

عاصمة، مقاطعة وبلدية

من اليسار إلى اليمين، من أعلى: Enerhaugen, Victoria Terrasse, Opera House with Bjørvika Barcode, Tjuvholmen with City Hall, Jernbanetorget with Oslo City, and Grünerløkka


الشعار الحادي: 
Unanimiter et constanter (Latin)
"United and constant"
Location of Oslo in Norway
الإحداثيات: Coordinates:
البلد النرويج
District Østlandet
County Oslo
Established 1048
 • Mayor Marianne Borgen (SV)
 • Governing mayor Raymond Johansen (AP)
 • عاصمة، مقاطعة وبلدية 480٫76 كم² (185٫62 ميل²)
 • البر 454٫08 كم² (175٫32 ميل²)
 • الماء 26٫68 كم² (10٫30 ميل²)
الارتفاع[] 23 m (75 ft)
التعداد(1 January 2018)
 • عاصمة، مقاطعة وبلدية 673٬469
 • الكثافة 1٬400/km2 (3٬600/sq mi)
 • الحضر 975٬744
 • العمرانية 1٬588٬457
أكبر جماعات مهاجرين
 • Pakistani 3.5%
 • Polish 2.5%
 • Somali 2.3%
 • Swedish 2.0%
 • Iraqi (Kurdish & Arab) 1.2%
 • Sri Lankan 1.1%
 • Moroccan 1.0%
منطقة التوقيت CET (التوقيت العالمي المنسق+1)
 • الصيفي CEST (UTC+2)
Postal code 0001 – 1299
مفتاح الهاتف (+47) 00
المسقط الإلكتروني oslo.kommune.no
Oslo kommune

Coat of arms

Oslo ضمن
أوسلوتحيط بها مقاطعة آكرزهوس
البلد النرويج
المقاطعة Oslo
منطقة التوقيت CET (التوقيت العالمي المنسق+1)
 • الصيفي CEST (UTC+2)
ISO 3166 code NO-0301
صيغة اللغة الرسمية Neutral
بيانات من إحصائيات النرويج

Oslo ( // ;Norwegian: [²ʊʂlʊ]  (listen), rarely [²ʊslʊ, ˈʊʂlʊ]) is the capital and most populous city of Norway. It constitutes both a county and a municipality. Founded in the year 1040 as Ánslo, and established as a or trading place in 1048 by Harald Hardrada, the city was elevated to a bishopric in 1070 and a capital under Haakon V of Norway around 1300. Personal unions with Denmark from 1397 to 1523 and again from 1536 to 1814 reduced its influence, and with Sweden from 1814 to 1905 it functioned as a co-official capital. After being destroyed by a fire in 1624, during the reign of King Christian IV, a new city was built closer to Akershus Fortress and named Christiania in the king's honour. It was established as a municipality (formannskapsdistrikt) on 1 January 1838. The city's name was spelled Kristiania between 1877 and 1897 by state and municipal authorities, respectively. In 1925 the city was renamed Oslo.

Oslo is the economic and governmental centre of Norway. The city is also a hub of Norwegian trade, banking, industry and shipping. It is an important centre for maritime industries and maritime trade in Europe. The city is home to many companies within the maritime sector, some of which are among the world's largest shipping companies, shipbrokers and maritime insurance brokers. Oslo is a pilot city of the Council of Europe and the European Commission intercultural cities programme.

Oslo is considered a global city and was ranked "Beta World City" in studies carried out by the Globalization and World Cities Study Group and Network in 2008. It was ranked number one in terms of quality of life among European large cities in the European Cities of the Future 2012 report by fDi magazine. A survey conducted by ECA International in 2011 placed Oslo as the second most expensive city in the world for living expenses after Tokyo. In 2013 Oslo tied with the Australian city of Melbourne as the fourth most expensive city in the world, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)'s Worldwide Cost of Living study.

As of 1 July 2017, the municipality of Oslo had a population of 672,061, while the population of the city's urban area of ثلاثة December 2018 was 1,000,467. The metropolitan area had an estimated population of 1.71 million. The population was increasing at record rates during the early 2000s, making it the fastest growing major city in Europe at the time. This growth stems for the most part from international immigration and related high birth rates, but also from intra-national migration. The immigrant population in the city is growing somewhat faster than the Norwegian population, and in the city proper this is now more than 25% of the total if people with immigrant parents are included.

معلومات عامة

Christiania in July of 1814, as seen from Ekeberg.

يبلغ عدد سكان النرويج 560.484 وذلك حسب تقديرات 2008. وقد إمتدت المنطقة الحضرية حول البلاد لتصل المساحة الكلية لمدينة أوسلو839.423, وبإضافة المساحة الجغرافية فإننا نتحدث عن إقليم أوسلو، والذي يمتد خلف حدود المدينة ، ويصل عدد سكانه 1.121.020 مواطن. وذلك حسب تقديرات 2005 ، وتصل مساحة الأرض 6.920 كم2.[1]

Hansken Sculpture and Theatre Museum, Christiania Torv.


تعرضت الكثر من المناقشات لتفسير معنى حدثة أوسلو. ورجح أنها اتىت من حدثة Old Norse وتعني النرويجي القديمة ، وكان إسم لحقل كبير حيث إستوطن السكان الأوائل للبلدة.

المنظر من حصن آكرزهوس باتجاه الفيورد.


منظر من إكبرگ باتجاه گرفسن

الجغرافيا والمناخ

الشهر يناير فبراير مارس إبريل مايو يونيو يوليو أغسطس سبتمبر أكتوبر نوفمبر ديسمبر
العظمى المتوسطة °C (°F) -1.8 (29) -0.9 (30) 3.5 (38) 9.1 (49) 15.8 (60) 20.4 (69) 21.5 (71) 20.1 (68) 15.1 (59) 9.3 (49) 3.2 (38) -0.5 (31)
الصغرى المتوسطة °C (°F) -6.8 (20) -6.8 (20) -3.3 (26) 0.8 (33) 6.5 (44) 10.6 (51) 12.2 (54) 11.3 (52) 7.5 (46) 3.8 (39) -1.5 (29) -5.6 (22)
Source: World Weather Information Service All data is for Oslo - Blindern (94 m.s.l.)

الحكومة والسياسية

أوسلوهي عاصمة النرويج ولذلك فهي تعتبر مقر للحكومة في البلاد ، حيث تضم معظم الممحرر الحكومية ، بما في ذلك مقر رئيس الوزراء ، ومبنى البرلمان.

View of Oslo looking south from Holmenkollen, directly facing Nesodden.

التقسيمات الإدارية

  1. Gamle Oslo
  2. Grünerløkka
  3. Sagene
  4. St. Hanshaugen
  5. Frogner
  6. Ullern
  7. Vestre Aker
  8. Nordre Aker
  9. Bjerke
  10. Grorud
  11. Stovner
  12. Alna
  13. Østensjø
  14. Nordstrand
  15. Søndre Nordstrand
  16. Sentrum
  17. Marka

المعالم الرئيسية

Akershus Fortress.
الأماكن الملكية.
حديقة فيجلاند.
الملككارل جون.
Vikingship Museum at Bygdøy.
  • الأوبرا الوطنية الجديدة
  • Akershus Castle and Fortress
  • Norsk Folkemuseum, the Norwegian Museum of Cultural History at Bygdøy, with a large open air museum
  • The Armed Forces Museum
  • The City Hall, where the annual Nobel Peace Prize ceremony is held
  • The Nobel Peace Center, Aker brygge
  • The New National Opera House, Bjørvika
  • The Historical Museum
  • The Museum of Modern Art
  • The Holmenkollen ski jump, arena of the 1952 Winter Olympics and the Holmenkollen ski festival, Holmenkollen
  • The Holmenkollen Ski Museum, Holmenkollen
  • The Kon-Tiki Museum, Bygdøy
  • The Munch Museum, Tøyen
  • The river Akerselva
  • The National Gallery
  • The Norwegian Maritime Museum, including Gjøa, Bygdøy
  • The Fram Museum, exhibiting the ship Fram, Bygdøy
  • The Oslo City Museum, at Frogner Manor
  • The Royal Palace
  • The Henie-Onstad Art Centre, Høvikodden in Bærum
  • Oslo Cathedral
  • Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology
  • The Zoological Museum [2] , Tøyen
  • The Botanical garden [3] , Tøyen
  • The Storting, parliament building
  • The Vigeland Park in the Frogner park (Frognerparken)
  • The Viking Ship Museum, displaying ships from Gokstad, Oseberg and Tune at Bygdøy
  • Tryvannstårnet
  • Hovedøya
  • Ullevål Hageby
  • The islands of the Oslofjord


تعتبر أوسلومركز إقتصادي هام في أوروبا في مجال قطاع النقل البحري وتعتبر كذلك موطنا لكثير من الشركات وتضم حوالي 8.500 موظف في هذا المجال ، وذلك من خلال 980 شركة شحن عالمية ، وشركات صناعة سفن وشركات تأمين.

التوزيع السكاني

يوجد نسبة 19.6% من عدد سكان أوسلومن المهاجرين من خارج البلاد. منهم 20.036 من باكستان ، ونسبة 7.128 من سريلانكا والتاميل ، ويشكلا الغالبية العظمى من المهاجرين. الفئة الأخرى من السكان من يوغسلافيا وفيتنام والفلبين وهجريا والصومال والعراق والمغرب. [4] [5]

التاريخ السكاني

السنة عدد السكان
1801 9,500
1825 15,400
1855 31,700
1875 76,900
1900 227,900
1925 255,700
1951 434,365
1960 471,511
1970 487,363
1980 454,872
1990 458,364
2000 507,467
2002 529,407
2006 538,411
2008 560,484

See also:

  • [6]
  • [7]

المجتمعات المدنية

  • 1999: 763,957
  • 2005: 811,688
  • 2006: 825,105
  • 2007: 839,423

المعاهد والتعليم العالي

  • University of Oslo (Universitetet i Oslo)
  • Oslo University College (Høgskolen i Oslo)
  • Norwegian School of Management (Handelshøyskolen BI)
  • Norwegian School of Information Technology (Norges Informasjonsteknologiske Høyskole)
  • Oslo School of Architecture and Design (Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo)
  • Norwegian University of Sport and Physical Education (Norges idrettshøgskole)
  • Norwegian Academy of Music (Norges musikkhøgskole)
  • MF Norwegian School of Theology (Det teologiske Menighetsfakultet - MF)
  • Oslo National Academy of the Arts (Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo KHIO)
  • Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Universitetet for Miljø og Biovitenskap-UMB) located right outside of Oslo
  • Norwegian Military Academy (Krigsskolen)
  • Norwegian School of Veterinary Science (Norges Veterinærhøgskole)
  • Oslo Academy of Fine Arts (Statens kunstakademi)

Oslo now has over 50 schools, colleges and universities in itself alone.


Oslo Airport, Gardermoen
Oslo City Bus.

النقل الجوي

النقل البحري

السكك الحديدية

النقل العام





مدن شقيقة

ترتبط مدينة أوسلوبعلاقات مع المدن التالية:

  • كوتنبرج, السويد
  • Schleswig-Holstein, ألمانيا
  • شنجهاي, الصين
  • سانت بترسبرج, روسيا
  • Vilnius, ليتوانيا
  • وارسو, بولندا

وصلات خارجية

  • City of Oslo: Official website
  • Official Travel and Visitors Guide to Oslo
  • Traveller - A short clip about Oslo

اوسلو travel guide from Wikitravel


  1. ^ "Arealstatistikk for Norge". Kartverket.no. Kartverket. 16 October 2014. Archived from the original on 19 April 2016. Retrieved 13 October 2015.
  2. ^ "Population, 1 January 2016". Statistics Norway. 19 February 2016. Retrieved 28 March 2016.
  3. ^ "Population and land area in urban settlements, 1 January 2014". Statistics Norway.تسعة April 2015. Retrieved 6 September 2015.
  4. ^ "Population and population changes, Q2 2015". Statistics Norway. 20 August 2015. Retrieved 13 October 2015.
  5. ^ regionaldepartementet, Kommunal- og (9 May 2003). "St.meld. nr. 31 (2002-2003)". Regjeringen.no (in النرويجية). Retrieved 22 December 2017.
  6. ^ "Folketalet ved nyttår varخمسة 258 000". ssb.no (in النرويجية نينورسك). Retrieved 22 December 2017.
  7. ^ "Immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents, 1 January 2017". Statistics Norway. Retrieved 2 June 2017.
  8. ^ "Finn postnummer og adresser i Norge og utlandet".
  9. ^ "dictionary.com". Retrieved 6 August 2011.
  10. ^ "GaWC – The World According to GaWC 2008". Lboro.ac.uk. 13 April 2010. Retrieved 23 July 2011.
  11. ^ Rachel Craig (13 February 2012). "European Cities and Regions of the Future 2012/13". fDiIntelligence.com. Retrieved 12 March 2013.
  12. ^ "Sydney rockets up the list of the world's most expensive cities". ECA International.ثمانية June 2011. Archived from the original on ثلاثة October 2011. Retrieved 10 July 2011.
  13. ^ George Arnett; Chris Michael (14 February 2014). "The world's most expensive cities". The Guardian. Retrieved 23 February 2014.
  14. ^ Pål Vegard Hagesæther (2 December 2018). "Nå bor det over én million i Stor-Oslo". Aftenposten. Retrieved 11 December 2018.
  15. ^ "Demografi innenfor ti mil fra Oslo. 1. januar 2010 og endringer 2000–2009. Antall og prosent" [Demographics within a hundred kilometers from Oslo. 1 January 2010 and changes 2000–2009. Number and percent]. Statistics Norway (in Norwegian). Retrieved 15 January 2016.CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  16. ^ "Oslo europamester i vekst – Nyheter – Oslo". Aftenposten.no. Archived from the original on 1 May 2011. Retrieved 3 June 2011.
  17. ^ "Ola og Kari flytter fra innvandrerne – Nyheter – Oslo". Aftenposten.no. Archived from the original on أربعة June 2011. Retrieved 3 June 2011.
  18. ^ "Immigration and immigrants". Ssb.no. 1 January 2009. Archived from the original on 2 September 2009. Retrieved 29 August 2009.
  19. ^ Tableخمسة Population, by sex, age and municipality. 1 January 2007
  20. ^ Statistics from the SSB
  21. ^ Oslo Teknopol Mal
  22. ^ Statistics from the SSB
  23. ^ Population and area in urban settlements
  24. ^ Population and land area in urban settlements, 1 January 1999. Revised figures - One in four lives in the four largest urban areas
  25. ^ Table 1 Urban settlements. Population and area, by municipality. 1 January 2007
  26. ^ Norges idrettshøgskole - forskning og høyere utdanning innenfor idrettsvitenskap - NIH
  27. ^ Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo
  28. ^ Universitetet for miljø- og biovitenskap - UMB
  29. ^ Internett - Norges veterinærhøgskole
  30. ^ Ska-Wiki - Ska-Wiki
  31. ^ Partners - Oslo kommune
  1. ^ As of 1 January 2017. Includes immigrants and children of two immigrants. Does not include children of one immigrant, or grandchildren, great grandchildren etc. of immigrants. No statistic exists which accounts for ethnicity or race. The share of the population which was not counted as immigrant or as children of two immigrants was 67.2%.
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 21:46:33
التصنيفات: صفحات تستعمل قالبا ببيانات مكررة, CS1 errors: deprecated parameters, CS1 النرويجية-language sources (no), CS1 النرويجية نينورسك-language sources (nn), CS1 maint: unrecognized language, Articles with short description, Infobox settlement pages with bad settlement type, Pages using multiple image with auto scaled images, Pages using infobox settlement with possible motto list, All articles with unsourced statements, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2017, Articles with invalid date parameter in template, Pages using infobox settlement with unknown parameters, المدن المضيفة للألعاب الاولمبية الشتوية, عواصم أوروبا, مدن النرويج, مدن ساحلية, أقاليم في النرويج, مدن مضيفة لدورة الألعاب الأوليمبية الشتوية, أوسلوا, تأسيسات 1048, تأسيسات القرن 11, دورة ألعاب أوليمبية 1952, مدن وبلدات النرويج, Counties of Norway, Populated coastal places in Norway, Populated places established in the 11th century, Port cities and towns in Norway, Port cities and towns of the North Sea, Viking Age populated places

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