► | قرن 16 | << قرن 17 >> | قرن 18 | ◄
► | عقد 1590 | عقد 1600 | عقد 1610 | << عقد 1620 >> | عقد 1630 | عقد 1640 | عقد 1650 | ◄
► | ► | 1624 | 1625 | 1626 | 1627 | 1628 | << 1629 >> | 1630 | 1631 | 1632 | 1633 | 1634 | ◄ | ◄

| | ابحث في الموسوعة عن مواضيع متعلقة بسنة 1629

الألفية: الألفية 2
القرون: القرن 16 - القرن 17 - القرن 18
العقود: عقد 1590  عقد 1600  عقد 1610  - عقد 1620 -  عقد 1630  عقد 1640  عقد 1650
السنوات: 1626 1627 1628 - 1629 - 1630 1631 1632
1629 حسب الموضوع:
الفنون والعلوم
العمارة - الفن - الأدب - الموسيقى - العلوم
قوائم الزعماء
الحكام الاستعماريون - زعماء الدول
تصنيفا المواليد والوفيات
المواليد - الوفيات
تصنيفا التأسيسات والانحلالات
التأسيسات - الانحلالات
تصنيف الأعمال
1629 في التقاويم الأخرى
التقويم الگريگوري 1629
آب أوربه كونديتا 2382
التقويم الأرمني 1078
التقويم الآشوري 6379
التقويم البهائي −215 – −214
التقويم البنغالي 1036
التقويم الأمازيغي 2579
سنة العهد الإنگليزي 4 Cha. 1 – 5 Cha. 1
التقويم البوذي 2173
التقويم البورمي 991
التقويم البيزنطي 7137–7138
التقويم الصيني 戊辰年 (التراب التنين)
4325 أو4265
    — إلى —
己巳年 (التراب الثعبان)
4326 أو4266
التقويم القبطي 1345–1346
التقويم الديسكوردي 2795
التقويم الإثيوپي 1621–1622
التقويم العبري 5389–5390
التقاويم الهندوسية
 - ڤيكرام سامڤات 1685–1686
 - شاكا سامڤات 1551–1552
 - كالي يوگا 4730–4731
تقويم الهولوسين 11629
تقويم الإگبو 629–630
التقويم الإيراني 1007–1008
التقويم الهجري 1038–1039
التقويم الياباني Kan'ei 6
تقويم جوچى N/A
التقويم اليوليوسي الگريگوري ناقصعشرة يوم
التقويم الكوري 3962
تقويم مينگوو 283 قبل جمهورية الصين
التقويم الشمسي التايلندي 2172
May 14–May 28: The siege of Privas.

سنة 1629 (MDCXXIX) كانت سنة بسيطة تبدأ يوم الاثنين (الرابط يعرض التقويم كاملاً) التقويم الگريگوري، السنة 1629 بعد الميلاد (م)، السنة 629 في الألفية 2، السنة 29 في القرن 17، والسنة عشرة والأخيرة في عقد 1620 بين 1583 و1929 ومع فارق 1629 is 10 يوم عن التقويم اليوليوسي، والذين ظلوا مستخدمين حتى التحول الكامل إلى التقويم الگريگوري في 1929.


Frederick Henry and his cousin Ernst Casimir at the Siege of 's-Hertogenbosch.


  • يناير - زيمبابوى: المونوموتاپا (أوكارنگا) نيامبوكاپاراريدج، خليفة گاتسي روسرى، ينهزم في ماساپا أمام البرتغاليين ويحل محله ماڤورا مهاندى الذي يعلن خضوعه للبرتغال في معاهدة سقطها في 24 مايو(انتهى عهده في 1652 ).
  • 11 فبراير–June 19 – Puritan migration to New England (1620–1640): Around 350 English Puritans on six ships, led by Francis Higginson in the Lyon's Whelp, sail from Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, to Salem, to settle in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in America.
  • 17 فبراير - بداية عهد صفي الأول، شاه فارس (انتهى عهده 1642).
  • 4 مارس – Massachusetts Bay Colony is granted a Royal Charter, and the county is the first to be created in the United States. The area covers almost all of the present-day state.
  • 6 مارس – Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor issues the Edict of Restitution, ordering all Catholic properties lost to Protestantism since 1552 to be restored. The Edict further provides that Catholics and Lutherans (but not Calvinists, Hussites or members of other sects) are to be allowed to practice their faith.
  • Marchعشرة – Charles I of England dissolves Parliament, starting the Eleven Years' Tyranny, in which there is no parliament.
  • April 30 – Eighty Years' War: Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange lays siege to 's-Hertogenbosch, one of Spain's most important fortresses along the Spanish–Dutch border.
  • May 14–28 – Huguenot rebellions: After a 15-day siege, Louis XIII of France captures Privas.
  • May 22 – Thirty Years' War: Christian IV of Denmark and Albrecht von Wallenstein sign the Treaty of Lübeck, ending Denmark's involvement in the Thirty Years' War.
  • May 29 – Thirty Years' War: Prince Frederick of Denmark, the Lutheran administrator of the Prince-Bishopric of Verden, is expelled by the Catholic League as a result of the Edict of Restitution. He is replaced by the staunch catholic Francis of Wartenberg.
  • 4 يونيو- Dutch East India Company ship Batavia is wrecked on a reef near Beacon Island, off Western Australia, on her maiden voyage to the Indies. Following mutiny among the survivors, two exiled murderers become the first Europeans to settle in Australia. Their subsequent fate is unknown.
  • 7 يونيو– The Dutch States-General ratifies the Dutch West India Company's Charter of Freedoms and Exemptions, making it more attractive to invest in the colony of New Netherland في أمريكا الشمالية.
  • June 17 – Huguenot rebellions: Alès surrenders after an intense siege. As a result, the leader of the Huguenot Rebellions, the Duke of Rohan, surrenders.
  • 17 يونيو– Anglo-Spanish War (1625–1630): A Spanish expedition, led by Fadrique de Toledo, wipes out the English colony on Nevis.
  • June 28 – Huguenot rebellions: لويس الثالث عشر من فرنسا signs in his camp at Lédignan the Peace of Alès, ending the Huguenot rebellions. The Huguenots are allowed religious freedom, but lose their political, territorial and military rights.


  • 6 يوليو- اسكندر مودا، سلطان آتشيه (على الطرف الشمالي لسومطرة) يهاجم ملقا، ويحاصرها. ملقا وتقاوم وتتحمل الحصار حتى وصل أسطول برتغالي فك الحصار عنها في أكتوبر.
  • 19 أغسطس - حرب الثمانين سنة: الحامية الاسبانية في Wesel is surprised by a small Dutch army, and the city is taken by the Dutch Republic. As Wesel functioned as the principal supply base of Hendrik van den Bergh's army, the loss of supply forces him to retreat to the Spanish Netherlands, leaving him unable to intervene in the ongoing siege of 's-Hertogenbosch.
  • 21 أغسطس - Huguenot rebellions: Montauban, one of the last Huguenot strongholds, يستسلم without a fight to Richelieu's troops.
  • 21 أغسطس - 20 أكتوبر - الحصار الثاني لباتاڤيا من آگوڠ، سلطان مطرم (جاوة) Vanquished by the Dutch alliance with the Sultan of Banten , he undertakes the forced Islamization of East Java, but fails in his attempts to conquer Bali .
  • August 29 – As a result of the Cambridge Agreement, the Massachusetts Bay Colony becomes a self-governing entity.
  • Septemberسبعة – Anglo-Spanish War (1625–1630): A Spanish expedition, led by Fadrique de Toledo, wipes out the English colony on سانت كيتس.
  • 14 سبتمبر - حرب الثمانين سنة: بعد a five-month-long siege, 's-Hertogenbosch surrenders to Frederick Henry. As a result of the capture of this key fortress, Spain's situation along the Spanish–Dutch border worsens greatly.
  • 21 سبتمبر - وفاة يان پيترسون كوِن، حاكم جزر الهند الشرقية الهولندية. The Dutch control all the Indonesian seas. Only the ports of Banten and Makassar are open to non-Dutch traders. The Portuguese retain Malacca under the threat of a Dutch attack.
  • 25 سبتمبر - Polish–Swedish War (1626–1629): Sweden and the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth sign the Truce of Altmark, ending the war in highly favourable terms for Sweden.
  • أكتوبر – 1629–1631 Italian plague: the plague arrives in Milan.
  • 22 أكتوبر - اليابان: laws on military houses ( Buke shohattô ), written by Tokugawa Hidetada 13 . They will be modified in 1663 to prohibit the suicides of accompaniment which sometimes transformed the death of a head of house in true hecatomb, then definitively fixed in 1683 . They define the code of honor for samurai . They succeed in transforming in two generations the fierce bushi of former times into loyal gendarmes for the humblest or intellectual, knowing how to read, write, organize, judge ...
  • Novemberثمانية – Emperor Go-Mizunoo of Japan abdicates the throne in favour of his daughter, who becomes Empress Meishō.
  • 22 ديسمبر - امبراطور اليابان الامبراطوگو-ميزونو، ابن Shogun Hidetada, abdicated in favor of his daughter meisho , five years old 14 . Go-Mizunoo lived until 1680 in his palace of Shugaku-in, at the foot of Mount Hiei and devoted himself to poetry.
  • ديسمبر -- المانشويغزون منغوليا الداخلية، ويعبرون سور الصين العظيم، ويهددون پكين.

غير مؤرخ

  • Fort San Domingo is built in Formosa by the Spanish settlers.
  • Chongzhen, the Chinese emperor of the Ming dynasty, reiterates the state prohibition against female infanticide, while the empire and the Chinese economy begins to crumble. In the same year, a third of the courier stations are closed down due to lack of government funds to sustain them.
  • The rule of Nzinga of Ndongo and Matamba ends.
  • Actresses are banned in Japan.
  • William Alexander, 1st Earl of Stirling briefly establishes a Scottish colony at Port Royal, Nova Scotia.
  • بداية عهد ثالون مين، ملك بورما. (ينتهي عهده في 1648)
  • البندقية seizes the ships of Ragusa which did not pay the rights for crossing the Adriatic.


Sebastian Valfrè
Christiaan Huygens
Raj Singh I
Melchor Liñán y Cisneros
Jaswant Singh of Marwar


  • January 2 - Christian Scriver, German hymnwriter (ت. 1693)
  • Januaryثمانية - Sir William Hickman, 2nd Baronet, Member of the House of Commons of England (ت. 1682)
  • January 13 - Lelio Colista, Italian composer and lutenist (ت. 1680)
  • January 16 - Theodorick Bland of Westover, American politician (ت. 1671)
  • January 23 - Adolph, Prince of Nassau-Schaumburg and Count of Nassau-Schaumburg (1653–1676) (ت. 1676)
  • Februaryخمسة - Henry Muddiman, English journalist and publisher (ت. 1692)
  • February 16 - Gert Miltzow, Norwegian clergyman and historical writer (ت. 1688)
  • February 25 - Francis Erdmann, Duke of Saxe-Lauenburg, Germany (ت. 1666)
  • February 26
    • Archibald Campbell, 9th Earl of Argyll, Scottish peer (ت. 1685)
    • Iver Leganger, Norewgian priest, non-fiction writer (ت. 1702)
  • March 1 - Abraham Teniers, Flemish painter (ت. 1670)
  • Marchخمسة - Philip Howard, English politician (ت. 1711)
  • Marchثمانية - Johannes Caioni, Transylvanian Franciscan friar (ت. 1687)
  • Marchتسعة - Sebastian Valfrè, Italian Oratorian priest (ت. 1710)
  • Marchعشرة - Metcalfe Robinson, English politician (ت. 1689)
  • March 29 - Tsar Alexis of Russia (ت. 1676)


  • April 1 - Jean-Henri d'Anglebert, French harpsichordist and composer (ت. 1691)
  • Aprilسبعة - John of Austria the Younger, Spanish general (ت. 1679)
  • April 14 - Christiaan Huygens, Dutch scientist (ت. 1695)
  • April 23 - Jan Commelin, Dutch botanist (ت. 1692)
  • Mayثمانية - Niels Juel, Danish admiral (ت. 1697)
  • May 23 - William VI, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel (1637–1663) (ت. 1663)
  • Juneخمسة - George Mason I, American politician (ت. 1686)


  • July 2 - Elizabeth Claypole, daughter of Oliver Cromwell (ت. 1658)
  • July 26 - John Ferrers, English politician (ت. 1680)
  • July 27 - Princess Luisa Cristina of Savoy, Princess of Savoy (ت. 1692)
  • Augustستة - Thomas Walcot, British judge (ت. 1685)
  • Augustعشرة - Agostino Scilla, Italian painter and scientist (ت. 1700)
  • August 12 - Archduchess Isabella Clara of Austria, Austrian archduchess (ت. 1685)
  • August 17 - King John III Sobieski, of Poland (ت. 1696)
  • August 18 - Agneta Horn, Swedish writer (ت. 1672)
  • August 20 - Matthew Wren, English politician (ت. 1672)
  • August 31 - Anna Margaret of Hesse-Homburg, Duchess consort of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Wiesenburg (ت. 1686)
  • September 1 - Dorothea Elisabeth Christiansdatter, daughter of king Christian IV of Denmark (ت. 1687)
  • September 3
    • Lady Mary Dering, English composer (ت. 1704)
    • Cornelis Tromp, Dutch naval officer (ت. 1691)
  • September أربعة - Lorenzo Pasinelli, Italian painter (ت. 1700)
  • Septemberعشرة - John Heydon, English Neoplatonist occult philosopher (ت. 1667)
  • September 17 - Sir John Perceval, 1st Baronet, Irish nobleman (ت. 1665)
  • September 21 - Philip Howard, English Roman Catholic Cardinal (ت. 1694)
  • September 24 - Raj Singh I, Maharaja of Mewar (ت. 1680)


  • October 3
    • Charles II, Duke of Mantua and Montferrat, son of Charles of Gonzaga-Nevers of Rethel (ت. 1665)
    • Armand Jean de Vignerot du Plessis, French duke (ت. 1715)
  • Octoberسبعة - George Ernest, Count of Erbach-Wildenstein, Count of Erbach and Wildenstein (1647–1669) (ت. 1669)
  • Octoberعشرة - Richard Towneley, English mathematician and astronomer from Towneley near Burnley (ت. 1707)
  • October 11 - Armand de Bourbon, Prince of Conti, Frondeur (ت. 1666)
  • October 17 - Balthasar Charles, Prince of Asturias (ت. 1646)
  • October 18 - Lodewijk Meyer, Dutch physician and scholar (ت. 1681)
  • October 21 - Adolph John I, Count Palatine of Kleeburg, Swedish prince (ت. 1689)
  • October 28 - Maria van Riebeeck, South African settler (ت. 1664)
  • October 29 - Agnes Block, Dutch horticulturalist (ت. 1704)
  • November 1 - Oliver Plunkett, Irish saint (ت. 1681)
  • November 11 - Lodewijck van Ludick, painter from the Northern Netherlands (ت. 1724)
  • November 20 - Ernest Augustus, Elector of Brunswick-Lüneburg (ت. 1698)
  • December 2 - William Egon of Fürstenberg, German Catholic cardinal (ت. 1704)
  • Decemberسبعة - Ezekiel, Freiherr von Spanheim, Swiss diplomat (ت. 1710)
  • December 11 - Sir Baynham Throckmorton, 3rd Baronet, English Member of Parliament (ت. 1681)
  • December 12 - Symeon of Polotsk, Belarusian churchman and poet (ت. 1680)
  • December 16 - Ahasverus Fritsch, German jurist, poet and hymn writer (ت. 1701)
  • December 19 - Melchor Liñán y Cisneros, Spanish Catholic archbishop (ت. 1708)
  • December 20 - Pieter de Hooch, Dutch painter (ت. 1684)
  • December 23 - Paul Rycaut, British diplomat (ت. 1700)
  • December 26 - Jaswant Singh of Marwar, ruler of Marwar in the present-day Indian state of Rajasthan (ت. 1678)

مجهولة التاريخ

  • Katherine Austen, English diarist and poet (ت. c. 1683)
  • Don John of Austria the Younger, soldier (ت. 1679)
  • Ruaidhrí Ó Flaithbheartaigh (Roderick O'Flaherty), Irish chieftain and historian (ت. 1718)


Piet Hein
Pietro Bernini
Jan Pieterszoon Coen
  • Januaryسبعة – Henry Frederick, Hereditary Prince of the Palatinate (و. 1614)
  • January 13 – Sri Chand, founder of the ascetic sect of Udasi (و. 1494)
  • January 23 – André Schott, Brabantian Jesuit priest, academic and linguist (و. 1552)
  • January 27 – Hieronymus Praetorius, German composer (و. 1560)
  • March – John Guy, first Governor of Newfoundland
  • March 16 – Countess Emilia of Nassau, Dutch noble, daughter of William the Silent (و. 1559)
  • March 23 – Francis Fane, 1st Earl of Westmorland (و. c. 1580)
  • March 26 – Agnes of Brandenburg, Duchess of Pomerania, later Duchess of Saxe-Lauenburg (و. 1584)
  • March 27 – George Carew, 1st Earl of Totnes, English earl, general and administrator (و. 1555)
  • March 29 – Jacob de Gheyn II, Dutch painter and engraver (و. c. 1585)
  • Aprilثمانية – Willem Teellinck, Dutch pastor (و. 1579)
  • April 17 – Catherine de' Medici, Governor of Siena, Italian princess (و. 1593)
  • Mayخمسة – Szymon Szymonowic, Polish writer (و. 1558)
  • May 19 – Petrus Ryff, Swiss scientist (و. 1552)
  • May 30 – Thomas Schreiber, German alleged witch (و. c. 1598)
  • June 18 – Piet Pieterszoon Hein, Dutch naval officer (و. 1577)
  • Julyستة – Georg Friedrich von Greiffenklau, Archbishop of Mainz (و. 1573)
  • July 13 – Caspar Bartholin the Elder, Swedish physician and theologian (و. 1585)
  • August 18 – Vendela Skytte, Swedish noble (و. 1608)
  • August 29 – Pietro Bernini, Italian sculptor (و. 1562)
  • September 11 – Herman Hugo, Jesuit priest, writer, military chaplain (و. 1588)
  • September 13 – Johannes Buxtorf, German Calvinist theologian (و. 1564)
  • September 21 – Jan Pieterszoon Coen, Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies (و. 1587)
  • September 22 – Robert Radclyffe, 5th Earl of Sussex, British Earl (و. 1573)
  • October 2
    • Pierre de Bérulle, French cardinal and statesman (و. 1575)
    • Antonio Cifra, Italian composer (و. 1584)
  • October ثلاثة – Giorgi Saakadze, Georgian military commander (و. 1570)
  • Octoberخمسة – Heribert Rosweyde, Jesuit hagiographer (و. 1569)
  • October 13 – Petrus Bertius, Flemish theologian and scientist (و. 1565)
  • November – Hendrick ter Brugghen, Dutch painter (و. c. 1558)
  • Novemberتسعة – Sixtinus Amama, Dutch Reformed theologian and orientalist (و. 1593)
  • December 13 – Mikołaj Oleśnicki the younger, Polish noble (و. 1558)
  • December 23 – Giovanni I Cornaro, Doge of Venice (و. 1551)
  • date unknown
    • Antonio Vassilacchi ("Il Aliense"), Greek painter
    • Abbas I of Persia
  • probable – Sigismondo d'India, Italian composer


  1. ^ Higginson, Thomas (1891). . Makers of America. New York: Dodd, Mead, & Co. p. 69. Retrieved 2008-12-15.
  2. ^ Blainey, Geoffrey (1966). The Tyranny of Distance. Melbourne: Sun Books. p. 5. ISBN .


تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-05 21:24:17
التصنيفات: قرن 17, عقد 1620, 1629

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