گوستاڤ دوريه

عودة للموسوعة

گوستاڤ دوريه

گوستاڤ دوريه

پول گوستاڤ دوريهPaul Gustave Doré (النطق الفرنسي: [pɔl ɡystav dɔʁe]; و.ستة يناير 1832 – ت. 23 يناير 1883)، هوفنان، ناقش، Illustrator ونحات فرنسي. عمل دوريه بصفة أساسية على نقش الخشب ونقش الصلب.

معرض الصور


التاريخ المؤلف العمل Volumes / Format Illustrations الناشط Ref
1854 Gustave Doré Histoire pittoresque dramatique et caricaturale de la Sainte Russie , d'après les chroniqueurs et historiens Nestor Nikan Sylvestre Karamsin Ségur etc. 1 vol. 500 Paris: de Bry
1854 Rabelais 1 vol. 4to. Frontis. & 15 J.Bry Ainé, Paris
1855 Honoré de Balzac Les Contes Drôlatiques 425 Société Générale de la Libraire, and in Le Journal pour Tous
1856 Fierabras d'Alexandrie, Légende Nationale traduite par Mary Lafon 1 vol in 8vo 123 Librairie Nouvelle
1856 Mémoires d'un Jeune Cadet, par Victor Percival 48
1856 La Légende du Juif Errant 1 vol. grand in folio 12 Image:Wandering jew title page.jpg Michel Lévy
1857 Dante Alighieri L'Enfer 70
1857 autumn Ed. de La Bédollière Nouveau Paris, Histoire de ses 20 Arrondissements 1 vol in 4to 150 Barba
1857 autumn Valéry Vernier Aline, Journal d'un Jeune Homme, one large page Dentu
1860–1862 Thomas Mayne Reid L'Habitation du Désert, 1 vol. in 16mo 60 Hachette
1860–1862 Ann S. Stevens La Fille du Grand Chieftain 1 vol. 15
1860–1862 M. V. Victor Flêche d'Or 1 vol. 13
1860–1862 E. S. Ellis L'Ange des Frontières 1 vol. 10
1860–1862 N. W. Buxted Les Vierges de la Forêt 1 vol. 10
1860 William Shakespeare The Tempest 1 vol. in 4to (London)
1861 Les Figures du Temps, 1 vol. in 12mo (Paris)
1861 Plouvier and Vincent Les Chansons d'Autrefois in 12mo Coulon and Pineau, Paris
1861 Edmond About Le Roi des Montagnes 1 vol. in 8vo 157 Hachette and Co., Paris
1862 Saintine Les Mythologies du Rhin 1 vol. in 8vo 165 Hachette and Co., Paris
1862 L'Abbé Léon Godard L'Espagne, Mœurs et Paysages, 2 vols in 8vo 4 Image:Moeurs et paysages title page.jpg Alfred Mame et Fils, Tours Image:Moeurs et paysages title page.jpg or Paris
1862 Malte-Brun Les États Unis et le Mexique 1 vol. in 4to Brun, Paris
1862 Histoire aussi intéressante qu'invraisemblable de l'intrépide Capitaine Castagnette, neveu de l'Homme à la Tête de Bois 1 vol. in 4to 43 Hachette
1866 Aventures du Baron de Münchausen, traduction nouvelle par Théophile Gautier fils 1 vol. (London)
1863 M. Épiné Légende de Croquemitaine 1 vol. in 4to 177 Hachette
1863 Gastineau La Chasse au Lion et à la Panthère 1 vol. in 8vo Hachette and Co.
1863 Miguel de Cervantes Don Quixote de la Mancha translation by Louis Viardot 2 vols. folio 370 Hachette and Co., Paris, and Cassell and Co., London
1863 Les Contes de Perrault or in Spanish Los Cuentos de Perrault 100+ Hetzels. in Spanish by Ledouse
1865 Gastineau De Paris en Afrique 1 vol. in 12mo (Paris)
1865 A. Masse L'Histoire d'un Minute 1 vol., 12mo (Paris)
1866 Victor Hugo Travailleurs de la Mer Sampson Low and Co., London
1865 E. Edgar Cressy and Poictiers 1 vol. in 8vo 50+ (London)
1865 Thomas Moore L'Épicurien (French translation) in 8vo (Paris)
1865 Falmy Realm in folio (London)
1865 Quatrelles Le Chevalier Beautemps grand in 8vo (Paris)
1865 Chateaubriand Atala 2 vols, grand folio 80 Hachette Edition
1866 Théophile Gautier Le Capitaine Fracasse 1 vol. grand in 8vo 60 Charpentier
1866 G. La Bédollière Histoire de la Guerre en Mexique in 4to (Paris)
1867 Dante Alighieri Il Purgatorio ed il Paradiso Hachette and Co.
1866 X. B. Saintine Le Chemin des Écoliers 1 vol. in 8vo 450 Image:Le chemin des ecoliers title page.jpg(not all by Doré) Hachette and Co.
1866 La Sainte Bible, according to the Vulgate, new translation 2 vols. grand in folio 200+ Mame, Tours; Cassell and Co., England
1866 John Milton Paradise Lost Cassell and Co.
1867 La Bédollière La France et la Russie (Paris)
1867 Les Fables de Lafontaine 2 vols. in folio 8 large and 250 small plates Hachette and Co.
1867 Les Pays-bas et la Belgique in 8vo (Paris)
1870 Thomas Hood (Poems) 2 vols. in folio Ward and Lock, London
1870 Samuel Taylor Coleridge The Rime of the Ancient Mariner grand in 4to 40 large and ثلاثة small drawings
1873 New edition of Rabelais 2 vols. in folio Paris : Garnier; London: Chatto and Windus
1876 Louis Énault London 1 vol. in 4to 174 wood engravings Hachette and Co.
1874 Baron Ch. Davilliers L'Espagne in 4to 309 wood-engravings Hachette and Co.; London: Sampson Low and Co.
1875 Michaud Histoire des Croisades 2 vol. medium folio 100 grand compositions Paris: Hachette and Co.
Alfred Tennyson Idylls of the King
1877 Ariosto Orlando Furioso 36 drawings Hachette and Co. (London: Ward and Lock)
1884 Edgar Allan Poe The Raven 26 steel engravings London: Sampson Low and Co., New York: Harper and Co.



  1. ^ indyworld.com Gustave Doré's «Holy Russia» by Bill Kartalopoulos. INDY Magazine, Summer 2004
  2. ^ Eleanor Garvey, A Catalogue of an Exhibition of the Philip Hofer Bequest, 1988.
  3. ^ Roosevelt, Blanche: "Life and Reminiscences of Gustave Doré.", page 183. Cassell & Company, Limited, New York, 1885.
  4. ^ Roosevelt, Blanche: "Life and Reminiscences of Gustave Doré.", page 207. Cassell & Company, Limited, New York, 1885.
  5. ^ Roosevelt, Blanche: "Life and Reminiscences of Gustave Doré.", pages 215. Cassell & Company, Limited, New York, 1885. Roosevelt states that "In Doré's catalogue 'L'Inferno' figures amongst the works of 1857, and I shall therefore speak of it as belonging to that year's collection, although it was not brought out until 1860."
  6. ^ This reference needs attribution.
  7. ^ Roosevelt, Blanche: "Life and Reminiscences of Gustave Doré.", pages 212-227. Cassell & Company, Limited, New York, 1885.
  8. ^ Roosevelt, Blanche: "Life and Reminiscences of Gustave Doré.", pages 241-243. Cassell & Company, Limited, New York, 1885.
  9. ^ Roosevelt, Blanche: "Life and Reminiscences of Gustave Doré.", pages 63. Cassell & Company, Limited, New York, 1885. Gustave Doré, Edmond About, and H. Taine were more than contemporaries: they knew each other from college. Roosevelt quotes Doré, "...from that date [1847] until 1850, I occupied myself—sometimes well and sometimes badly—in finishing my studies at the Lycée Charlemagne. It was there that I was so fortunate as to have Edmond About and H. Taine for fellow-collegians."
  10. ^ Roosevelt, Blanche: "Life and Reminiscences of Gustave Doré.", pages 241. Cassell & Company, Limited, New York, 1885. Roosevelt attributes authorship to "Malted": "'Les États Unis et la Mexique,' by Malted (sic) (Brun, Paris, 1862), 1 vol. in 4to." She is most likely referring to either Conrad Malte-Brun or his son, Victor Adolphe Malte-Brun, both noted French Geographers.
  11. ^ Roosevelt, Blanche: "Life and Reminiscences of Gustave Doré.", page 242. Cassell & Company, Limited, New York, 1885. Roosevelt implies, though does not specifically state, that a French publisher published this volume in 1865. For one, she places this reference with the other books published in 1865, for another, she uses the word also when mentioning that Sampson Low brought out a copy in London in 1866. Additionally, an English publication would most likely be translated and have a title of Toilers of the Sea. Roosevelt's line reads thus: "Victor Hugo's 'Travailleurs de la Mer,' also in 1866, brought out by Sampson Low and Co., in London."
  12. ^ Roosevelt, Blanche: "Life and Reminiscences of Gustave Doré.", page 242. Cassell & Company, Limited, New York, 1885. Roosevelt states that the preface was written by Alex. Dumas fils
  13. ^ Although Blanche Roosevelt lists this book as being published in 1866, here Image:Le chemin des ecoliers title page.jpg is the title page of an edition published five years earlier, with Gustave Doré drawings. Roosevelt is most likely mistaken.
  14. ^ Roosevelt, Blanche: "Life and Reminiscences of Gustave Doré.", page 242. Cassell & Company, Limited, New York, 1885. Roosevelt titles this book "The Song (sic) of the Ancient Mariner". The error possibly derives from reverse-translating the French title (Le Chanson du Vieux Marin) back into English.
  15. ^ Roosevelt, Blanche: "Life and Reminiscences of Gustave Doré.", page 488. Cassell & Company, Limited, New York, 1885.

وصلات خارجية

  • أعمال من Gustave Doré في مشروع گوتنبرگ
  • Doré's grave site at Cimetière du Père Lachaise
  • German FTP with Dore illustrations
  • Dore Bible Gallery
  • Gustave Dore Bible Tarot — Tarot deck based on his biblical illustrations
  • Gustave Dore Art Gallery
  • Art Passions Doré online gallery
  • Gallery of Illustrations by Gustave Doré
  • " (PDF). Arno Schmidt Reference Library. Retrieved 27 March 2005. (24 MByte PDF with 120 illustrations)
  • Bible Illustrations by G. Dore, Christian website compiling Dore's numerous Biblical illustrations
  • The "Dore Vase" in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park, a massive bronze that was exhibited to acclaim at Chicago's 1893 World's Columbian Exposition and later moved to San Francisco
  • Dore-illustrations (Bible, Dante, Ariosto, Rabelais, Milton, Cervantes, Tennyson, Poe, crusades, sketches) in the "History of Art"
  • World of Dante Doré Dante illustrations in the World of Dante gallery
  • Doré's illustrations for several books
  • Elbert Hubbard's account of the life of Gustave Doré
  • Old Testament
  • New Testament
  • Milton - Paradise Lost
  • Lafontaine' Fables
  • Fairytales
  • Michaud - Crusades
  • Miguel de Cervantes - Don Quijote
  • Edgar Poe - Raven
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 18:44:57
التصنيفات: Articles which use infobox templates with no data rows, Articles with hCards, No local image but image on Wikidata, Pages using infobox artist with unknown parameters, Persondata templates without short description parameter, مواليد 1832, وفيات 1883, أشخاص من ستراسبورگ, رسامون فرنسيون, French illustrators, ناقشون فرنسيون, مدفونون في مقبرة پير لاشيز, Illustrators of fairy tales, Woodcut designers

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