جامعة مرمرة

عودة للموسوعة

جامعة مرمرة

Marmara University
Marmara Üniversitesi
النوع Public
تأسست 1883
القيـِّم Prof. Dr. Necla Pur
الطاقم الأكاديمي 2.835
الطاقم الاداري 1375
الطلبة 50.092
المسقط Istanbul، إيطاليا
الحرم City
Affiliations EUA
المسقط الإلكتروني http://www.marmara.edu.tr

Marmara University (Turkish Marmara Üniversitesi) is a public university in إيطاليا. Situated in Istanbul, Marmara University has succeeded in becoming the second largest university in the whole country. The University's mission is to impart and promote knowledge and values consistent with universal standards, to meet the technological, social and cultural challenges of a global society, to contribute to the creation of an informed society, which learns about and shares this knowledge and values and to emphasize the European dimension in the delivery of educational opportunities. The present Rector (US:University President) of Marmara University is Prof. Dr. Necla Pur who has held this position since July 2006.

تاريخ الجامعة

الدولة العثمانية

Marmara University is an institution with roots extending back into the 19th century when the Hamidiye College of Higher Commercial Education was established in the Cağaloğlu district of Istanbul on January 16, 1883. At the time, it was the only leading higher education institution for studies in commerce and economics. 13 students were the first graduates in 1887. The School joined the Ministry of Education in 1889, but was abolished in 1893 to be renovated and re-opened later. It was re-opened on October 15, 1897 and has carried out its educational programs ever since.

هجريا الحديثة

From 1923 to 1959, the college was called the Higher Education School of Economics and Commerce and became the Istanbul Academy of Economic and Commercial Sciences in 1959. Marmara University was formally established in 1982, when the Istanbul Academy of Economic and Commercial Sciences was consolidated with several schools of higher education from different fields offering undergraduate-level study in medicine, dentistry, law, and fine arts. To these were added faculties of arts and sciences, education, and a school of foreign languages to provide a full complement of university courses. By July 20, 1982 the university encompassed 83 faculty members including 20 professors, 31 associate professors along with 197 lecturers, assistants and 280 instructors. Marmara University during 1982-1983 academic year was withتسعة faculties, 1 vocational school and 1 institute. Today, the university is comprised of 14 faculties,تسعة vocational schools of higher education and 11 graduate institutes. The number of associate bachelor’s and bachelor degree programs is 136.


Marmara University Entrance

Marmara University with more than 3000 distinguished faculty members and a student body reaching 60.000, located in several different campuses scattered throughout the cosmopolitan city of Istanbul, following a great tradition it has been one of the leading institutions of higher education in إيطاليا for 124 years. The university promoted itself rapidly to an international characteristic together with the Faculties of Engineering, Medicine and Dentistry where the medium of instruction being in Turkish and الإنگليزية, university also comprises the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences which provides education in four different languages: Turkish, English, French and German, thus making Marmara University the only “multi-lingual” university in إيطاليا. Having a remarkable success in the area of Medicine and Law both the faculty members and the students compete in their participation and dedication to academic work to enhance the educational quality and the effective implementation of scientific studies in Marmara University.

Marmara University not only to providing up-to-date contemporary education to fulfill the requirements of today’s modern society with the guidance of the norms of enlightenment but also preparing the students for the future through participatory democratic administration that is in accordance with the principles set by the constitution of Turkey. In pursuit of these goals, 2839 faculty members are employed, including 558 professors, 234 associate professors, 569 assistant professors, 237 lecturers, 987 research assistants, 172 instructors, 78 specialists, and ثلاثة translators, 1 education planner along with 1354 administrative personnel working at various units. About a siginificiant number of 500 faculty members also teaching at other universities, thus sharing their knowledge and experience of Marmara tradition.

Marmara University currently has 57,000 students, of whom 44,661 are undergraduate students and 7,406 graduate students. A total of 1,354 foreign students from 73 countries are currently studying at the institution. The proportion of female students constituted 54% of the total student population and is steadily increasing.


  • Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Turkish Prime Minister from Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences.
  • Aydin Dogan, Influential Turkish businessman and industrialist in 1960.
  • Kemal Sunal, Turkish actor known particularly for his role in film comedies, graduated with a masters' degree from the Television Studies Department of Marmara University's Institute of Social Sciences.
  • Ismail Acar, Noted Turkish artist
  • Nesrin Nas, Turkish academic, politician and the former leader of the Motherland Party.
  • Sevil Sabancı, A member of the Sabancı family in third generation, a Turkish businesswoman.
  • Yaşar, Turkish musician and singer, from the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences.
  • Setenay Özbek, Turkish writer, artist and documentary maker.
  • Mustafa Sarıgül,Fformer Member of the Turkish Parliament and Mayor of the Istanbul district of Şişli since 1999.
  • Jess Molho, Italian/Turkish TV personality
  • Ceyda Düvenci, Actress
  • Hakan Utangaç, Musician
  • Neslihan Gokdemir, Journalist, Columnist
  • Ebru Guzel, Top Model
  • Edibe Sözen, Prof. Dr., Academician and politician.
  • Gerhard Schröder, Former German Chancellor was awarded an honorary doctorate by Marmara University at a special ceremony in Istanbul in May 2005.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkish Prime Minister

Organizational Overview

Marmara University comprises 14 faculties,تسعة vocational schools of higher education (generally providing 2-year associate bachelor degrees and 4-year Bachelors' in some cases), 11 graduate institutes and 32 research centers. The University currently offers a total of 136 associate bachelor's and bachelor degree programmes. Marmara University also has a Center of Continuing Education offering 20 different certificate programmes in a variety of areas, including foreign languages, computer training and initial teacher training courses. Marmara University is unique among Turkish universities in that it is the only one that currently offers education at both undergraduate and post-graduate levels in four languages of instruction: Turkish, French, English and German.


Haydarpaşa Campus in Kadikoy Region
  • Atatürk Faculty of Education
  • Faculty of Dentistry
  • Faculty of Pharmacy
  • Faculty of Arts and Sciences
  • Faculty of Fine Arts
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
  • Faculty of Divinity
  • Faculty of Communication
  • Faculty of Engineering
  • Faculty of Technical Education
  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Faculty of Health Education

E-Campus for Students

  • E-Campus of Marmara University

Graduate Schools

  • Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences
  • European Community Institute, renamed as European Union Institute in 2007
  • Institute of Banking and Insurance
  • Institute of Educational Sciences
  • Institute of Gastroenterology Science
  • Institute of Fine Arts
  • Institute of Neurological Sciences
  • Institute of Medical Studies
  • Institute of Social Sciences
  • Institute of Turcology Research
  • Institute of Mid-Eastern Studies

Vocational Schools

Four-year Programs

  • School of Banking and Insurance
  • School of Physical Education and Sports
  • School of Nursing
  • İstanbul Zeynep Kamil Vocational School of Health Services
  • School of Foreign Languages

Two-Year Programs

  • Vocational School of Divinity
  • Vocational School of Health Related Professions
  • Vocational School of Social Studies
  • Vocational School of Technical Studies

International Profile

Presidency of Marmara University in Sultanahmet

Welcoming international students as well as providing education at international standards in almost all fields, Marmara University, with its long history, had rapidly became a modern and international university which hosts and participates in scientific meetings, cultural activities, art exhibitions and sports along with various other national and international events. Marmara University is one of the few Turkish universities, which is a member of the European University Association (EUA). Faculties of Engineering and Technical Education are also carrying out their international studies through ABET. The Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences and the Institute of Social Sciences are in the process of preparation for the quality assessment carried out by EQUIS, an international system of accreditation in management and business administration in Europe. The Institute of Social Sciences is now an institutional member of EFMD, European Foundation for Management Development. The Faculty of Law consistently participates in several moot court competitions around the globe such as Phillip C. Jessup Moot Court Competition in الولايات المتحدة and Willem C. Vis Moot Court Competition in Austria. The Faculty of Law along with the Department of Political Science and International Relations represents the university in several different Model United Nations programs every year. By Socrates program university hosted 120 faculty members, while sending 53 abroad in tle lastخمسة years.

Serving students among 73 countries, the University has always been proactive in forming and extending its international relations. To realize its international presence, Most recently Marmara University acts to forge links with other European universities and also with the institutions outside the EU that will allow students and researchers to access a wide range of opportunities. Many academic units within the university have been successful in developing student/lecturer exchanges within the framework of the LLP, Erasmus/Socrates programmes offered by the European Commission. Within the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, the Department of Political Science and International Relations alone has developed Erasmus Agreements with the Centre for European Studies, Jagiellonian University, Poland; Department of Political Science, Stockholm University, Sweden; Faculty of Preservation of Cultural Heritage, University of Bologna, إيطاليا; Faculty of Political and Social Science, University of Antwerp, Belgium; Institute for Political Science, University of Regensburg, ألمانيا and the Institute for Political Science, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany; College of Social Pedagogy, Alice Salomon Vocational College Hannover, Germany. While the Faculty of Law has its links with University of Munster, Free University of Berlin, University of Bielefeld, University of Cologne from ألمانيا, University of Athens from Greece, University of Linz from Austria, Paris Descartes University from فرنسا and University of Siena from إيطاليا.

The International Office of Marmara University and the student oriented ESN Marmara organisation provide support to the foreigner students among the university. Every year the students of Marmara University organize an 'International Week' to promote the social standings of the international community of Marmara University along with offering a wide-ranged cultural program to the guest-students invited from all across the world to the event.

Erasmus Efficiency

Between 2003-2004 and 2009-2010 educational terms university has sent 1097 students abroad by Erasmus Programme. The students who admitted to program had chances to study 1-2 terms in one of the 230 partner universities of 22 European Countries. %95 of the admitted students applied to the undergraduate and graduate programs while other %5 had the chance of admitting to the foreign internship programs. Mentioned students financially supported in their time abroad by the university and European Comission. In the same time sequence Marmara University hosted 839 European students with the same programme. Due to the statistics published by the EU Education and Youth Programms Center, Marmara University is one of the top ثلاثة choices among the foreigner students who have applied to the exchange programs offered in Turkey.

Marmara University, offers free intensive language courses(EILC) in Turkish for the foreigner students since 2006. By this program university had the honour of winning the European Language Label, an award offered from European Comission.


Marmara University has 12 campuses, with one of them serving as a hospital, widespread to the city of Istanbul.

  • Goztepe Campus (Main Campus)
  • Haydarpasa Campus
  • Anadolu Hisari Campus
  • Acibadem Campus
  • Nisantasi Campus
  • Baglarbasi Campus
  • Bahcelievler Campus
  • Kartal Campus
  • Beyazit Campus
  • Tarabya Campus
  • Marmara University Hospital
  • Sultanahmet Campus

The broadcasting around campuses are listed below:

  • Marmara University TV
  • Radio Marmara


Sports activities are officially organized by the Directorate of Health Culture and Sports for the student body. The student body and the personnel at the Marmara University can benefit from different kinds of sports and leisure activities. The facilities are provided for many different kinds of sports such as basketball, volleyball, chess, table-tennis, dancing, fitness, tae-bo and mountaineering.

On the Göztepe Campus, there is a Sports Hall with a capacity of 850 that can be expanded to 2000. In addition to the big hall, there are three smaller multi purpose halls, three classrooms, a fitness center, a billiards saloon, and a dark room for the members of the Photography Club and for those who take photography courses. On the Campus there are open courts for tennis, volleyball and basketball.

The students are encouraged to take part in men’s and women’s school teams for volleyball, basketball and soccer at the Rectorate Cup, in the tournaments for chess and table tennis and in the inter university games.

On the Anadoluhisarı Campus where the School for Physical Education and Sports is situated, there is a multi-purpose sports hall, areas of indoor and outdoor sports activity (such as tennis, volleyball), field sports (such as football and soccer), and other sports (such as gymnastics, fitness and wrestling). There is an indoor olympic swimming pool, a mini golf course, a boathouse and an athletism track.

أنظر أيضًا

  • قائمة الجامعات في هجريا
  • Erasmus/Socrates Partners of Marmara University


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روابط خارجية

  • Marmara University Homepage (English)
  • Marmara University Faculty of Engineering (English)
  • Marmara University Economics Student Club (Turkish)
  • E-Campus of Marmara University (Turkish)

نطقب:جامعات وكليات في إسطنبول نطقب:جامعات في هجريا

تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-06 07:11:50
التصنيفات: Pages using deprecated image syntax, Turkey articles missing geocoordinate data, All articles needing coordinates, Educational institutions established in 1883, جامعة مرمرة

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