • January 10
    • Roman Herzog, 11th President of Germany (و. 1934)
    • Oliver Smithies, British-American Nobel geneticist (و. 1925)
  • January 11 – François Van der Elst, Belgian footballer (و. 1954)
  • 12 يناير
    • كريمة مختار ممثلة مصرية.
    • مساعد الرشيدي شاعر سعودي
    • Giulio Angioni, Italian writer and anthropologist (و. 1939)
    • William Peter Blatty, American writer and film director (و. 1928)
    • Graham Taylor, English footballer and manager (و. 1944)
  • January 13
    • Gilberto Agustoni, Swiss cardinal (و. 1922)
    • Antony Armstrong-Jones, 1st Earl of Snowdon, British photographer (و. 1930)
  • 14 يناير
    • محمد الفيصل بن عبد العزيز آل سعود امير سعودي.
    • Zhou Youguang, Chinese linguist (و. 1906)
  • January 15 – Jimmy Snuka, Fijian-born American professional wrestler (و. 1943)
  • 16 يناير
    • ممتاز البحرة رسام كاريكاتيري وفنان تشكيلي سوري.
    • Eugene Cernan, American astronaut (و. 1934)
  • January 18
    • Peter Abrahams, South African-born Jamaican writer (و. 1919)
    • Obed Dlamini, 6th Prime Minister of Swaziland (و. 1937)
  • January 19 – Miguel Ferrer, American actor (و. 1955)
  • January 20 – Carlos Alberto Silva, Brazilian football manager (و. 1939)
  • January 21 – Veljo Tormis, Estonian composer (و. 1930)
  • January 22 – Jaki Liebezeit, German drummer (و. 1938)
  • January 23
    • Dmytro Grabovskyy, Ukrainian cyclist (و. 1985)
    • Gorden Kaye, English comic actor (و. 1941)
  • 25 يناير
    • سيد حجاب شاعر مصري.
    • John Hurt, British actor (و. 1940)
    • Mary Tyler Moore, American actress (و. 1936)
  • 26 يناير
    • Mike Connors, American actor (و. 1925)
    • Barbara Hale, American actress (و. 1922)
  • 27 يناير
    • سلوى روضة شقير رسامة ونحاتة لبنانية.
    • Emmanuelle Riva, French actress (و. 1927)
  • January 28 – Geoff Nicholls, British keyboardist (و. 1944)
  • 29 يناير - كمال الألفي ممثل مصري.
  • January 31 – John Wetton, British musician (و. 1949)


إيتيان تشيسكدي
Peter Mansfield
Mildred Dresselhaus
Bill Paxton
  • 1 فبراير - إيتيان تشيسكدي، رئيس وزراء زائير رقم 18. (و. 1932)
  • 2 فبراير
    • حابس العبادي ممثل أردني.
    • Predrag Matvejević, Bosnian-Croatian writer and scholar (و. 1932)
    • Shunichiro Okano, Japanese football player and manager (و. 1931)
  • 3 فبراير
    • حسن جوهرجي ممثل ايراني.
    • Dritëro Agolli, Albanian poet, writer and politician (و. 1931)
  • February 6
    • Alec McCowen, English actor (و. 1925)
    • Roger Walkowiak, French road racing cyclist (و. 1927)
    • Joost van der Westhuizen, South African rugby union player (و. 1971)
    • Raymond Smullyan, American mathematician (و. 1919)
  • 7 فبراير
    • إسماعيل حمداني رئيس وزراء الجزائر الخامس. (و. 1930)
    • Sotsha Dlamini, 5th Prime Minister of Swaziland (و. 1940)
    • Richard Hatch, American actor, writer and producer (و. 1945)
    • Hans Rosling, Swedish medical doctor, academic, statistician and public speaker (و. 1948)
    • Tzvetan Todorov, Bulgarian-French philosopher and literary critic (و. 1939)
  • February 8
    • Viktor Chanov, Soviet-born Ukrainian footballer (و. 1959)
    • Peter Mansfield, British Nobel physicist (و. 1933)
    • Steve Sumner, English-born New Zealand footballer (و. 1955)
  • Februaryتسعة – Piet Keizer, Dutch footballer (و. 1943)
  • Februaryعشرة – Hal Moore, American lieutenant general and author (و. 1922)
  • 11 فبراير
    • فاروق الرشيدي ممثل مصري.
    • Fab Melo, Brazilian basketball player (و. 1990)
    • Jiro Taniguchi, Japanese manga artist (و. 1947)
  • February 12 – Al Jarreau, American singer (و. 1940)
  • February 13
    • Kim Jong-nam, half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un (و. 1971)
    • Seijun Suzuki, Japanese film director and screenwriter (و. 1923)
  • February 16
    • Dick Bruna, Dutch writer, illustrator and graphic designer (و. 1927)
    • Bengt Gustavsson, Swedish footballer and manager (و. 1928)
    • George Steele, American professional wrestler and actor (و. 1937)
  • February 17 – Tom Regan, American philosopher (و. 1938)
  • * 18 فبراير
    • عمر عبد الرحمن عالم أزهري، والزعيم الروحي للجماعة الإسلامية في مصر. أمضى آخر 24 سنة من عمره في سجن أمريكي بتهمة الارهاب. (و. 1938)
    • Ivan Koloff, Canadian professional wrestler (و. 1942)
    • Michael Ogio, Papua New Guinean politician (و. 1942)
    • Nadezhda Olizarenko, Russian-born Ukrainian Olympic track athlete (و. 1953)
  • February 19
    • Larry Coryell, American jazz guitarist (و. 1943)
    • Igor Shafarevich, Ukrainian-born Russian mathematician (و. 1923)
    • Danuta Szaflarska, Polish screen and stage actress (و. 1915)
  • 20 فبراير
    • صلاح رشوان ممثل مصري.
    • Vitaly Churkin, Russian diplomat (و. 1952)
    • Mildred Dresselhaus, American physicist and educator (و. 1930)
  • 21 فبراير
    • أحمد راسم ممثل مصري.
    • Kenneth Arrow, American Nobel economist (و. 1921)
    • Desmond Connell, Irish cardinal (و. 1926)
  • 25 فبراير
    • محمد حسن الجندي ممثل مغربي.
    • Bill Paxton, American actor (و. 1955)
  • February 26
    • Ludvig Faddeev, Russian theoretical physicist and mathematician (و. 1934)
    • Eugene Garfield, American linguist (و. 1925)
  • February 27 – Carlos Humberto Romero, 37th President of El Salvador (و. 1924)
  • February 28 – Vladimir Petrov, Russian ice hockey player (و. 1947)


René Préval
Chuck Berry
David Rockefeller
Cuthbert Sebastian
  • March 1 – Paula Fox, American writer (و. 1923)
  • 2 مارس
    • عبد القادر عبد اللي مترجم سوري.
    • محمد ياسر طاهر معتقل سابق في غوانتانامو.
  • March 3
    • Raymond Kopa, French footballer (و. 1931)
    • René Préval, 2nd Prime Minister and 38th and 40th President of Haiti (و. 1943)
  • Marchخمسة – Kurt Moll, German operatic bass (و. 1938)
  • Marchسبعة – Hans Georg Dehmelt, German-born American Nobel physicist (و. 1922)
  • March 8
    • George Andrew Olah, Hungarian-American Nobel chemist (و. 1927)
    • Joseph Nicolosi, American clinical psychologist (و. 1947)
  • 9 مارس
    • خديجة بن عهدة ممثلة تونسية.
    • Howard Hodgkin, British painter and printmaker (و. 1932)
  • March 10
    • Aníbal Ruiz, Uruguayan football coach (و. 1942)
    • John Surtees, British motorcycle racer and driver (و. 1934)
    • Robert James Waller, American author (و. 1939)
  • 11 مارس: سالم بهوان ممثل عماني.
  • 12 مارس:
    • ستافروجبرا رسام كاريكاتير لبناني.
    • Patrick Nève, Belgian racing driver (و. 1949)
  • March 13 – Richard, 6th Prince of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg (و. 1934)
  • 15 مارس: رياض وردياني ممثل سوري.
  • March 16
    • James Cotton, American musician (و. 1935)
    • Torgny Lindgren, Swedish writer (و. 1938)
  • March 17
    • Laurynas Stankevičius, 7th Prime Minister of Lithuania (و. 1935)
    • Derek Walcott, Saint Lucian Nobel poet and playwright (و. 1930)
  • March 18
    • Chuck Berry, American singer and musician (و. 1926)
    • Miloslav Vlk, Czech cardinal (و. 1932)
  • March 19 – Roger Pingeon, French road racing cyclist (و. 1940)
  • March 20 – David Rockefeller, American banker and philanthropist (و. 1915)
  • March 21
    • Colin Dexter, English author (و. 1930)
    • Henri Emmanuelli, French politician (و. 1945)
    • Martin McGuinness, Irish politician (و. 1950)
  • 22 مارس
    • ناهدة الرماح ممثلة عراقية.
    • Tomas Milian, Cuban-born American-Italian actor (و. 1933)
  • March 23
    • Lola Albright, American actress (و. 1924)
    • William H. Keeler, American cardinal (و. 1931)
  • 25 مارس
    • أميرة حجوممثلة سورية.
    • Cuthbert Sebastian, Kittitian politician (و. 1921)
  • March 27 – David Storey, English writer (و. 1933)
  • March 28 – Christine Kaufmann, Austrian-born German actress (و. 1945)
  • March 29 – Alexei Abrikosov, Russian-American Nobel theoretical physicist (و. 1928)
  • March 31 – James Rosenquist, American artist (و. 1933)


Don Rickles
Carme Chacón
Magdalena Abakanowicz
  • 1 أبريل
    • Gösta Ekman, Swedish actor (و. 1939)
    • Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Russian poet (و. 1932)
  • 4 أبريل
    • سمير فريد ناقد سينمائي مصري.
    • راتى بن عمار مخرجة تونسية.
    • Giovanni Sartori, Italian political scientist (و. 1924)
    • Karl Stotz, Austrian footballer and manager (و. 1927)
  • Aprilخمسة – Arthur Bisguier, American chess Grandmaster (و. 1929)
  • Aprilستة – Don Rickles, American comedian and actor (و. 1926)
  • Aprilسبعة – Tim Pigott-Smith, English actor and author (و. 1946)
  • 8 أبريل
    • أحمد دحبور شاعر فلسطيني.
    • جورجي غريشكورائد فضاء روسي.
    • Georgy Grechko, Russian cosmonaut (و. 1931)
  • 9 أبريل - كارمى تشاكون محامية وسياسية ووزيرة اسبانية.
  • Aprilتسعة – Carme Chacón, Spanish politician (و. 1971)
  • April 11 – Michael Ballhaus, German cinematographer (و. 1935)
  • April 15
    • Allan Holdsworth, British guitarist and composer (و. 1946)
    • Clifton James, American actor (و. 1920)
  • April 20
    • Magdalena Abakanowicz, Polish sculptor (و. 1930)
    • Roberto Ferreiro, Argentine football player and manager (و. 1935)
    • Germaine Mason, Jamaican-born British Olympic high jumper (و. 1983)
  • April 21 – Ugo Ehiogu, English footballer and coach (و. 1972)
  • April 22
    • Hubert Dreyfus, American philosopher (و. 1929)
    • Erin Moran, American actress (و. 1960)
    • Attilio Nicora, Italian cardinal (و. 1937)
    • Michele Scarponi, Italian road bicycle racer (و. 1979)
  • April 23
    • Imre Földi, Hungarian Olympic weightlifter (و. 1938)
    • František Rajtoral, Czech footballer (و. 1986)
  • April 24 – Robert M. Pirsig, American writer and philosopher (و. 1928)
  • April 26 – Jonathan Demme, American film director (و. 1944)
  • April 28 – Vito Acconci, American artist and architectural designer (و. 1940)
  • April 30 – Ueli Steck, Swiss rock climber and mountaineer (و. 1976)


Qian Qichen
  • 1 مايو: محمد الطالبي استاذ جامعي وعالم اسلامي تونسي.
  • 1 مايو: مظهر أبوالنجا ممثل مصري.
  • 2 مايو: توبي كيمبل لاعب كرة سلة أمريكي.
  • 3 مايو: عدنان الدليمي مفكر وسياسي وأكاديمي إسلامي عراقي.
  • 3 مايو: مشعل بن عبد العزيز آل سعود وزير وأمير سعودي.
  • 3 مايو: عباس عبد الله سراج وزير صومالي.
  • 4 مايو: ويليام بومول اقتصادي امريكي.
  • 5 مايو: إعلي ولد محمد فال رئيس موريتانيا.
  • 6 مايو: نجاح حفيظ ممثلة سورية.
  • 7 مايو: غلام رضا بهلوي أمير وسياسي إيراني.
  • 9 مايو: روبرت مايلز موسيقي ايطالي.
  • 9 مايو: مايكل باركس ممثل امريكي.
  • 1 مايو– Karel Schoeman, South African novelist (و. 1939)
  • 2 مايو– Heinz Kessler, German politician and military officer (و. 1920)
  • 3 مايو– Daliah Lavi, Israeli actress, singer and model (و. 1942)
  • 4 مايو
    • William Baumol, American economist (و. 1922)
    • Timo Mäkinen, Finnish racing driver (و. 1938)
  • 5 مايو
    • Adolph Kiefer, American Olympic swimmer (و. 1918)
    • Ely Ould Mohamed Vall, 6th President of Mauritania (و. 1953)
  • 6 مايو– Steven Holcomb, American Olympic bobsledder (و. 1980)
  • 9 مايو
    • Robert Miles, Italian electronic musician and record producer (و. 1969)
    • Michael Parks, American actor (و. 1940)
    • چيان چي‌تشن، دبلوماسي وسياسي صيني (و. 1928)
  • May 12
    • Mauno Koivisto, 32nd Prime Minister and 9th President of Finland (b. 1923)
    • Amotz Zahavi, Israeli evolutionary biologist (b. 1928)
  • May 14 – Powers Boothe, American actor (b. 1948)
  • May 15 – Karl-Otto Apel, German philosopher (b. 1922)
  • May 17
    • Viktor Gorbatko, Russian cosmonaut (b. 1934)
    • Rhodri Morgan, Welsh politician (b. 1939)
    • Todor Veselinović, Serbian footballer and coach (b. 1930)
  • May 18
    • Chris Cornell, American singer (b. 1964)
    • Jacque Fresco, American futurist and designer (b. 1916)
    • Reema Lagoo, Indian Actress (b. 1958)
  • May 19 – Stanislav Petrov, Soviet Air Force officer (b. 1939)
  • May 22
    • Nicky Hayden, American motorcycle racer (b. 1981)
    • Viktor Kupreichik, Belarusian chess Grandmaster (b. 1949)
    • Dina Merrill, American actress, heiress, socialite, businesswoman, and philanthropist (b. 1923)
  • May 23 – Roger Moore, English actor (b. 1927)
  • May 24 – Denis Johnson, American author (b. 1949)
  • May 26
    • Zbigniew Brzezinski, Polish-American diplomat and political scientist (b. 1928)
    • Jim Bunning, American baseball player and politician (b. 1931)
  • May 27 – Gregg Allman, American musician (b. 1947)
  • May 29
    • Konstantinos Mitsotakis, 76th Prime Minister of Greece (b. 1918)
    • Manuel Noriega, Panamanian dictator (b. 1934)
  • May 31
    • Jiří Bělohlávek, Czech conductor (b. 1946)
    • Lubomyr Husar, Ukrainian archbishop and cardinal (b. 1933)
    • Tino Insana, American actor (b. 1948)
    • István Szondy, Hungarian modern pentathlete (b. 1925)


Sandra Reemer
Adam West
Helmut Kohl
Quett Masire
Simone Veil
  • June 1
    • Roy Barraclough, English actor (b. 1935)
    • Tankred Dorst, German playwright (b. 1925)
    • Alois Mock, Austrian politician (b. 1934)
  • June 2
    • Peter Sallis, English actor (b. 1921)
    • Jeffrey Tate, English conductor (b. 1943)
  • June أربعة – Juan Goytisolo, Spanish writer (b. 1931)
  • June 5
    • Cheick Tioté, Ivorian footballer (b. 1986)
    • Jack Trout, American marketer (b. 1935)
  • June 6
    • Adnan Khashoggi, Saudi businessman and arms dealer (b. 1935)
    • Sandra Reemer, Dutch singer (b. 1950)
  • June 8
    • Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann, Nicaraguan diplomat, politician and priest (b. 1933)
    • Glenne Headly, American actress (b. 1955)
  • Juneتسعة – Adam West, American actor (b. 1928)
  • Juneعشرة – Julia Perez, Indonesian actress and singer (b. 1980)
  • June 12 – Charles P. Thacker, American computer designer (b. 1943)
  • June 13
    • Anita Pallenberg, Italian actress (b. 1944)
    • Ulf Stark, Swedish author (b. 1944)
  • June 14 – Ernestina Herrera de Noble, Argentine publisher and executive (b. 1925)
  • June 15 – Aleksey Batalov, Russian actor (b. 1928)
  • June 16
    • John G. Avildsen, American film director (b. 1935)
    • Stephen Furst, American actor (b. 1954)
    • Helmut Kohl, Chancellor of Germany (b. 1930)
  • June 17 – Baldwin Lonsdale, 8th President of Vanuatu (b. 1948)
  • June 19
    • Ivan Dias, Indian cardinal (b. 1936)
    • Zoltan Sarosy, Hungarian-born Canadian chess master (b. 1906)
  • June 20 – Prodigy, American rapper (b. 1974)
  • June 22 – Quett Masire, 2nd President of Botswana (b. 1925)
  • June 23 – Stefano Rodotà, Italian jurist and politician (b. 1933)
  • June 25 – José Manuel Mourinho Félix, Portuguese footballer and manager (b. 1938)
  • June 26 – Habib Thiam, 3rd Prime Minister of Senegal (b. 1933)
  • June 27
    • Peter L. Berger, Austrian-born American sociologist (b. 1929)
    • Michael Bond, English author (b. 1926)
    • Michael Nyqvist, Swedish actor (b. 1960)
  • June 30
    • Darrall Imhoff, American basketball player (b. 1938)
    • Simone Veil, French lawyer and politician (b. 1927)


Pierre Henry
Julia Hartwig
Maryam Mirzakhani
Martin Landau
George Romero
  • July ثلاثة – Paolo Villaggio, Italian writer and actor (b. 1932)
  • July أربعة – Daniil Granin, Soviet and Russian author (b. 1919)
  • July 5
    • Pierre Henry, French composer (b. 1927)
    • Joachim Meisner, German cardinal (b. 1933)
    • Joaquín Navarro-Valls, Spanish journalist (b. 1936)
  • July 8
    • Nelsan Ellis, American actor (b. 1977)
    • Elsa Martinelli, Italian actress and fashion model (b. 1935)
  • Julyتسعة – Ilya Glazunov, Russian painter (b. 1930)
  • Julyعشرة – Peter Härtling, German writer and poet (b. 1933)
  • July 13
    • Charles Bachman, American computer scientist (b. 1924)
    • Liu Xiaobo, Chinese human rights activist and Nobel laureate (b. 1955)
  • July 14
    • Anne Golon, French author (b. 1921)
    • Julia Hartwig, Polish writer and translator (b. 1921)
    • Maryam Mirzakhani, Iranian mathematician (b. 1977)
    • Pedro Richter Prada, 115th Prime Minister of Peru (b. 1921)
  • July 15 – Martin Landau, American actor (b. 1928)
  • July 16 – George A. Romero, American-Canadian film director (b. 1940)
  • July 18 – Max Gallo, French writer, historian, and politician (b. 1932)
  • July 20
    • Chester Bennington, American musician (b. 1976)
    • Claude Rich, French stage and screen actor (b. 1929)
  • July 21
    • John Heard, American actor (b. 1946)
    • Nikolay Kamenskiy, Russian ski jumper (b. 1931)
    • Hrvoje Šarinić, 4th Prime Minister of Croatia (b. 1935)
  • July 23
    • John Kundla, American basketball coach (b. 1916)
    • Waldir Peres, Brazilian footballer (b. 1951)
    • Mervyn Rose, Australian tennis player (b. 1930)
  • July 25
    • Michael Johnson, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (b. 1944)
    • Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu, Indigenous Australian musician (b. 1971)
  • July 26
    • June Foray, American voice actress (b. 1917)
    • Leo Kinnunen, Finnish racing driver (b. 1943)
  • July 27 – Sam Shepard, American playwright and actor (b. 1943)
  • July 29 – Redha Malek, 8th Prime Minister of Algeria (b. 1931)
  • July 30 – Anton Vratuša, 8th Prime Minister of Slovenia (b. 1915)
  • July 31
    • Jérôme Golmard, French tennis player (b. 1973)
    • Jeanne Moreau, French actress (b. 1928)


Nicole Bricq
Li Shengjiao
Glen Campbell
Brian Aldiss
Jerry Lewis
  • August 2 – Jim Marrs, American journalist (b. 1943)
  • August 3
    • Ty Hardin, American actor (b. 1930)
    • Robert Hardy, English actor (b. 1925)
    • Ángel Nieto, Spanish Grand Prix motorcycle racer (b. 1947)
  • Augustخمسة – Dionigi Tettamanzi, Italian cardinal (b. 1934)
  • August 6
    • Nicole Bricq, French politician (b. 1947)
    • Li Shengjiao, Chinese diplomat and international jurist (b. 1935)
    • Betty Cuthbert, Australian athlete (b. 1938)
    • Ernst Zündel, German publisher and pamphleteer (b. 1939)
  • Augustثمانية – Glen Campbell, American singer and actor (b. 1936)
  • Augustعشرة – Ruth Pfau, German-Pakistani nun and physician (b. 1929)
  • August 15 – Gunnar Birkerts, Latvian-born American architect (b. 1925)
  • August 17 – Sonny Landham, American actor (b. 1941)
  • August 18 – Bruce Forsyth, British actor and game show host (b. 1928)
  • August 19
    • Brian Aldiss, British science fiction writer and editor (b. 1925)
    • Dick Gregory, American comedian and activist (b. 1932)
  • August 20
    • Margot Hielscher, German singer and film actress (b. 1919)
    • Jerry Lewis, American actor and comedian (b. 1926)
    • Colin Meads, New Zealand rugby player (b. 1936)
  • August 21
    • Réjean Ducharme, Canadian novelist and playwright (b. 1941)
    • Bajram Rexhepi, 1st Prime Minister of Kosovo (b. 1954)
  • August 22
    • John Abercrombie, American jazz guitarist (b. 1944)
    • Tony deBrum, Marshallese politician and climate change activist (b. 1945)
  • August 24 – Jay Thomas, American actor (b. 1948)
  • August 26
    • Tobe Hooper, American film director (b. 1943)
    • Josef Musil, Czech volleyball player (b. 1932)
  • August 28
    • Tsutomu Hata, 51st Prime Minister of Japan (b. 1935)
    • Mireille Darc, French model and actress (b. 1938)
  • August 30
    • Károly Makk, Hungarian film director and screenwriter (b. 1925)
    • Louise Hay, American author (b. 1926)
    • Marjorie Boulton, British author and poet (b. 1924)
  • August 31 – Richard Anderson, American actor (b. 1926)


Nicolaas Bloembergen
Abdul Halim
Jake LaMotta
Hugh Hefner
Ludmila Belousova
  • September 1 – Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, British cardinal (b. 1932)
  • September 3
    • John Ashbery, American poet (b. 1927)
    • Walter Becker, American musician (b. 1950)
  • September 5
    • Nicolaas Bloembergen, Dutch-American Nobel physicist (b. 1920)
    • Holger Czukay, German musician (b. 1938)
  • September 6
    • Carlo Caffarra, Italian cardinal (b. 1938)
    • Kate Millett, American feminist writer (b. 1934)
    • Lotfi A. Zadeh, Azerbaijani-born American mathematician (b. 1921)
  • Septemberسبعة – Türkân Akyol, Turkish politician (b. 1928)
  • September 8
    • Pierre Bergé, French businessman (b. 1930)
    • Jerry Pournelle, American author and journalist (b. 1933)
    • Ljubiša Samardžić, Serbian actor and director (b. 1936)
    • Don Williams, American musician (b. 1939)
  • Septemberتسعة – Velasio de Paolis, Italian cardinal (b. 1935)
  • September 10
    • Hans Alfredson, Swedish actor (b. 1931)
    • Len Wein, American comic book writer (b. 1948)
  • September 11
    • Tuanku Abdul Halim, Malaysian sultan, 5th & 14th Yang di-Pertuan Agong (b. 1927)
    • J. P. Donleavy, Irish-American author (b. 1926)
    • Peter Hall, British film director (b. 1930)
  • September 15
    • Harry Dean Stanton, American actor (b. 1926)
    • Violet Brown, Jamaican supercentenarian (b. 1900)
  • September 16 – Arjan Singh, Indian diplomat (b. 1919)
  • September 17
    • Bobby Heenan, American professional wrestling manager (b. 1944)
    • Lucy Ozarin, United States Navy psychiatrist (b. 1914)
  • September 19
    • Jake LaMotta, American boxer (b. 1922)
    • Massimo Natili, Italian racing driver (b. 1935)
    • John Nicholson, New Zealand racing driver (b. 1941)
  • September 21 – Liliane Bettencourt, French businesswoman (b. 1922)
  • September 22 – Paavo Lonkila, Finnish cross-country skier (b. 1923)
  • September 24 – Gisèle Casadesus, French actress (b. 1914)
  • September 25
    • Liz Dawn, English actress (b. 1939)
    • Bobby Knutt, English actor and comedian (b. 1945)
  • September 26 – Barry Dennen, American actor (b. 1938)
  • September 27
    • Hugh Hefner, American magazine publisher (b. 1926)
    • Anne Jeffreys, American actress and singer (b. 1923)
  • September 29
    • Ludmila Belousova, Russian pair skater (b. 1935)
    • Tom Alter, Indian actor (b. 1950)
  • September 30
    • Monty Hall, Canadian-American television host (b. 1921)
    • Vladimir Voevodsky, Russian-American mathematician (b. 1966)


Tom Petty
Albert Zafy
Danielle Darrieux
Fats Domino
Ninian Stephen
  • October 1 – Arthur Janov, American psychologist (b. 1924)
  • October 2
    • Tom Petty, American musician (b. 1950)
    • Klaus Huber, Swiss composer and academic (b. 1924)
  • October 3
    • Michel Jouvet, French neurobiologist (b. 1925)
    • Jalal Talabani, Prime Minister and President of Iraq (b. 1933)
  • October أربعة – Liam Cosgrave, 6th Taoiseach of Ireland (b. 1920)
  • October 5
    • Anne Wiazemsky, French actress and writer (b. 1947)
    • Eberhard van der Laan, Mayor of Amsterdam (b. 1955)
  • Octoberستة – Roberto Anzolin, Italian footballer (b. 1938)
  • Octoberسبعة – Vyacheslav Ivanov, Russian philologist and semiotician (b. 1929)
  • October 9
    • Armando Calderón Sol, 41st President of El Salvador (b. 1948)
    • Jean Rochefort, French actor (b. 1930)
    • József Tóth, Hungarian footballer (b. 1929)
  • October 11 – Clifford Husbands, 6th Governor-General of Barbados (b. 1926)
  • October 13
    • William Lombardy, American chess grandmaster (b. 1937)
    • Albert Zafy, 3rd President of Madagascar (b. 1927)
  • October 14 – Richard Wilbur, American poet (b. 1921)
  • October 15 – Choirul Huda, Indonesian footballer (b. 1979)
  • October 16 – Roy Dotrice, British actor (b. 1923)
  • October 17
    • Danielle Darrieux, French actress and singer (b. 1917)
    • Gord Downie, Canadian singer-songwriter (b. 1964)
  • October 18 – Marino Perani, Italian football manager and player (b. 1939)
  • October 19 – Umberto Lenzi, Italian film director (b. 1931)
  • October 20 – Federico Luppi, Argentine-Spanish actor (b. 1936)
  • October 22
    • Scott Putesky, American musician (b. 1968)
    • George Young, Scottish-born Australian musician and songwriter (b. 1946)
  • October 23
    • Walter Lassally, German-born British-Greek cinematographer (b. 1926)
    • Paul J. Weitz, American astronaut (b. 1932)
  • October 24
    • Girija Devi, Indian singer (b. 1929)
    • Fats Domino, American singer (b. 1928)
    • Robert Guillaume, American actor (b. 1927)
  • October 27 – Katalin Szőke, Hungarian Olympic swimmer (b. 1935)
  • October 28 – Manuel Sanchís Martínez, Spanish footballer (b. 1938)
  • October 29
    • Muhal Richard Abrams, American musician (b. 1930)
    • Ninian Stephen, 20th Governor-General of Australia (b. 1923)
    • Tony Madigan, Australian boxer and rugby union player (b. 1930)


Richard F. Gordon, Jr.
Roy Halladay
Alina Janowska
Charles Manson
David Cassidy
Jim Nabors
  • November 1 – Vladimir Makanin, Russian writer (b. 1937)
  • November 2 – Aboubacar Somparé, Guinean politician (b. 1944)
  • November ثلاثة – Abdur Rahman Biswas, 11th President of Bangladesh (b. 1926)
  • November 5
    • Dionatan Teixeira, Brazilian footballer (b. 1992)
    • Lothar Thoms, German track cyclist (b. 1956)
  • November 6
    • Karin Dor, German actress (b. 1938)
    • Richard F. Gordon, Jr., American astronaut (b. 1929)
    • Feliciano Rivilla, Spanish footballer (b. 1936)
  • November 7
    • Roy Halladay, American baseball player (b. 1977)
    • Hans Schäfer, German footballer (b. 1927)
  • November 8
    • Antonio Carluccio, Italian chef (b. 1937)
    • Josip Weber, Croatian-Belgian footballer (b. 1964)
  • November 9
    • John Hillerman, American actor (b. 1932)
    • Shyla Stylez, Canadian pornographic actress (b. 1982)
  • Novemberعشرة – Mikhail Nikolayevich Zadornov, Russian comedian and writer (b. 1948)
  • November 11
    • Kirti Nidhi Bista, 25th Prime Minister of Nepal (b. 1927)
    • Chiquito de la Calzada, Spanish humorist, singer, and actor (b. 1932)
  • November 12 – Bernard Panafieu, French cardinal (b. 1931)
  • November 13
    • David Poisson, French alpine skier (b. 1982)
    • Alina Janowska, Polish actress (b. 1923)
    • Bobby Doerr, American baseball player and coach (b. 1918)
  • November 15
    • Luis Bacalov, Argentine-born Italian composer (b. 1933)
    • Lil Peep, American singer and rapper (b. 1996)
  • November 16 – Hiromi Tsuru, Japanese actress and voice actress (b. 1960)
  • November 17 – Salvatore Riina, Italian mobster (b. 1930)
  • November 18
    • Azzedine Alaia, Tunisian-French fashion designer (b. 1940)
    • José Manuel Maza, Attorney General of Spain (b. 1951)
    • Youssouf Ouédraogo, 6th Prime Minister of Burkina Faso (b. 1952)
    • Naim Süleymanoğlu, Turkish Olympic weightlifter (b. 1967)
    • Malcolm Young, Australian guitarist (b. 1953)
  • November 19
    • Charles Manson, American criminal and cult leader (b. 1934)
    • Andrea Cordero Lanza di Montezemolo, Italian cardinal (b. 1925)
    • Jana Novotná, Czech tennis player (b. 1968)
    • Della Reese, American actress and singer (b. 1931)
    • Pancho Segura, Ecuadorian-American tennis player (b. 1921)
    • Mel Tillis, American country music singer (b. 1932)
  • November 20 – Víctor Hipólito Martínez, Argentine lawyer and politician (b. 1924)
  • November 21 – David Cassidy, American singer and actor (b. 1950)
  • November 22
    • Jon Hendricks, American jazz lyricist and singer (b. 1921)
    • Dmitri Hvorostovsky, Russian baritone singer (b. 1962)
  • November 25 – Rance Howard, American actor (b. 1928)
  • November 29
    • Jerry Fodor, American philosopher and cognitive scientist (b. 1935)
    • Slobodan Praljak, Croatian general (b. 1945)
    • Bondan Winarno, Indonesian culinary expert and journalist (b. 1950) نطقب:Importance inline
  • November 30
    • Jim Nabors, American actor (b. 1930)
    • Surin Pitsuwan, Thai politician and diplomat (b. 1949)


Ali Abdullah Saleh
Michael I
Bernard Francis Law
  • December 1 – Fredy Schmidtke, German cyclist (b. 1961)
  • December 2 – Nava Semel, Israeli author and playwright (b. 1954)
  • December ثلاثة – John B. Anderson, American politician (b. 1922)
  • December 4
    • Shashi Kapoor, Indian film actor and producer (b. 1938)
    • Ali Abdullah Saleh, 1st President of Yemen (b. 1947)
    • Manuel Marín, Spanish politician (b. 1949)
    • Christine Keeler, English model and showgirl (b. 1942)
  • December 5
    • August Ames, Canadian pornographic actress (b. 1994)
    • Jean d'Ormesson, French novelist (b. 1925)
    • Johnny Hallyday, French singer (b. 1943)
    • Henning Jensen, Danish footballer (b. 1949)
    • Michael I, King of Romania (b. 1921)
  • Decemberستة – William H. Gass, American novelist (b. 1924)
  • Decemberتسعة – Leonid Bronevoy, Soviet and Russian actor (b. 1928)
  • Decemberعشرة – Charles Green, American Internet personality (b. 1950)
  • December 12 – Ed Lee, American politician (b. 1952)
  • December 13 – Warrel Dane, American singer (b. 1961)
  • December 16 – Keely Smith, American singer (b. 1928)
  • December 18 – Kim Jong-hyun, South Korean singer (b. 1990)
  • December 20 – Bernard Francis Law, American cardinal (b. 1931)
  • December 21 – Bruce McCandless II, American astronaut (b. 1937)
  • December 24 – Heather Menzies, Canadian American actress (b. 1949)
  • December 25 – Vladimir Shainsky, Soviet and Russian composer (b. 1925)
  • December 26 – Johnny Bower, Canadian ice hockey player (b. 1924)
  • December 27 – Osvaldo Fattori, Italian footballer (b. 1922)
  • December 28
    • Fernando Birri, Argentine filmmaker (b. 1925)
    • Sue Grafton, American author (b. 1940)
    • Rose Marie, American actress (b. 1923)
  • December 29 – Carmen Franco, 1st Duchess of Franco, Spanish noble (b. 1926)

Nobel Prizes

  • Chemistry – Jacques Dubochet, Joachim Frank and Richard Henderson
  • Economics – Richard Thaler
  • Literature – Kazuo Ishiguro
  • Peace – International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
  • Physics – Barry Barish, Kip Thorne and Rainer Weiss
  • Physiology or Medicine – Jeffrey C. Hall, Michael Rosbash and Michael W. Young

انظر أيضاً

  • قائمة الأعوام الدولية


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تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-06 07:15:15
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