خوان پـِرون

عودة للموسوعة

خوان پـِرون

خوان پـِرون
41st رئيس الأرجنتين
في المنصب
12 أكتوبر، 1973 – 1 يوليو، 1974
نائب الرئيس Isabel Martínez
سبقه Raúl Lastiri
خلفه Isabel Martínez de Perón
رئيس الأرجنتين رقم 29
في المنصب
4 يونيو، 1946 – 21 سبتمبر، 1955
نائب الرئيس Hortensio Quijano (1946–52)
None (1952–54)
Alberto Teisaire (1954–55)
سبقه Edelmiro Farrell
خلفه José Domingo Molina
20th نائب رئيس الأرجنتين
في المنصب
8 يوليو، 1944 –عشرة أكتوبر، 1945
الرئيس Edelmiro Julián Farrell
سبقه Edelmiro Julián Farrell
خلفه Juan Pistarini
2nd President the Eva Perón Foundation
في المنصب
26 يوليو، 1952 – 21 سبتمبر، 1955
الرئيس خوان پـِرون
سبقه إيڤا پـِرون
خلفه انحلت المؤسسة
تفاصيل شخصية
وُلِد (1895-10-08)أكتوبر 8, 1895
Lobos, Buenos Aires، الأرجنتين
توفي يوليو1, 1974(1974-07-01) (عن عمر 78 عاماً)
Olivos, Buenos Aires، الأرجنتين
القومية أرجنتيني
الحزب Justicialist
الأقارب Mario Tomás Perón (father)
Juana Sosa Toledo (mother)
المهنة عسكري، وزير العدل

خوان دومينگوپـِرون Juan Domingo Perón، (النطق الإسپاني: [ˈxwan doˈmiŋɡo peˈɾon];،ثمانية أكتوبر، 1895 - 1 يوليو، 1974)، هوجنرال وسياسي أرجنتيني، انتخب ثلاث مرات لمنصب رئيس الأرجنتين، على الرغم من تمكنه من الخدمة لولاية واحد كاملة فقط، بعد عمله في مناصب حكومية مختلفة، منها وزير العدل ونائب الرئيس. نحي عن الرئاسة عقب انقلاب عسكري عام 1955. وعاد إلى السلطة عام 1973 لفترةتسعة أشهر، حتى وفاته في عام 1974 حيث خلفته زوجتها الثالثة ماريا إستلا مارتينز.

Perón and his second wife, Eva Duarte, are immensely popular among many Argentines, and to this day they are still considered icons by the Peronists. The Peróns' followers praised their efforts to eliminate poverty and to dignify labor, while their detractors considered them demagogues and dictators. The Peróns gave their name to the political movement known as peronismo, which in present-day Argentina is represented mainly by the Justicialist Party.

تولى المقدم خوان بيرون مهام رئاسة الجمهورية في الأرجنتين. وقبل ذلك بثلاث سنوات فقط كان بيرون مجرد موظف سهل في وزارة العمل والشؤون الإجتماعية. وكان لزوجة رئيس الجمهورية إيڤا بيرون تأثير كبير عليه. وهي راسيرة سابقة غدت فيما بعد بطلة الكثير من الروايات والأفلام والمسرحيات الاستعراضية. وقد سقط نظام حكم بيرون بسبب الفساد الإداري، إلا أنه سرعان ما فاز في الإنتخابات الرئاسية مجدداً، وتزوج امرأة اخرى ، راسيرة أيضا في السابق. وقد ورثت إيزابيل منصب زوجها فغدت اول رئيسة جمهورية في العالم.

الحكومة العسكرية 1943–1946

President Edelmiro Farrell (left) and his benefactor, Vice President Juan Perón, April, 1945.

Demonstration for Perón's release on one of Argentina's most fateful days (October 17, 1945)
The Peróns at their 1945 wedding.

السياسة الداخلية وفترة الرئاسة الأولى (1946–1952)

Perón and his running mate, Hortensio Quijano, leveraged popular support to victory over a Radical Civic Union-led opposition alliance by about 11% in the February 24, 1946 presidential elections.

President Perón at his 1946 inaugural parade.
Ángel Borlenghi, an erstwhile socialist who, as Interior Minister, oversaw new labor courts and the opposition.

President Perón (right) signs the nationalization of British-owned railways watched by Ambassador Sir Reginald Leeper, March 1948.

He refused to enter the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (precursor to the World Trade Organization) or the International Monetary Fund.

As president, Perón took an active interest in the development of sports in Argentina, hosting international events and sponsoring athletes like boxing great José María Gatica (left).

Reservoir of the Valle Grande hydroelectric dam, near San Rafael, Mendoza.
Repairs at the Río Santiago Shipyards.

Perón also prioritized the modernization of the Argentine Armed Forces, particularly its Air Force. Between 1947 and 1950, Argentina manufactured two advanced jet aircraft called Pulqui I (designed by the Argentine engineers Cardehilac, Morchio and Ricciardi with the French engineer Émile Dewoitine, condemned in France in absentia for collaborationism), and Pulqui II designed by German engineer Kurt Tank. In the test flights, the planes were flown by Lieutenant Edmundo Osvaldo Weiss and Tank himself, reaching 1000 km/h with the Pulqui II. Argentina continued testing the Pulqui II until 1959; in the tests, two pilots lost their lives. The Pulqui project opened the door to two successful Argentinian planes: the IA 58 Pucará and the IA 63 Pampa manufactured at the Aircraft Factory of Córdoba.

Production line at the state military industries facility, 1950; on line since 1927, Perón's budgets modernized and expanded the complex.
The CNEA's work resulted in a research reactor by 1957, one of the world's first.

In 1951, Perón announced that the Huemul Project would produce nuclear fusion before any other country. The project was led by an Austrian, Ronald Richter, who had been recommended by Kurt Tank. Tank expected to power his aircraft with Richter's invention. Perón announced that energy produced by the fusion process would be delivered in milk-bottle sized containers. Richter announced success in 1951, but no proof was given. The next year, Perón appointed a scientific team to investigate Richter's activities. Reports by José Antonio Balseiro and Mario Báncora revealed that the project was a fraud. After that, the Huemul Project was transferred to the Centro Atómico Bariloche (CAB) of the new National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA) and to the physics institute of the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, later named Instituto Balseiro (IB).

تدخلات وإسهامات إيڤا پـِرون

First Lady Eva Perón (left) tending to the needy in her capacity as head of her foundation.

پـِرون والتجمعات اليهودية والألمانية في الأرجنتين

When I realized that Perón, contrary to previous governments, gave Jewish citizens access to public office, I began to change my way of thinking about Argentine politics...

Ezequiel Zabotinsky, president of the Jewish-Peronist Organizacion Israelita Argentina, 1952–1955

Juan Perón and José Ber Gelbard

Fraser and Navarro write that Juan Perón was a complicated man who over the years stood for many different, often contradictory, things. In the book Inside Argentina from Perón to Menem author Laurence Levine, former president of the US-Argentine Chamber of Commerce, writes, "although anti-Semitism existed in Argentina, Perón's own views and his political associations were not anti-Semitic...." Laurence also writes that one of Perón's advisors was a Jewish man from Poland named José Ber Gelbard. U.S. Ambassador George S. Messersmith visited Argentina in 1947 during the first term of Juan Perón. Messersmith noted, "There is not as much social discrimination against Jews here as there is right in نيويورك or in most places at home..."

Golda Meir talks with Evita Perón on Meir's visit to Argentina, 1951

Perón sought out other Jewish Argentines as government advisers, besides Ber Gelbard. The powerful Secretary of Media, Raúl Apold, also Jewish, was (ironically) called "Perón´s Goebbels." He favoured the creation of institutions like New Zion (Nueva Sión), the Argentine-Jewish Institute of Culture and Information, presided by Simón Mirelman, and the Argentine-Israeli Chamber of Commerce. Also, he named Rabbi Amran Blum the first Jewish professor of philosophy in the National University of Buenos Aires. After being the first Latin American government to acknowledge the State of Israel, he sent a Jewish ambassador, Pablo Mangel to that country. Education and Diplomacy were the two strongholds of Catholic nationalism, and both appointments were highly symbolic. The same goes for the 1946 decision of allowing Jewish army privates to celebrate their holidays, which was aimed at fostering the Jewish position in another traditionally Catholic institution, the army. Argentina signed a generous commercial agreement with Israel that granted favourable terms for Israeli acquisitions of Argentine commodities, and also the Eva Perón Foundation sent significant humanitarian aid. Chaim Weizmann and Golda Meir expressed their gratitude during their visit to بوينس آيرس in 1951.

Evita and Juan Perón at the Plaza de Mayo, 1951. Raúl Apold is visible behind Perón.

The German Argentine community in Argentina is the third largest ethnic group in the country, after the Spanish Argentines and the Italian Argentines. The German Argentine community predates Juan Perón's presidency, going back as far as the time of the unification of Germany. Laurence Levine writes that Perón found German civilization too "rigid" and therefore had a "distaste" for it. Crassweller writes that while Juan Perón's own personal preference was for Hispanic culture, with which he felt a spiritual affinity, Perón was "pragmatic" in dealing with the diverse populace of Argentina.

While Juan Perón's Argentina allowed many Nazi criminals to take refuge in Argentina, Juan Perón's Argentina also accepted more Jewish immigrants than any other country in Latin America, which in part accounts for the fact that Argentina to this day has a population of over 200,000 Jewish citizens, the largest in Latin America, the third largest in the Americas, and the sixth largest in the world. The Jewish Virtual Library writes that while Juan Perón had sympathized with the Axis powers, "Perón also expressed sympathy for Jewish rights and established diplomatic relations with Israel in 1949. Since then, more than 45,000 Jews have immigrated to Israel from Argentina."

Tomás Eloy Martínez, professor of Latin American studies at Rutgers University, writes that Juan Perón allowed Nazi criminals into the country in hopes of acquiring advanced German technology developed during the war. Martínez also notes that Eva Perón played no part in allowing Nazis into the country.

الفترة الرئاسية الثانية لپـِرون

Perón and the ailing Evita during his second inaugural parade, June 1952. Eva died the following month.

ضريحه وعهده

Also see Hands of Perón.
Bust of Juan Perón in the city of Rosario.


  1. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير سليم؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة rock
  2. ^ "El proyecto Pulqui: propaganda peronista de la época". Lucheyvuelve.com.ar. Retrieved 2011-01-27.
  3. ^ "La aviación militar apunta a Córdoba como vector comercial del poder aéreo". Reconstruccion2005.com.ar. Retrieved 2011-01-27.
  4. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير سليم؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة crawley
  5. ^ "The Jews and Perón: Communal Politics and National Identity in Peronist Argentina, 1946–1955" by Lawrence D. Bell Page 10. Retrieved May 2, 2008
  6. ^ Fraser, Nicholas. Navarro, Marysa. Evita: The Real Life of Eva Perón. W.W. Norton & Company, New York, London. 1980, 1996.
  7. ^ Inside Argentina from Perón to Menem: 1950–2000 From an American Point of View by Laurence Levine, page 23 ISBN 0-9649247-7-3
  8. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير سليم؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة autogenerated2
  9. ^ "Continuing Efforts to Conceal Anti-Semitic Past." Valente, Marcela. Valente, Marcela. IPS-Inter Press Service. April 27, 2005.
  10. ^ The Jewish People Policy Planning Institute; Annual Assessment, 2007[]
  11. ^ "United Jewish Communities; Global Jewish Populations". Ujc.org. 2009-03-30. Retrieved 2011-01-27.
  12. ^ [1][]
  13. ^ Jewish Virtual Library. http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/vjw/Argentina.html#WW2
  14. ^ THE WOMAN BEHIND THE FANTASY: PROSTITUTE, FASCIST, PROFLIGATE - EVA PERÓN WAS MUCH MALIGNED, MOSTLY UNFAIRLY Tomás Eloy Martínez, Director of the Latin American program at Rutgers University

قراءات إضافية

  • David Cox and Damian Nabot, Unveiling the enigma: Who Stole the Hands of Juan Perón? (Zumaya 2009)
  • Gabriele Casula (2004) "Dove naciò Perón? un enigma sardo nella storia dell'Argentina" http://www.editorisardi.it/catalogo/shopping/book_enlarge.php?id=2470 - http://www.condaghes.com/scheda.asp?id=88-7356-028-8
  • Guareschi, Roberto (Nov. 5, 2005). "Not quite the Evita of Argentine legend". New Straits Times, p. 21.
  • Hugo Gambini (1999). Historia del peronismo, Editorial Planeta. F2849 .G325 1999
  • Nudelman, Santiago (Buenos Aires, 1960; Chiefly draft resolutions and declarations presented by Nudelman as a member of the Cámara de Diputados of the Argentine Republic during the Perón administration)
  • Page, Joseph. Perón: a biography (Random House 1983)

انظر أيضا

  • تاريخ الأرجنتين
  • Peronism

وصلات خارجية

  • Casahistoria pages on Perón Les Fearns site, also links to Eva Perón pages
  • The Twenty Truths of the Peronist Movement (1940s) The Justicialist movement's core tenets.
  • Juan Domingo Perón Argentine Presidential Messages Well indexed dating from 1946 onwards. The actual documents are shown as photocopied images. Note: Downloading can be slow! University of Texas.
  • Perón y el peronismo: un ensayo bibliográfico by Mariano Ben Plotkin.
  • Webpage of author Uki Goñi with extensive documentation on Perón's involvement in harboring Nazi fugitives
مناصب سياسية
Edelmiro Farrell
نائب رئيس الأرجنتين
Juan Pistarini
رئيس الأرجنتين
فترة أولى وثانية

José Gómez
Raúl Lastiri
رئيس الأرجنتين
الفترة الثالثة

Isabel Perón

نطقب:Maria Eva Duarte de Perón نطقب:Juan Domingo Perón

تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 20:40:03
التصنيفات: صفحات بأخطاء في المراجع, All articles with dead external links, Articles with dead external links from January 2011, Articles with invalid date parameter in template, صفحات بها أخطاء في البرنامج النصي, Missing redirects, Commons category link is locally defined, مواليد 1895, وفيات 1974, ضباط جيش أرجنتينيون, Argentine people of indigenous peoples descent, أرجنتينيون من أصل ايطالي, أرجنتينيون من أصل اسكتلندي, أرجنتينيون من أصل إسباني, وفيات باحتشاء عضل القلب, Justicialist Party politicians, فرسان مالطا, زعماء أطاحت بهم انقلابات, Recipients of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, أشخاص حرمتهم الكنيسة الكاثوليكية, People from Buenos Aires Province, رؤساء الأرجنتين, نواب رؤساء الأرجنتين

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