الألفية: الألفية 3
القرون: القرن 20 - القرن 21 - القرن 22
العقود: عقد 1980  عقد 1990  عقد 2000  - عقد 2010 -  عقد 2020  عقد 2030  عقد 2040
السنوات: 2012 2013 2014 - 2015 - 2016 2017 2018
2015 حسب الموضوع:
أخبار حسب الشهر
يناير – فبراير – مارس – أبريل – مايو– يونيو
يوليو– أغسطس – سبتمبر – أكتوبر – نوفمبر – ديسمبر
العمارة – الفن – القصص المصورة – السينما – الصوت والصورة – الأدب (الشعر) – الموسيقى (موسيقى الريف، الهيڤي ميتال، الموسيقى العربية) – الإذاعة – التلفزيون – ألعاب الصوت والصورة
الانتخابات – قادة دوليون – السياسة – قادة الدول – الدول المستقلة
العلوم والتكنولوجيا
الآثار – الطيران – فهم الطيور – فهم الأرصاد الجوية – فهم الأحياء القديمة – النقل بالسكك الحديدية – العلوم – رحلات الفضاء
الرياضة – ألعاب القوى (المضمار الميدان) – كرة السلة – كرة القدم – كرة اليد – الكرة الطائرة – الكريكت – هوكي الجليد – Motorsport – التنس – دوري الرگبي – اتحاد الرگبي
حسب المكان
الجزائر – الأرجنتين – أستراليا – بلجيكا - البرازيل – كندا – الصين – الدنمارك – إلسلڤادور – مصر – الاتحاد الاوروپي – فرنسا – جورجيا – ألمانيا – غانا – المجر – الهند – العراق – إيران – أيرلندا – إسرائيل – إيطاليا – اليابان – كنيا – ليتوانيا – لوكسمبورگ – ماليزيا – المكسيك – نيوزيلندا – النرويج – پاكستان – الأراضي الفلسطينية – الفلپين – پولندا – رومانيا – روسيا – سنغافورة – جنوب أفريقيا – كوريا الجنوبية – إسپانيا – سريلانكا – الإمارات المتحدة – المملكة المتحدة – الولايات المتحدة
موضوعات أخرى
جوائز – القانون – القادة الدينيون - الإنترنت
تصنيف المواليد والوفيات
مواليد – وفيات
تصنيفات تأسيسات وانحلالات
تأسيسات – انحلالات
تصنيفات أعمال وأطروحات
أعمال – أطروحات
2015 في التقاويم الأخرى
التقويم الگريگوري 2015
آب أوربه كونديتا 2768
التقويم الأرمني 1464
التقويم الآشوري 6765
التقويم البهائي 171–172
التقويم البنغالي 1422
التقويم الأمازيغي 2965
سنة العهد البريطاني 63 إليز. 2 – 64 إليز. 2
التقويم البوذي 2559
التقويم البورمي 1377
التقويم البيزنطي 7523–7524
التقويم الصيني 甲午年 (الخشب الحصان)
4711 أو4651
    — إلى —
乙未年 (الخشب الماعز)
4712 أو4652
التقويم القبطي 1731–1732
التقويم الديسكوردي 3181
التقويم الإثيوپي 2007–2008
التقويم العبري 5775–5776
التقاويم الهندوسية
 - ڤيكرام سامڤات 2071–2072
 - شاكا سامڤات 1937–1938
 - كالي يوگا 5116–5117
تقويم الهولوسين 12015
تقويم الإگبو 1015–1016
التقويم الإيراني 1393–1394
التقويم الهجري 1436–1437
التقويم الياباني Heisei 27
تقويم جوچى 104
التقويم اليوليوسي الگريگوري ناقص 13 يوم
التقويم الكوري 4348
تقويم مينگوو جمهورية الصين 104
التقويم الشمسي التايلندي 2558
توقيت يونيكس 1420070400–1451606399

2015 ( MMXV) يبدأ يوم الخميس في التقويم الگريگوري وهوالعام رقم 1015 في الألفية الثالثة والقرن 21، والسنة السادسة في عقد 2010.



  • 1 يناير
    • الاتحاد الاقتصادي الأوراسي يبدأ سريانه، خالقاً اتحاداً سياسياً واقتصادياً بين روسيا، بلاروس، أرمينيا، قزخستان وقيرغيزستان.
    • لتوانيا تعتمد رسمياً اليوروعملتها الوحيدة، لتحل محل الليتا، وتصبح البلد التاسع عشر في منطقة اليورو.
  • 3–7 يناير – سلسسلة من المذابح في باگا، نيجريا والقرى المحيطة من بوكوحرام تقتل المئات، إذا لم يكن الآلاف، من الأشخاص.
  • 7 يناير – هجوم ارهابي من متطرفين إسلاميين يستهدف ممحرر المجلة الساخرة الفرنسية شارلي إبدو في پاريس، ويسفر عن مصرع 12 إنسان وجرح نحودستة آخرين.
  • 15 يناير – البنك الوطني السويسري يزيل السقف الذي كان يفرضه على قيمة الفرنك بالنسبة لليورو، مما تسبب في اضطراب الأسواق المالية العالمية.


  • 12 فبراير
    • Leaders from Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France reach an agreement on the conflict in eastern Ukraine that includes a ceasefire and withdrawal of heavy weapons. However, several days later, the Ukrainian government and pro-Russian rebels claim that, within its first day, the ceasefire was broken 139 times, as both sides failed to withdraw their heavy weapons and fighting had continued.
    • The United Nations Security Council adopts Resolution 2199 to combat terrorism.
  • February 16 – The Egyptian military begins conducting airstrikes against a branch of the Islamic militant group ISIL in Libya in retaliation for the group's beheading of over a dozen Egyptian Christians.


  • March 5–8 – The ancient city sites of Nimrud, Hatra and Dur-Sharrukin in Iraq are demolished by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.
  • Marchستة – NASA's Dawn probe enters orbit around Ceres, becoming the first spacecraft to visit a dwarf planet.
  • March 12 – The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant becomes allies with fellow jihadist group Boko Haram, effectively annexing the group.
  • March 24 – An Airbus A320-211 operated by Germanwings crashes in the French Alps, killing all 150 on board.
  • March 25 – A Saudi Arabia-led coalition of Arab countries starts a military intervention in Yemen in order to uphold the Yemeni government in its fight against the Houthis' southern offensive.


  • April 2 – 148 people are killed, the majority students, in a mass shooting at the Garissa University College in Kenya, perpetrated by the militant terrorist organization Al-Shabaab.
  • April 25 – A major earthquake in Nepal, measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale, results in more than 9,000 deaths in Nepal, India,China and Bangladesh.
  • April 29 – The World Health Organization (WHO) declares that rubella has been eradicated from the Americas.


  • May 1–October 31 – Expo 2015 is held in Milan, Italy.
  • May 11–12 – Version O of Les Femmes d'Alger by Pablo Picasso sells for US$179.3 million at Christie's auction in New York, while the sculpture L'Homme au doigt by Alberto Giacometti sells for US$141.3 million, setting a new world record for a painting and for a sculpture, respectively.
  • May 12 – A second major earthquake in Nepal, measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale, results in more than 200 deaths in Nepal,India,China and Bangladesh.
  • May 23 – The Republic of Ireland votes to legalize same-sex marriage, becoming the first country to legalize same-sex marriage by popular vote.


  • June 2 – FIFA President Sepp Blatter resigns amidst an FBI-led corruption investigation, and calls for an extraordinary congress to elect a new president as soon as possible.
  • June 7–8 – The 41st G7 summit is held in Schloss Elmau, Bavaria.
  • June 25–26 – ISIL claim responsibility for four attacks around the world during the Ramadan:
    • Kobanî massacre: ISIL fighters detonate three car bombs, enter Kobanî, Syria, and open fire at civilians, killing more than 220.
    • Sousse attacks: 22-year-old Seifeddine Rezgui opens fire at a tourist resort at Port El Kantaoui, Tunisia, killing 40 people.
    • Kuwait mosque bombing: A suicide bomber attacks the Shia Mosque Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq at Kuwait City, Kuwait, killing 27 people and injuring 227 others.
  • June 30
    • Cuba becomes the first country in the world to eradicate mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis.
    • A Lockheed C-130 Hercules operated by the Indonesian Air Force crashed into a crowded residential neighborhood in Medan shortly after take-off from Soewondo Air Force Base, killing 143 people including 22 others on the ground, marking the second-deadliest air disaster to ever occur in Medan and the deadliest crash in Indonesian Air Force peacetime history.


  • July 1 – Greek government-debt crisis: Greece becomes the first advanced economy to miss a payment to the International Monetary Fund in the 71-year history of the IMF.
  • July 14
    • NASA's New Horizons spacecraft performs a close flyby of Pluto, becoming the first spacecraft in history to visit the distant world.
    • Iran agrees to long-term limits of its nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief.
  • July 20 – Cuba and the الولايات المتحدة reestablish full diplomatic relations, ending a 54-year stretch of hostility between the nations.
  • July 24 – هجريا begins a series of airstrikes against PKK and ISIL targets after the 2015 Suruç bombing.


  • Augustخمسة – Debris found on Réunion Island is confirmed to be that of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370, missing since March 2014.


  • Septemberعشرة – Scientists announce the discovery of Homo naledi, a previously unknown species of early human in South Africa.


أحداث متسقطة ومزمعة


  • فبراير - وصول مركبة الفضاء دون إلى الكوكب القزم سيريس.
  • 14 يوليو- من المتسقط حتى تقترب المركبة نيوهورايزونز من پلوتووشارون بسرعة 50،000 كيلومترا في الساعة وتستكشف المنطقة لمدة خمسة أشهر حتى تصبح المسافة كبيرة جدا. وسوف تدخل نيوهورايزونز إلى حزام كايپر وتخرج من مطاف المجموعة الشمسية.
  • مسبار الفضاء ڤويدجر 1 سيصل إلى الغلاف الشمسي.


  • 20 مارس - Total كسوف شمسي تام (يمكن رؤيته في شمال الأطلسي).


  • October 25 - The expected return of the Comet 22P/Kopff.



تاريخ غير معروف

في الخيال

في الأدب

  • Runaround, a short story by Isaac Asimov, is set in this year.
  • The Carbon Diaries: 2015, a teenage diary series about climate change is set in this year.

الكمبيوتر وألعاب الصوت والصورة

  • Doom: The Union Aerospace Corporation is founded by Thomas Kelliher.
  • Star Control: The Small War of 2015 takes place, a war where many of humanity's nuclear weapons were used, and resolved in the isolations of the weapons. It is called the "small war" because it could have been much worse.
  • Mega Man 8 and Mega Man & Bass are set in this year.[]
  • "Jetfighter 2015" (2005)
  • Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation: The first Ace Combat installment for the Xbox 360. The game takes place on the Anean continent in a war between Emmeria and Estovakia.
  • Ace Combat: Assault Horizon: Another Ace Combat installment for the Xbox 360 as well as PS3, it follows the story of a U.S Air Force/NATO colonel and takes place in the real world in a war between the United States and NATO against a rebel force in Africa, Russian coup forces and a mercenary ace driven to revenge for the death of his wife.
  • MAG: Massive Action Game: The event of the war between Valor, Raven and S.V.E.R starts in the future, 2015


  • "Firebird 2015 AD" (1981)
  • Back to the Future Part II (1989): Dr. Emmett Brown, Marty McFly, and Jennifer Parker time travel to October 21 of this year. Lawyers are abolished, automated clothing is in vogue, innovations in entertainment and food technology have been made and people travel in flying cars and hoverboards.
  • Event Horizon (1997): The first permanent colony will be established on the Moon.
  • The 6th Day (2000)


  • Set in 2015:
    • FlashForward (2010): On the show Future Shock (FlashForward) at the end has "Happy New Year 2015" on a sign in a montage in the second blackout.
    • Defenders of the Earth (1986):
    • Future GPX Cyber Formula (1991): Hayato Kazami becomes the youngest driver ever in Cyber formula with Sugo Grand Prix.
    • Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995–1996): The main events of the series take place in this year.
    • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ("Past Tense", 1995): By 2015, لندن has its own Major League Baseball team, the London Kings.
    • Space: Above and Beyond (1995–1996): Aerospace and defense supplier Aero-Tech is founded.
    • Twin Peaks (1990–1991): Agent Cooper dreams the Red Room in which Laura Palmer reveals to him her killer of 25 years prior, as seen in the European cut of the pilot.
    • 3rd Rock from the Sun: According to Dick Solomon in the episode "Angry Dick", a giant meteor is destined to collide with Earth. When he says this in his physics class and all of his students turn towards him in shock, he adds, "which obviously doesn't exist because I'm kidding!"
    • Family Guy: In the episode The King is Dead, Peter puts on a play called The King and I which takes place in this year.
    • An episode of Doctor Who in the Seriesخمسة episode, Amy's Choice, which aired in 2010, is set in this year.

امتيازات وسائل الإعلام



  • 1 يناير
    • Ulrich Beck, German sociologist (و. 1944)
    • ماريوكومو، سياسي أمريكي (و. 1932)
    • عمر كرامي، رئيس وزراء لبنان رقم 58. (و. 1934)
    • Boris Morukov, Russian astronaut (و. 1950)
  • 3 يناير – Edward Brooke, American politician (و. 1919)
  • 4 يناير – Pino Daniele, Italian singer, songwriter, and guitarist (و. 1955)
  • 5 يناير – Jean-Pierre Beltoise, French race car driver (و. 1937)
  • 6 يناير – Vlastimil Bubník, Czech ice hockey player and footballer (و. 1931)
  • 7 يناير
    • تاديوش كونڤيكي، محرر ومخرج أفلام پولندي (و. 1926)
    • Rod Taylor, Australian actor (و. 1930)
  • 8 يناير – Andraé Crouch, American singer, songwriter, and pastor (و. 1942)
  • Januaryتسعة – Józef Oleksy، رئيس وزراء پولندا السابع (و. 1946)
  • 10 يناير – Francesco Rosi, Italian film director (و. 1922)
  • 11 يناير
    • أنيتا إكبرگ، ممثلة سويدية (و. 1931)
  • 12 يناير – Elena Obraztsova, Russian opera singer (و. 1939)
  • 17 يناير – فاتن حمامة، ممثلة مصرية (و. 1931)
  • 20 يناير – Hitoshi Saito, Japanese judoka (و. 1961)
  • 21 يناير – Leon Brittan, British politician (و. 1939)
  • 23 يناير – الملك عبد الله بن عبد العزيز آل سعود (و. 1924)
  • 25 يناير -
  • 2015 - ديميس روسوس، مغني مصري-يوناني، (و. 15 يونيو1946).


Aldo Ciccolini
Udo Lattek
André Brink
Leonard Nimoy
  • 1 فبراير
    • Aldo Ciccolini, Italian-born French pianist (و. 1925)
    • Udo Lattek, German footballer and coach (و. 1935)
  • February ثلاثة – Martin Gilbert, English historian (و. 1936)
  • February 5
    • Henri Coppens, Belgian footballer and coach (و. 1930)
    • Val Logsdon Fitch, American Nobel physicist (و. 1923)
  • February 6
    • André Brink, South African writer (و. 1935)
    • Assia Djebar, Algerian writer (و. 1936)
  • Februaryسبعة – Marshall Rosenberg, American psychologist and writer (و. 1934)
  • Februaryعشرة – Karl Josef Becker, German cardinal (و. 1928)
  • February 12 – Movita Castaneda, American actress (و. 1916)
  • February 14
    • Michele Ferrero, Italian businessman (و. 1925)
    • Louis Jourdan, French actor (و. 1921)
    • Franjo Mihalić, Croatian-Serbian athlete and coach (و. 1920)
    • Wim Ruska, Dutch wrestler and martial artist (و. 1940)
  • February 16
    • Lesley Gore, American singer (و. 1946)
    • Lorena Rojas, Mexican actress (و. 1971)
  • February 18 – Claude Criquielion, Belgian road bicycle racer (و. 1957)
  • February 21
    • Aleksei Gubarev, Russian cosmonaut (و. 1931)
    • Clark Terry, American jazz trumpeter and fugelhornist (و. 1920)
  • February 27
    • Boris Nemtsov, Russian politician (و. 1959)
    • Leonard Nimoy, American actor (و. 1931)
  • February 28
    • Yaşar Kemal, Turkish author (و. 1923)
    • Anthony Mason, American basketball player (و. 1966)


Sam Simon
Terry Pratchett
Malcolm Fraser
Lee Kuan Yew
  • 1 مارس
    • Joshua Fishman, American linguist (و. 1926)
    • Wolfram Wuttke, German footballer (و. 1961)
  • March 2 – Dave Mackay, Scottish footballer and coach (و. 1934)
  • Marchخمسة – Edward Egan, American cardinal (و. 1932)
  • Marchسبعة – Yoshihiro Tatsumi, Japanese manga artist (و. 1935)
  • Marchثمانية – Sam Simon, American producer and philanthropist (و. 1955)
  • March 9
    • Camille Muffat, French swimmer (و. 1989)
    • Frei Otto, German architect (و. 1925)
    • Alexis Vastine, French boxer (و. 1986)
  • March 11 – Walter Burkert, German academic and writer (و. 1931)
  • March 12
    • Michael Graves, American architect (و. 1934)
    • Terry Pratchett, English writer (و. 1948)
  • March 13 – Daevid Allen, Australian musician (و. 1938)
  • March 14 – Valentin Rasputin, Russian writer (و. 1937)
  • March 15
    • Xu Caihou, Chinese army general (و. 1943)
    • Mike Porcaro, American bass guitarist (و. 1955)
  • March 16 – Andy Fraser, English songwriter and bass guitarist (و. 1952)
  • March 19 – Gerda van der Kade-Koudijs, Dutch athlete (و. 1923)
  • March 20 – Malcolm Fraser, 22nd Prime Minister of Australia (و. 1930)
  • March 21
    • Hans Erni, Swiss artist (و. 1909)
    • Jørgen Ingmann, Danish musician (و. 1925)
    • Alberta Watson, Canadian actress (و. 1955)
  • March 23 – Lee Kuan Yew, 1st Prime Minister of Singapore (و. 1923)
  • 26 مارس
    • Dinkha IV, Iraqi patriarch (و. 1935)
    • Tomas Tranströmer, Swedish Nobel poet and translator (و. 1931)
  • March 27 – Olga Syahputra, Indonesian actor and singer (و. 1983)
  • March 29 – Miroslav Ondříček, Czech cinematographer (و. 1934)
  • March 30 – Ingrid van Houten-Groeneveld, Dutch astronomer (و. 1921)


Günter Grass
Percy Sledge
Verne Gagne
  • April 2 – Manoel de Oliveira, Portuguese film director and screenwriter (و. 1908)
  • April أربعة – Klaus Rifbjerg, Danish author (و. 1931)
  • Aprilستة – James Best, American actor (و. 1926)
  • Aprilسبعة – Geoffrey Lewis, American actor (و. 1935)
  • Aprilثمانية – Jean-Claude Turcotte, Canadian cardinal (و. 1936)
  • Aprilعشرة – Rose Francine Rogombé, Gabonese lawyer and politician (و. 1942)
  • April 13
    • Eduardo Galeano, Uruguayan writer (و. 1940)
    • Günter Grass, German Nobel writer (و. 1927)
    • Thelma Coyne Long, Australian tennis player (و. 1918)
  • April 14
    • Percy Sledge, American singer (و. 1940)
    • Roberto Tucci, Italian cardinal (و. 1921)
  • April 15 – Surya Bahadur Thapa, 24th Prime Minister of Nepal (و. 1928)
  • April 16 – Stanislav Gross, 5th Prime Minister of the Czech Republic (و. 1969)
  • April 17 – Francis George, American cardinal (و. 1937)
  • April 24 – Władysław Bartoszewski, Polish politician and resistance fighter (و. 1922)
  • April 27
    • Verne Gagne, American professional wrestler (و. 1926)
    • Andrew Lesnie, Australian cinematographer (و. 1956)
  • April 29 – Giovanni Canestri, Italian cardinal (و. 1918)
  • April 30
    • Ben E. King, American singer (و. 1938)
    • Patachou, French singer and actress (و. 1918)


Maya Plisetskaya
B.B. King
John Forbes Nash, Jr.
  • May 1
    • Geoff Duke, British motorcycle racer (و. 1923)
    • Grace Lee Whitney, American actress and singer (و. 1930)
  • May 2
    • Maya Plisetskaya, Russian ballet dancer, choreographer, ballet director, and actress (و. 1925)
    • Ruth Rendell, British author (و. 1930)
  • Mayتسعة – Kenan Evren, Turkish military officer, seventh President of Turkey (و. 1917)
  • Mayعشرة – Chris Burden, American artist (و. 1946)
  • May 12 – Peter Gay, American psychohistorian (و. 1923)
  • May 14 – B.B. King, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (و. 1925)
  • May 15 – Renzo Zorzi, Italian racing driver (و. 1946)
  • May 18
    • Halldór Ásgrímsson, Prime Minister of Iceland (و. 1947)
    • Raymond Gosling, British scientist (و. 1926)
  • May 19 – Gerald Götting, German politician (و. 1923)
  • May 21 – Annarita Sidoti, Italian race walker (و. 1969)
  • May 23
    • Anne Meara, American actress and comedian (و. 1929)
    • John Forbes Nash, Jr., American Nobel mathematician (و. 1928)
  • May 24 – Tanith Lee, British writer (و. 1947)
  • May 25 – Mary Ellen Mark, American photographer (و. 1940)
  • May 26 – Vicente Aranda, Spanish film director (و. 1926)
  • May 27 – Nils Christie, Norwegian criminologist (و. 1928)
  • May 29
    • Henry Carr, American sprinter (و. 1941)
    • Doris Hart, American tennis player (و. 1925)
    • Betsy Palmer, American actress (و. 1926)


Nicholas Liverpool
Christopher Lee
Yevgeny Primakov
Chris Squire
  • June 1
    • Charles Kennedy, British politician (و. 1959)
    • Nicholas Liverpool, Dominican politician, sixth President of Dominica (و. 1934)
  • June 2 – Irwin Rose, American Nobel biochemist (و. 1926)
  • June أربعة – Hermann Zapf, German typeface designer (و. 1918)
  • Juneخمسة – Tariq Aziz, Iraqi politician (و. 1936)
  • Juneستة – Pierre Brice, French actor (و. 1929)
  • Juneسبعة – Christopher Lee, English actor (و. 1922)
  • Juneتسعة – James Last, German composer and big band leader (و. 1929)
  • June 11
    • Ornette Coleman, American free jazz saxophonist (و. 1930)
    • Ron Moody, British actor (و. 1924)
    • Dusty Rhodes, American professional wrestler (و. 1945)
  • June 14
    • Qiao Shi, Chinese politician (و. 1924)
    • Zito, Brazilian footballer (و. 1932)
  • June 15
    • Jeanna Friske, Russian singer, model, and actress (و. 1974)
    • Kirk Kerkorian, American businessman (و. 1917)
  • June 16 – Charles Correa, Indian architect (و. 1930)
  • June 17
    • Ron Clarke, Australian runner (و. 1937)
    • سليمان دميرل, Turkish politician, ninth President of Turkey (و. 1924)
    • Roberto M. Levingston, Argentine general and politician, 36th President of Argentina (و. 1920)
  • June 20 – Esther Brand, South African athlete (و. 1922)
  • June 21
    • Veijo Meri, Finnish writer (و. 1928)
    • Gunther Schuller, American composer, conductor, historian, and jazz musician (و. 1925)
  • June 22
    • Laura Antonelli, Italian actress (و. 1941)
    • James Horner, American film composer (و. 1953)
  • June 23
    • Magali Noël, French actress and singer (و. 1931)
    • Dick Van Patten, American actor (و. 1928)
  • June 25
    • Nerses Bedros XIX Tarmouni, Armenian Catholic Patriarch of Cilicia (و. 1940)
    • Patrick Macnee, English actor (و. 1922)
  • June 26 – Yevgeny Primakov, Russian politician and diplomat, Prime Minister of Russia from 1998 to 1999 (و. 1929)
  • June 27 – Chris Squire, English bass guitarist (و. 1948)
  • June 29
    • Josef Masopust, Czech football player and coach (و. 1931)
    • Charles Pasqua, French politician (و. 1927)


Omar Sharif
Satoru Iwata
A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
  • July 1
    • Sergio Sollima, Italian film director (و. 1921)
    • Nicholas Winton, British humanitarian (و. 1909)
  • Julyخمسة – Yoichiro Nambu, Japanese-American Nobel physicist (و. 1921)
  • July 10
    • Roger Rees, Welsh-American actor (و. 1944)
    • Omar Sharif, Egyptian actor (و. 1932)
    • Jon Vickers, Canadian tenor (و. 1926)
  • July 11
    • Giacomo Biffi, Italian cardinal (و. 1928)
    • Patricia Crone, Danish scholar (و. 1945)
    • Satoru Iwata, Japanese businessman and video game programmer (و. 1959)
  • July 12 – Chenjerai Hove, Zimbabwean poet (و. 1956)
  • July 13 – Martin Litchfield West, British classical scholar (و. 1937)
  • July 14 – Ildikó Schwarczenberger, Hungarian fencer (و. 1951)
  • July 15 – Wan Li, Chinese politician (و. 1916)
  • July 16 – Alcides Ghiggia, Uruguayan footballer (و. 1926)
  • July 17 – Jules Bianchi, French race car driver (و. 1989)
  • July 18 – Alex Rocco, American actor (و. 1936)
  • July 19 – Galina Prozumenshchikova, Soviet swimmer (و. 1948)
  • July 21
    • Theodore Bikel, Austrian-American actor (و. 1924)
    • E. L. Doctorow, American author (و. 1931)
  • July 23 – William Wakefield Baum, American Catholic cardinal (و. 1926)
  • July 27 – A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, Indian scientist and politician, 11th President of India (و. 1931)
  • July 28 – Edward Natapei, 6th Prime Minister of Vanuatu (و. 1954)
  • July 30
    • Lynn Anderson, American country singer (و. 1947)
    • Alena Vrzáňová, Czech figure skater (و. 1931)
  • July 31 – Roddy Piper, Canadian wrestler (و. 1954)


Robert Conquest
Yvonne Craig
Oliver Sacks
  • August 1 – Cilla Black, English singer and entertainer (و. 1943)
  • August ثلاثة – Robert Conquest, British-born American historian (و. 1917)
  • August 7
    • Manuel Contreras, Chilean general (و. 1929)
    • Frances Oldham Kelsey, Canadian physician (و. 1914)
  • Augustتسعة – John Henry Holland, American computer scientist (و. 1929)
  • August 11 – Harald Nielsen, Danish footballer (و. 1941)
  • August 12 – Jaakko Hintikka, Finnish philosopher and logician (و. 1929)
  • August 14 – Bob Johnston, American record producer (و. 1932)
  • August 16 – Mile Mrkšić, Serbian military officer (و. 1947)
  • August 17
    • Jacob Bekenstein, Mexican theoretical physicist (و. 1947)
    • Yvonne Craig, American actress (و. 1937)
    • Arsen Dedić, Croatian musician (و. 1938)
    • László Paskai, Hungarian cardinal (و. 1927)
  • August 20 – Egon Bahr, German politician (و. 1922)
  • August 22
    • Ieng Thirith, Cambodian politician (و. 1932)
    • Eric Thompson, English racing driver (و. 1919)
  • August 23 – Guy Ligier, French racing driver and team owner (و. 1930)
  • August 24 – Justin Wilson, British racing driver (و. 1978)
  • August 29 – Wayne Dyer, American author and motivational speaker (و. 1940)
  • August 30
    • Wes Craven, American film director and writer (و. 1939)
    • Oliver Sacks, British-American neurologist and writer (و. 1933)


Jackie Collins
Yogi Berra
  • September 1 – Dean Jones, American actor (و. 1931)
  • September ثلاثة – Chandra Bahadur Dangi, Nepalese dwarf, world's shortest man (و. 1939)
  • September أربعة – Rico Rodriguez, Cuban-British musician (و. 1934)
  • Septemberسبعة – Candida Royalle, American actress and director (و. 1950)
  • September 12
    • Adrian Frutiger, Swiss typeface designer (و. 1928)
    • Ron Springett, British footballer (و. 1935)
  • September 13 – Moses Malone, American basketball player (و. 1955)
  • September 14 – Corneliu Vadim Tudor, Romanian politician (و. 1949)
  • September 17 – Dettmar Cramer, German football coach (و. 1925)
  • September 19 – Jackie Collins, British novelist (و. 1937)
  • September 22 – Yogi Berra, American baseball player (و. 1925)
  • September 23 – Dragan Holcer, Croatian footballer (و. 1945)
  • September 27 – Pietro Ingrao, Italian politician (و. 1915)
  • September 28 – Ignacio Zoco, Spanish footballer (و. 1939)



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تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-06 06:47:54
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