المنحدر الشمالي، ألاسكا

عودة للموسوعة

المنحدر الشمالي، ألاسكا

خريطة لشمال ألاسكا؛ the dotted line shows the southern boundary of the North Slope. The National Petroleum Reserve -Alaska is to the West, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to the east, and Prudhoe Bay is between them.

المنحدر الشمالي بألاسكا Alaska North Slope هومنطقة في ولاية ألاسكا تقع على السفح الشمالي لـسلسلة جبال بروكس بطول بحرين هامشيين للمحيط القطبي، بحر چوكچي على الجانب الغربي من پوينت بارو، وبحر بوفورت في الجانب الشرقي.

الثروات النفطية

Map from the US Bureau of Land Management showing structures that create the oil fields in Alaska
Geophysical Service Inc. seismic exploration crew, Deadhorse, Alaska, 1981

The region contains the National Petroleum Reserve–Alaska, with the bulk of Alaska's known petroleum until the Prudhoe Bay Oil Field was discovered in 1968, followed by the Kuparuk River oil field in 1969. The region also includes the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, which itself has been the subject of controversy surrounding the possibility of petroleum drilling within its boundaries. The petroleum extracted from the region is transferred south by means of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System to Valdez on the Pacific Ocean. Under the North Slope is an ancient seabed – the source of the oil. Within the North Slope, there is geological feature called the Barrow Arch – a belt of the kind of rock known to be able to serve as a trap for oil. It runs from the city of Barrow to a point just west of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The Arctic Alaska Petroleum Province, encompassing all the lands and adjacent Continental Shelf areas north of the Brooks Range-Herald arch (see map) were estimated by the USGS in 2005 to hold more than 50 billion bbl of oil and natural-gas liquids and 227 trillion cubic feet of gas.

انظر أيضاً

  • North Slope Borough
  • BP#1993–1995: Hazardous substance dumping
  • Arctic coastal tundra
  • Arctic foothills tundra


  1. ^ Peter Canby. The Specter Haunting Alaska New York Review of Books 52:18, November 17, 2005
  2. ^ David W. Houseknecht and Kenneth J. Bird. Studies by the U.S. Geological Survey in Alaska, 2005. Professional Paper 1732–A Oil and Gas Resources of the Arctic Alaska Petroleum Province

وصلات خارجية

  • DOE report on North Slope Oil and Gas

  • Media related to المنحدر الشمالي، ألاسكا at Wikimedia Commons
  • northslope.org, North Slope Science Initiative official website

"North Slope of Alaska". NASA Earth Observatory newsroom. 2006-02-19. Retrieved 2009-12-22.


تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 18:25:16
التصنيفات: بحر بوفورت, بحر چوكچي, أراضي الإنويت, Geography of North Slope Borough, Alaska, مناطق ألاسكا, سلسلة جبال بروكس

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