► | قرن 18 | << قرن 19 >> | قرن 20 | ◄
► | عقد 1780 | عقد 1790 | عقد 1800 | << عقد 1810 >> | عقد 1820 | عقد 1830 | عقد 1840 | ◄
► | ► | 1805 | 1806 | 1807 | 1808 | 1809 | << 1810 >> | 1811 | 1812 | 1813 | 1814 | 1815 | ◄ | ◄

| | ابحث في الموسوعة عن مواضيع متعلقة بسنة 1810

الألفية: الألفية 2
القرون: القرن 18 - القرن 19 - القرن 20
العقود: عقد 1780  عقد 1790  عقد 1800  - عقد 1810 -  عقد 1820  عقد 1830  عقد 1840
السنوات: 1807 1808 1809 - 1810 - 1811 1812 1813
1810 في موضوعات:
الآثار – العمارة – الفن – الأدب (الشعر) – الموسيقى
حسب البلد
مصر – سوريا - إيران – الصين - فرنسا – ألمانيا – الدولة العثمانية – إيطاليا - اسبانيا - المغرب– روسيا - اليابان – البرازيل - الهند - المملكة المتحدة – الولايات المتحدة – إندونسيا
موضوعات أخرى
السكك الحديدية – العلوم – الرياضة
قوائم الزعماء
الدول ذات السيادة – زعماء الدول – حكام الأنطقيم – الزعماء الدينيون
تصنيفا المواليد والوفيات
المواليد – الوفيات
تصنيفا التأسيسات والانحلالات
التأسيسات – الانحلالات
تصنيف الأعمال
1810 في التقاويم الأخرى
التقويم الگريگوري 1810
آب أوربه كونديتا 2563
التقويم الأرمني 1259
التقويم الآشوري 6560
التقويم البهائي −34 – −33
التقويم البنغالي 1217
التقويم الأمازيغي 2760
سنة العهد البريطاني 50 Geo. 3 – 51 Geo. 3
التقويم البوذي 2354
التقويم البورمي 1172
التقويم البيزنطي 7318–7319
التقويم الصيني 己巳年 (التراب الثعبان)
4506 أو4446
    — إلى —
庚午年 (المعدن الحصان)
4507 أو4447
التقويم القبطي 1526–1527
التقويم الديسكوردي 2976
التقويم الإثيوپي 1802–1803
التقويم العبري 5570–5571
التقاويم الهندوسية
 - ڤيكرام سامڤات 1866–1867
 - شاكا سامڤات 1732–1733
 - كالي يوگا 4911–4912
تقويم الهولوسين 11810
تقويم الإگبو 810–811
التقويم الإيراني 1188–1189
التقويم الهجري 1224–1225
التقويم الياباني Bunka 7
تقويم جوچى N/A
التقويم اليوليوسي الگريگوري ناقص 12 يوم
التقويم الكوري 4143
تقويم مينگوو 102 قبل جمهورية الصين
التقويم الشمسي التايلندي 2353
August 20 – 27: Battle of Grand Port

سنة 1810 (MDCCCX) كانت سنة بسيطة تبدأ يوم الاثنين (الرابط يعرض التقويم كاملاً) التقويم الگريگوري، السنة 1810 بعد الميلاد (م)، السنة 810 في الألفية 2، السنةعشرة في القرن 19، والسنة 1st في عقد 1810 بين 1583 و1929 ومع فارق 1810 is 12 يوم عن التقويم اليوليوسي، والذين ظلوا مستخدمين حتى التحول الكامل إلى التقويم الگريگوري في 1929.



  • January 1 – Major-General Lachlan Macquarie officially becomes Governor of New South Wales.
  • January أربعة – Australian seal hunter Frederick Hasselborough discovers Campbell Island, in the Subantarctic.
  • January 12 – The marriage of Napoleon and Joséphine is annulled.
  • February 20 – Tyrolean rebel leader Andreas Hofer is executed.
  • March أربعة – Peninsular War: The French Army, under the command of André Masséna, retreats from Portugal.
  • March 11 – Napoleon marries Marie-Louise of Austria.


  • April 19 – Venezuela achieves home rule: Vicente Emparán, Governor of the Captaincy General of Venezuela, is removed by the people of Caracas, and a junta is installed. Venezuela is the first South American state to proclaim independence from Spain.
  • April 27 – Beethoven composes his famous piano piece, Für Elise.
  • May 1 – Macon's Bill Number 2 becomes law in the United States, intending to motivate Britain and France to stop seizing American vessels during the Napoleonic Wars.
  • May ثلاثة – Lord Byron swims across the Hellespont in إيطاليا.
  • Mayعشرة – Rev. Henry Duncan opens the world's first commercial savings bank, in Ruthwell, Scotland.
  • May 16 – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe publishes his book Zu Farbenlehre (Theory of Colours).
  • May 18–25 – May Revolution: Armed citizens of Buenos Aires expel the Viceroy and establish a provincial government for Argentina (the Primera Junta).
  • June أربعة – The Society in Dedham for Apprehending Horse Thieves is founded in Dedham, Massachusetts.
  • June 23 – John Jacob Astor forms the Pacific Fur Company.
  • June – Nicolas Appert publishes L'art de conserver pendant plusieurs années toutes les substances animales ou végétales, the first description of modern food preservation using airtight containers.
  • April – Summer – The Kingdom of Hawaii is unified.


  • July 9
    • Napoleon annexes the Kingdom of Holland.
    • Russia acquires Sukhumi through a treaty with the Abkhazian dukes, and declares a protectorate over the whole of Abkhazia.
  • July 11 – Frederick Hasselborough discovers Macquarie Island, in the subantarctic.
  • July 20 – Patria Boba: A junta of seven patriots, led by José Acevedo y Gómez, assemble in Bogotá in the Viceroyalty of New Granada (modern-day Colombia), to declare its independence from the Spanish Empire.
  • August 2 – In Quito, Ecuador, 200 citizens are slaughtered in the Royal barracks and the surrounding streets, by royalist troops.
  • Augustستة – The city of Santa Cruz de Mompox, in modern-day Colombia, declares independence from the Spanish Empire.
  • August 20–27 – Battle of Grand Port: The French force the British Royal Navy fleet, attempting to blockade a harbour on Isle de France (Mauritius), to surrender.
  • August 21 – Jean Baptiste Bernadotte, Marshal of France, is elected Crown Prince of Sweden, by the Swedish Riksdag of the Estates.
  • Septemberثمانية – The Tonquin sets sail from New York Harbor, with 33 employees of John Jacob Astor's newly created Pacific Fur Company on board. After a six-month journey around the tip of South America, the ship arrives at the mouth of the Columbia River, and Astor's men establish the fur-trading town of Astoria.
  • September 16 – Grito de Dolores: Miguel Hidalgo, a Catholic priest from Guanajuato, incites the revolt that becomes the Mexican War of Independence.
  • September 18 – Chile forms its First National Junta, which is the country's first step towards its independence.
  • September 23 – The Republic of West Florida declares independence from Spain.
  • September 26 – A new Act of Succession is adopted by the Riksdag of the Estates, and Jean Baptiste Bernadotte becomes heir to the Swedish throne.


  • October – King George III of the United Kingdom is recognized as insane.
  • October 12 – First Oktoberfest: Bavarian royalty invites the citizens of Munich to join the celebration of the marriage of Crown Prince Ludwig of Bavaria, to Princess Therese of Saxe-Hildburghausen.
  • October 27 – The United States annexes the Republic of West Florida.
  • November 2 – A peace treaty in Haiti confirms its division between the northern State of Haiti, ruled autocratically by the gen de couleur Henri Christophe, and the southern Republic, ruled by mulatto Alexandre Pétion. Steeve Coupeau, The History of Haiti (Greenwood, 2008) p49
  • November 17 – Anglo-Swedish War (1810–12): Sweden declares war on the United Kingdom.
  • November 23 – English actress Sarah Booth debuts at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden in London.
  • November 29–December ثلاثة – Invasion of Isle de France: British forces force the French to surrender Isle de France (Mauritius).

مجهولة التاريخ

Goethe publishes Theory of Colours
  • Amadou Lobbo initiates his jihad, in present-day Mali.
  • Ching Shih and Cheung Po Tsai surrender their pirate fleet to the Chinese government.
  • The first steamboat sails on the Ohio River.
  • The General Union of Spinners organizes a strike action, to raise wages in the smaller UK cotton centres to the Manchester level.
  • The Saint Petersburg main military engineering school becomes the first engineering higher learning institution in the Russian Empire, after the addition of officers' classes, and the application of a five-year term of teaching.
  • Friedrich Krupp establishes a steel foundry in Essen.
  • Rocky Point Manor is built in Harrodsburg, Kentucky.
  • Moose become extinct in the Caucasus.
  • 18,000 Angolans are sold at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • Palm oil sales from West Africa to Britain reach 1,000 tons.
  • 4,500 chests of opium are sold in China.
  • Sake Dean Mahomed opens the Hindoostanee Coffee House, the first Indian restaurant in London.



Frédéric Chopin
Robert Schumann
  • January ثلاثة – Antoine Thomson d'Abbadie, Irish-French geographer (d. 1897)
  • January 13 – Ernestine Rose, Polish-born feminist (d. 1892)
  • January 29 – Ernst Kummer, German mathematician (d. 1893)
  • Februaryخمسة – Ole Bull, Norwegian violinist (d. 1880)
  • Februaryثمانية – Eliphas Levi, French writer (d. 1875)
  • March 1 – Frédéric Chopin, Polish composer, pianist (d. 1849)
  • March 2 – Pope Leo XIII (و. Vincenzo Gioacchino Raffaele Luigi Pecci) (d. 1903)
  • Marchعشرة – Samuel Ferguson, Northern Irish poet, artist (d. 1886)
  • Aprilثمانية – Hégésippe Moreau, French writer and poet (d. 1838)
  • May 2 – Hans Christian Lumbye, Danish composer (d. 1874)
  • May 23 – Margaret Fuller, American journalist, literary critic and feminist (drowning) (d.1850)
  • May 24 – Abraham Geiger, German rabbi, founder of European Reform Judaism (d. 1874)
  • May 31 – Horatio Seymour, 18th Governor of New York, 1868 Democratic Party Presidential Nominee (d. 1886)
  • Juneثمانية – Robert Schumann, German composer, pianist (d. 1856)
  • Juneتسعة – Carl Otto Nicolai, German composer, conductor (d. 1849)
  • June 14 – Ward Hunt, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States (d. 1886)


Theodor Schwann
  • Julyخمسة – P. T. Barnum, American showman (d. 1891)
  • July 20 – Leonhard Graf von Blumenthal, Prussian field marshal (d. 1900)
  • July 21 – Henri Victor Regnault, French chemist, physicist (d. 1878)
  • August أربعة – Maurice de Guérin, French poet (d. 1839)
  • Augustعشرة – Camillo Benso, Count of Cavour, 1st Prime Minister of Italy (d. 1861)
  • August 24 – Theodore Parker, American preacher, Transcendentalist, and abolitionist (d. 1860)
  • August 29 – Juan Bautista Alberdi, Argentinian politician, writer and Constitution main promoter (d. 1884)
  • September 2 – William Seymour Tyler, American educator, historian (d. 1897)
  • September 11 – James Pollock, American politician (d. 1890)
  • September 29 – Elizabeth Gaskell, British novelist (d. 1865)
  • October أربعة – Eliza McCardle Johnson, First Lady of the United States (d. 1876)
  • Octoberثمانية – James W. Marshall, American contractor, builder of Sutter's Mill (d. 1885)
  • November 2 – Andrew A. Humphreys, American general, civil engineer (d. 1883)
  • November ثلاثة – Yisroel Salanter, father of the Musar movement in Orthodox Judaism (d. 1883)
  • November 26 – William Armstrong, 1st Baron Armstrong, English engineer, inventor of the Hydraulic accumulator (d. 1900)
  • Decemberسبعة – Theodor Schwann, German physiologist (d. 1882)
  • December 11 – Alfred de Musset, French poet (d. 1857)
  • December 24 – Wilhelm Marstrand, Danish painter (d. 1873)

Date Unknown

  • Nicolae Golescu, 9th Prime Minister of Romania (d. 1877)



Henry Cavendish
  • January 15 – Yekaterina Romanovna Vorontsova-Dashkova, Russian princess, courtier and patron of the arts and sciences, first woman to head a scientific academy (و. 1743)
  • January 20 – Benjamin Chew, Chief Justice of colonial Pennsylvania (و. 1722)
  • January 23 – Johann Wilhelm Ritter, German chemist, physicist (و. 1776)
  • February 20 – Andreas Hofer, Tyrolean national hero (executed) (و. 1767)
  • February 24 – Henry Cavendish, British scientist (و. 1731)
  • Marchسبعة – Cuthbert Collingwood, 1st Baron Collingwood, British admiral (و. 1750)
  • April 26 – John Metcalf, English roadbuilder (و. 1717)
  • Mayتسعة – Benjamin Lincoln, major general in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War (و. 1733)
  • May 15 – Francis Hews, Baptist preacher in Bedfordshire, England.
  • May 21 – Chevalier d'Eon, French-born diplomat, spy, soldier and transvestite (و. 1728)
  • May 26 – Catharina Heybeek, Dutch journalist, feminist and editor (d. 1764)
  • Juneسبعة – Luigi Schiavonetti, Italian engraver (و. 1765)
  • June 26 – Joseph-Michel Montgolfier, French inventor (و. 1740)


Louise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
  • July 19 – Louise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Queen of Prussia (و. 1776)
  • August 12 – Étienne Louis Geoffroy, French pharmacist, entomologist (و. 1725)
  • August 26 – Santiago de Liniers, 1st Count of Buenos Aires, French officer in Spanish colonial military service (executed) (و. 1753)
  • September 17 – Ulla von Höpken, Swedish courtier, influential socialite (و. 1749)
  • October 15 – Alfred Moore, American judge (و. 1755)
  • November 2 – Princess Amelia of the United Kingdom, Member of the British Royal Family (و. 1783)
  • November 11
    • Johan Zoffany, German-born painter (و. 1733)
    • John Laurance, American attorney, statesman, and judge (و. 1750)
  • December 2 – Philipp Otto Runge, German painter (و. 1777)
  • Decemberخمسة – Kumara Swamy Desikar, Indian philosopher (و. 1711)
  • September 13 – William Cushing, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States (و. 1732)File:Joseph Haydn.jpg|thumb|110px|Joseph Haydn
  • December 14 – Cyrus Griffin, last President of the Continental Congress (و. 1749)
  • date unknown – Natalia Shelikova, Russian business person (و. 1762)


  1. ^ Mills, William James (2003). . Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO.
  2. ^ Penguin Pocket On This Day. Penguin Reference Library. 2006. ISBN .
  3. ^ "Chronology of Scottish History". A Timeline of Scottish History. Rampant Scotland. Retrieved 2014-03-10.
  4. ^ Götz Hoeppe, Why the Sky is Blue: Discovering the Color of Life (Princeton University Press, 2007) p126
  5. ^ George Hewitt, The Abkhazians: A Handbook (Routledge, 2013) p74
  6. ^ Rubin, Jeff (2005). . Lonely Planet. p. 170. ISBN . Retrieved 2010-06-30.
  7. ^ Scott, Keith (1993). The Australian Geographic book of Antarctica. Terrey Hills, NSW: Australian Geographic. p. 14. ISBN .
  8. ^ "Icons, a portrait of England 1800-1820". Archived from the original on October 17, 2007. Retrieved 2007-09-11.
  9. ^ A baptismal record gives February 22; see Frédéric Chopin for details.


تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-06 06:54:05
التصنيفات: قرن 19, عقد 1810, 1810

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