جيولوجيا تركيا

عودة للموسوعة

جيولوجيا هجريا

خريطة الزلازل في هجريا 1900–2017

جيولوجيا هجريا is the product of a wide variety of tectonic processes that have shaped Anatolia over millions of years, a process which continue today as evidenced by frequent earthquakes and occasional volcanic eruptions.

التاريخ الجيولوجي

The earliest geological history of Turkey is poorly understood, partly because these oldest rocks in the region are involved into younger deformation phases that hindered their evolution. This created problem of reconstructing how the region has been tectonically assembled by plate motions. Turkey can be thought of as a collage of different continental pieces and remnants of oceanic lithospheric rocks amalgamated together by younger tectonic processes that involve accumulation of igneous (both plutonic and volcanic) and sedimentary rocks.

تكتونيات الصفائح

تكتونيات الصفائح في هجريا: توجد فوالق جيولوجيا حول الصفيحة الأناضولية والصفيحة الأفريقية والصفيحة العربية والصفحية الأوراسية.

Except for a relatively small portion of its territory along the Syrian border that is a continuation of the Arabian Plate, Turkey geologically is part of the great Alpine belt that extends from the Atlantic Ocean to the Himalaya Mountains. This belt was formed during the Cenozoic Era (about 66 to 1.6 million years ago), as the Arabian, African, and Indian continental plates began to collide with the Eurasian Plate. This process is still at work today as the African Plate converges with the Eurasian Plate and the Anatolian Plate escapes towards the west and southwest along strike-slip faults. These are the North Anatolian Fault Zone, which forms the present day plate boundary of Eurasia near the Black Sea coast and, the East Anatolian Fault Zone, which forms part of the boundary of the North Arabian Plate in the southeast. As a result of this plate tectonics configuration, Turkey is one of the world's more active earthquake and volcanic regions.

جيولوجيا الدولة العثمانية، 1326 هـ/1908م.

انظر أيضاً

  • قائمة الزلازل في هجريا


  1. ^ Kaymakci et al., 2010


  • Bergougnan, H. (1975) Dispositif des ophiolites nord-est anatoliennes, origine des nappes ophiolitiques et sud-pontiques, jeu de la faille nord-anatolienne. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences, Série D: Sciences Naturelles, 281: 107–110.
  • Bozkurt, E. and Satir, M. (2000) The southern Menderes Massif (western Turkey); geochronology and exhumation history. Geological Journal, 35: 285–296.
  • Kaymakci, N., 2000. Tectono-stratigraphical evolution of the Çankırı basin (Central Anatolia, Turkey) (Vol. 190, pp. 1-247). Utrecht University. | url = http://www.itc.nl/library/papers_2000/phd/kaymakci.pdf
  • Kaymakci, N., Inceöz, M., Ertepinar, P. and Koç, A. 2010. Late Cretaceous to recent kinematics of SE Anatolia (Turkey) In Sosson, M. Kaymakci, N., Stephenson, R., Starostenko, V. and Bergerat, F. (Eds.) Sedimentary basin tectonics from the Black Sea and Caucasus to the Arabian Platform. Geological Society London Special Issue No. 340, 409-435. | url = http://www.metu.edu.tr/~kaymakci/papers/17_Kaymakci%202010_GSL340_SE_Anatolia.pdf
  • Reilinger, R.; McClusky, S.; Vernant, P.; Lawrence, S.; Ergintav,S.; Çakmak, R. 2006. GPS constraints on continental deformation in the Africa‐Arabia‐Eurasia continental collision zone and implications for the dynamics of plate interactions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 111/B5 | url = https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Semih_Ergintav/publication/224962277_Reilinger_R._et_al._GPS_constraints_on_continental_deformation_in_the_Africa-Arabia-Eurasia_continental_collision_zone_and_implications_for_the_dynamics_of_plate_interaction._J._Geophys._Res._111_B05411/links/0912f51396974ee03d000000.pdf | accessdate = July 2016
  • Robertson, A. and Dixon, J.E.D. (1984) Introduction: aspects of the geological evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean. In: Dixon and Robertson (Editors), The Geological Evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 17, 1–74.
  • Ustaömer, T. and Robertson, A. (1997) Tectonic-sedimentary evolution of the north Tethyan margin in the Central Pontides of northern Turkey. In: A.G. Robinson (Editor), Regional and Petroleum Geology of the Black Sea and Surrounding Region. AAPG Memoir, 68, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 255–290.
  • This article contains material from the Library of Congress Country Studies, which are United States government publications in the public domain.
  • This article contains material from the CIA World Factbook which, as a U.S. government publication, is in the المشاع.


  • Brinkmann, Roland, 1976, Geology of Turkey, Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co ISBN 0-444-99833-0
  • Higgins, MD and Higgins, RA, 1996,* Cornell University Press. ISBN 0-8014-3337-1
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