حصار وادي الضيف

عودة للموسوعة

حصار وادي الضيف

حصار وادي الضيف
جزء من الثورة السورية 2011-2013

معركة النعمان والطريق السريع الاستراتيجي رقم 5، الطريق الرئيسي للإمدادات العسكرية من حماة ودمشق إلى حلب.
التاريخ 11 أكتوبر 2012 – 18 أبريل 2013
معرة النعمان، سوريا

فوز الجيش السوري

  • استمر حصار قاعدتي وادي الضيف والحميدية من منتصف أكتوبر 2012 حتى منصف أبريل 2013
  • استعاد الجيش السوري الكثير من القرى على الطريق السريع المؤدي لمعرة النعام وعلى القواعد العسكرية في منتصف نوفمبر 2012
  • في 14 أبريل 2013، فك الجيش الحصار على وادي الضيف والحمادية
الجيش السوري الحر
جبهة النصرة
القوات المسلحة السورية
القادة والزعماء
العقيد هيثم الفاسي
Lt. Col. Khaled Hmood
غير معروف
الوحدات المشاركة
كتائب شهداء معرة النعمان
كتائب الفاروق

الفرقة المدرعة رقم 5

  • الكتيبة المدرعة رقم 17
600+ 250-500 جندي، و15 دبابة
180–237 قتيل 105-133
44 قتيل من المدنيين

حصار وادي الضيف أومعركة البنيان المرصوص، هوحصار قام به الجيش السوري الحر على قاعدتين عسكريين سوريتين، وادي الضيف، والحمادية، بدأ في 11 أكتوبر 2012، وانتهى في 18 أبريل 2013، أثناء الثورة السورية. تكمن أهمية المعركة، في حتى بتر الجيش لطريق الإمدادات عن مجموعات الثوار، أصابها بالشلل الكامل، حيث يعتبر هذا هوالطريق الوحيد لها، لنقل الذخيرة والعتاد والأفراد.


بتر عسكرية سورية في طريقها لمعرة النعمان،أبريل 2013.

تكمن أهمية القاعدتين العسكرتين وادي الضيف والحامدية، أنهما يقعان غرب مدينة معرة النعمان وعلى بعد 500 متر من طريق حلب ـ دمشق الدولي. وإن عمل جبهة النصرة والمجموعات المسلحة للسيطرة عليهما، كان ينحصر في عدة مسببات أهمها، بتر طريق الامداد ونقاط العبور نحوالحدود الشمالية مع هجريا. وهذا سيؤدي الى بتر طريق الامداد أمام الجيش السوري لمد قواته التي تخوض معارك حلب وريف إدلب بالدعم، ما سيعزز سيطرة المسلحين على مناطق شمال غرب سوريا، بعد حتى ولج الثوار لمدينة معرة النعمان.

قام الجيش السوري بعمليته العسكرية، حيث بدأ بالتقدم في معرة النعمان، ليشرع بتأمين الطريق الدولي بين خان شيخون ومعرة النعمان، وصولاً لمسقطي وادي الضيف والحامدية، من محوري بلدتي بابولين والتح. وبتر طرق الامداد عن المجموعات المسلحة التي تحاصر مسقطي وادي الضيف والحامدية، كما قام بإحداث نقاط تمركز عسكرية له على الطريق.

الجيش السوري في معرة النعمان، أبريل 2013.

فيثمانية أكتوبر، قام الثوار بهجوم للاستيلاء على بلادة معرة النعمان، والتي تتمتع بمسقط إستراتيجي خلف الطريق السريع الخامس، طريق رئيسي للتعزيزات العسكرية المرسلة من دمشق والتي كان الجيش السوري يستخدمها أثناء معركة حلب. فيعشرة أكتوبر، كان الثوار قد استولوا على المدينة وبعد ثلاثة أيام قاموا بصد التعزيزات السعكرية التي كانت قد أوفدت في محاولة من الجيش الحكومي لإستعادة البلدة. ومع ذلك، فقد ظلت القاعدتين العسكريتين في ضواحي معرة النعمان تحت سيطرة الجيش مما دفع الثوار لضرب حصار وهجمات متوالية للإستيلاء على القاعدتين.


الهجمات الأولى للثوار

في 11 أكتوبر، نطق مراسل إي إف بي حتى الثوار كانوا يسيطرون على خمسة كم من الطريق السريع الخارج من المدينة. في اليوم نفسه شن الجيش السوري الحر هجوماً على وادي الضيف المحاصر، والذي كان يستخدم كمسقط للهجوم على معرة النعمان، شرق الطريق السريع. استخدم الثوار إحدى الدبابات المستولى عليها، وقنابل هاون وأر بي جي، واستمرت الغارات الجوية على البلدة.

في 14 أكتور، قامت القوات الحكومية بمحاولات لصد هجوم حديث من قبل الثوار على القاعدة العسكرية مع إحتدام القتال في قرى المعرشورين والهيش المجاورة. في اليوم التالي، قام الثوار بصد الجيش عن البلدة إلى ثكنتين عسكريين في ضواحيها. وصف قادة الثوار هذا التقدم على أنه "انفراجة كبيرة".

إرسال التعزيزات العسكرية

On 15 October, a column of reinforcements was sent to make an attempt to break through to the base.

On 16 October, the military counter-attack continued with additional air-strikes on the town and surrounding areas. The next day, a military attack helicopter was shot down during fighting in Maarhtat, on the outskirts of Maarrat al-Nu'man.

On 18 October, military fighter jets destroyed two residential buildings and a mosque, where many women and children, who had thought the danger had passed and returned to the town, were taking refuge. Rescue workers said the airstrikes had killed at least 44 people. 23 children were among those killed in the airstrike, including a nine month old baby, according to the workers. In the evening, the rebels launched what they said was a “final assault” on the Wadi Daif military base. The rebels claimed to have destroyed three tanks and captured six soldiers in the fighting. Hundreds of rebels were involved in the operation, according to an AFP correspondent. The rebels captured the fertiliser storage area, which is part of the military complex, and killed six soldiers, according to SOHR.

On 19 October, rebels announced they had removed part of a collection of mosaics from the city's museum in order to protect it from ongoing bombardment. The collection was reported to have suffered little looting, though a pre-Islamic era coin collection has gone missing. Onثمانية October a government jet dropped a bomb close to the building's entrance, shattering its doors and damaging some of the more fragile pieces.

By 20 October, rebels had encircled Wadi Deif on three sides. The base was defended with at least 15 tanks and 250-500 troops. Soldiers inside the base were relying on airdrops for resupply, however most were missing and falling into rebel areas or no man's land. Meanwhile, Army reinforcements had advanced to five kilometers south of Maarrat al-Nu'man, but were still being held back by rebel forces.

On 21 October, four tanks were destroyed as the reinforcement column tried to reach the base.

On 23 October, government air-strikes on Maarrat al-Nu'man and the village of Mar Shamsheh killed and wounded more than two dozen rebels. By this point, the battle for the Wadi Deif base had been going on for two weeks. The fall of the base would result in government forces having only one land route to resupply their forces in Aleppo, via the port of Lattakia. Government control of the base meant the rebels could not claim full control of Maarrat al-Nu'man. The military was using airdrops to resupply the soldiers at the base with bread and other food. Government forces had also been using continuous attacks along the M5 highway to link up with the besieged soldiers based in Wadi Daif. The base itself is believed to holdخمسة million liters of kerosene according to a defected army officer. By taking the base, the FSA would also be able to protect their flank and then advance on Jisr al-Shughour and block supply and reinforcement convoys coming in from Latakia for Aleppo.

On 25 October, despite rebel attempts to stop their advance, the military armored column, sent to reinforce the baseعشرة days before, had arrived near Maarrat al-Nu'man. They deployed south of the town and started shelling rebel forces that were attacking Wadi Daif, thus curbing the two-week-old rebel siege of the military base.

On 26 October, at 10:30am (local time), rebels, including the Islamist Al-Nusra Front, attacked government positions near the Wadi Dief base sparking 'fierce clashes' between the two sides. The Army responded by shelling Deir Sharqi, a nearby village. It is considered to be the first violation of the attempted ceasefire for the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Right. The Al-Nusra Front had earlier warned that, although not the only group to do so, there was "no truce between us and this transgressing regime". According to SOHR, rebels shelled a building in the Waif Dief complex, completely destroying it and killing 9-10 soldiers. SOHR also reported four rebels were killed at the perimeter of the base during the fighting.

On 27 October, in spite of the truce, government forces were moving convoys full of reinforcements up the road to Wadi Deif. FSA fighters were struggling to stop their advance.

الجيش يؤمن الطريق السريع

On 30 October, rebels clashed with Syrian Army troops south of the city, killing two soldiers and two members of Al-Nusra Front. Also, the military shelled the nearby village of Maarshmareen. Rebel fighters and Syrian Army forces fought new gun battles around the besieged Wadi Deif army base. 28 civilians were killed by government bombings of the city. Rebel fighters had largely left the town itself for the front lines outside of it.

On 31 October and 1 November, air-strikes on the city intensified as clashes just south of Maarrat al-Nu'man continued. The siege of Wadi Deif continued with FSA units, backed by the Al-Nusra Front, trying to capture the base.

By early November, rebels were beginning to fear that they might have to withdraw from the city. Insufficient coordination, supplies, and firepower combined with the intense army pressure and counter-attacks from air and ground make holding the city a "costly" for them. Rebels have also had to use their own monthly wages (US$150) to buy ammunition. Despite the continuous siege of Wadi Deif, the army has kept the base supplied on a regular basis.

Byعشرة November, afterعشرة days of fighting, Syrian forces gradually recaptured villages along the highway that leads to Maarrat al-Nu'man. These villages fell to the rebels in early October. Combined with the recent resupply of food and ammunition to the besieged Wadi Deif base, fighting intensified between the two sides. Although government forces had not yet entered the town of Maarrat al-Nu'man and the siege of the Wadi Deif continued, pressure increased on rebel forces in the area.

On 14 November, Syrian forces launched two air strikes on Maaret al-Numan while continuing their attempt to retake the town from the rebels, a battle which has been ongoing sinceتسعة October.

استمرار القتال

On 19 November, rebels and loyalist soldiers clashed south of Maarrat al-Nu'man on the highway and nearby villages. Rebels still controlled the city and the highway entrance to the town. Rebels destroyed two tanks and shot down one helicopter. Rebel fighters also made another advance onto the Wadi Deif army base, where heavy fighting erupted.

On 22 November, rebels claimed to have destroyed two government tanks near the Hamidieh checkpoint.

By 26 November, the vast majority of the city's 150,000 original inhabitants had fled. Much of the city lay in ruins; government media labelled the destruction as the result of a magnitude 6.6 earthquake, but residents maintained that unrelenting shelling of the rebel-controlled city by the military was the actual cause. The stretch of highway running south of the city to Damascus was reportedly under government control, while the stretch running north to Aleppo was not under the firm control of either side. The parallel military highway remained open, but was characterised as a very slow and inefficient supply line due to the roughness of the road.

On 28 November, several rebel brigades launched a fresh assault against the base at Wadi Deif. Clashes in the southern part of Ma'arat al-Nu'man killed four soldiers and one rebel.

هجمات الثوار في ديسمبر ويناير

FSA fighters launched another attack on the base on 25 December, in what was described as the heaviest fighting in months in the area. The attack was commenced by a car bomb and than mortars. 20 rebels, including a "commander" were killed in the fighting.

By 29 December, the renewed rebel offensive against the Wadi Deif base was faltering due to a lack of supplies.

Following the failed December offensive, questions were being raised who was responsible for the rebel failure to capture Wadi Deif. The main cause was pointed to be the divisions among different rebel groups, a lack of coherence in their joint operations due to competition for loot, uneven funding and, according to one report, firebrand clerics who lack an understanding of battle field realities.

In January, more coordinated and planned rebel assaults were launched against the bases, however they too were repulsed with at least another 26 rebels being killed.

استمرار الحصار

Onسبعة February, Time Magazine reported that a council of clerics, led by Jahbat al-Nusra, was marshaling supplies and organizing multiple rebel groups around Maarat al-Nu'man, including Suqour al-Sham and the FSA's Idlib Revolutionary Military Council, for a new offensive against the besieged Wadi Deif base. The large government base of Wadi Deif houses an armored regiment and the rebels believe it also holds millions of liters of fuel in underground silos.

Onعشرة February, intermittent clashes took place between regime forces and fighters from several rebel battalions around Wadi al-Dayf and the Hamidiya checkpoint. Areas in Ma'arat al-N'uman city and the Kafruma town were bombarded.

On 11 February, it was reported that armed fighters—allegedly from Jabhat al-Nusra—shot at and beheaded a statue of the blind poet and philosopher Al-Maʿarri, who was born in the city during the Abbasid era. Al-Maʿarri was known for his criticisms of religion, including Islam.

Onسبعة March, a Syrian fighter-jet was downed by anti-aircraft machine-guns while it was bombarding the town of Heish and its surrounding area, in southern Reef Idlib, south of Ma'arat al-Nu'man city. A SOHR activist witnessed the plane falling after it was hit, with black smoke coming out of it. Eyewitnesses reportedly saw the pilots parachuting out of the plane.

فك الحصار

في 13 أبريل، قام الجيش السوري بالهجوم على قاعدة وادي الضيف، مما ألحق الخسائر بالثوار. قام الجيش السوري بنصب كمين للثوار بالقرب من قرية بابولين. اغتال في الهجوم 21 من الثوار وجرح آخرين. في 14 أبريل، فُك حصار الثوار للقاعدتين العسكرتين وقام الجيش بتأمين التلتين الإستراتيجيتين، على جانبي الطريق السريع، وتم تمرير عشرات الشاحنات المحملة بالإمدادات إلى القاعدتين. ارتفع عدد القتلى والمصابين من الثوار إلى 50. في 15 أبريل، حاول الثوار القيام بهجوم مضاد، بالرغم مما أشيع عن ضعف الجبهة الداخلية في الأسابيع الأخيرة بسبب الصراعات الداخلية ونشر القوات في المعارك الأخرى. استمرت الاشتباكات ليلاً في قرية بابولين وحاول الثوار وقف تقدم قوات الجيش. وتحدث ناشط معارض عن استغاثات أشخاص من بوبلين عن طريق جهاز لاسلكي، يطالبون الثوار بمساعدتهم، بعد سيطرة قوات الحكومة على البلدة. Rebel fatalities in the two-day government offensive had reportedly reached 100–107.

Rebel fighters claimed that government soldiers disguised themselves as rebels before ambushing opposition fighters. Such disguises included changing their uniforms for civilian clothes used by rebels and wearing religious headbands with sayings such as “There is no God but God”.

On 16 April, rebels managed to recapture the village of al-Tah, pushing back Army troops to Baboulein. However, the opposition forces were still not able to re-establish the blockade of the military bases and nether side had full control of the highway.

في 18 أبريل، قام الثوار بمحاولة جديدة لاستعادة بابولين، بالرغم من قيام الجيش بصد هجماتهم. أًرسلت التعزيزات العسكرية للقرية لتأمين المواقع العسكري.


  1. ^ Emboldened by military gains, Assad regime shows resilience
  2. ^ Assad's forces break rebel blockade in north Syria
  3. ^ "Syrian forces bombard strategic rebel-held town". Al Jazeera English. 26 November 2012. Retrieved 27 November 2012.
  4. ^ Karouny, Mariam (23 October 2012). "Rebels battle Assad's forces for gateway to north Syria". Reuters. Retrieved 27 November 2012.
  5. ^ "Blasts at Syria air force compound kill dozens: activists". The Daily Star.تسعة October 2012. Retrieved 14 October 2012.
  6. ^ Matthew Weaver (2012-10-15). "Syria crisis: UN envoy asks Iran to help broker truce - guardian.co.uk". Guardian. Retrieved 2012-10-15.
  7. ^ Renewed clashes around Syrian army base
  8. ^ VDC - Martyrs
  9. ^ Syria death toll spirals as Lakhdar Brahimi mission stumbles
  10. ^ How Syria’s Rebels Aren’t Winning the War: The Anatomy of a Battle
  11. ^ VDC - Martyrs
  12. ^ U.N. rights chief says Syria must not become new Bosnia; Assad troops shell key town
  13. ^ "ما هي اهمية معسكرات وادي الضيف والحامدية؟". مسقط العهد الإخباري. 2013-04-14. Retrieved 2013-06-03.
  14. ^ AFP (10 October 2012). "Syria sends extra troops after rebels seize Idlib: NGO". Al-Ahram. Retrieved 28 November 2012.
  15. ^ Turkey intercepts Syrian plane as tensions mount
  16. ^ Syria rebels stop army advance on seized town
  17. ^ Naeem, Asad (11 October 2012). "Syria rebels cut highway to northern battlefields". Maarrat al-Nu'man: Business Recorder. Retrieved 28 November 2012. Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  18. ^ "Rebels attack Syrian army base near strategic town". Chicago Tribune. 11 October 2012. Retrieved 11 October 2012.
  19. ^ Syrian army launches counter-strike in North
  20. ^ "UN envoy to Syria urges temporary ceasefire". Al Jazeera. 15 October 2012. Retrieved 15 October 2012.
  21. ^ Fighting rages in Syria before Brahimi's truce
  22. ^ Syrian army trying to re-take control on key town in north
  23. ^ Syria warplanes bomb northern rebel belts, activists say
  24. ^ Rebels down helicopter in battle for key town
  25. ^ Syrian fighter jets blast Maaret al-Numan town, killing at least 44 people, rescue workers said, including 23 children - Al Jazeera Blogs
  26. ^ Assad ups campaign before Brahimi visit
  27. ^ Syrian Observatory for Human Rights
  28. ^ Museum collection saved in hard-hit Syrian town (AFP)
  29. ^ Syria Live Blog - Al Jazeera Blogs
  30. ^ Rebels hope to create safe zone by taking army base
  31. ^ Syrian warplanes strike strategic town as opposition leader voices doubt in proposed truce
  32. ^ Rebels battle Assad's forces for gateway to north Syria
  33. ^ Syrian truce “violated” as clashes erupt at Wadi Deif base
  34. ^ http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/breaking-news/islamist-group-rejects-syria-truce-site/story-e6frf7k6-1226502778622 Islamist group rejects Syria truce: SITE 25 October 2012
  35. ^ http://www.facebook.com/syriaohr/posts/292432680865077
  36. ^ 61 killed in Syria as truce collapses
  37. ^ Mourtada, Hania (28 October 2012). "In Syria, Cease-Fire for Holiday Falls Apart". Beirut: The New York Times. Retrieved 27 November 2012.
  38. ^ AFP (30 October 2012). "Syria rebels clash with army and Palestinian fighters". Beirut: Al Arabiya. Retrieved 27 November 2012.
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  42. ^ Enders, David (7 November 2012). "Battle for Maaret al Numan reveals Syrian rebels' weak spots". Maarat al-Nu'man: McClatchy Newspapers. Retrieved 27 November 2012.
  43. ^ AFP (10 November 2012). "Syria army retakes part of key highway". Khaleej Times. Retrieved 27 November 2012.
  44. ^ "Syria opposition agrees to united coalition". Al Jazeera English. 11 November 2012. Retrieved 27 November 2012.
  45. ^ AFP (15 November 2012). "Syria regime bombards rebels". The Australian.
  46. ^ "Latest Syria developments: November 19 (14:45, 14:48, 16:29)". NOW Lebanon. 19 November 2012. Retrieved 27 November 2012.
  47. ^ "Syria Today 21-11-2012". Local Coordination Committees. 21 November 2012. Retrieved 27 November 2012.
  48. ^ Meuse, Alison Tahmizian (AFP) (26 November 2012). "Syria rebels seize dam". PerthNow. Retrieved 27 November 2012.
  49. ^ http://www.nowlebanon.com/NewsArticleDetails.aspx?ID=461753 Syria rebels assault Idlib base as fighting rages 29 November 2012
  50. ^ http://www.facebook.com/syriaohr/posts/303499813091697 SHOR 28 November 2012
  51. ^ http://news.yahoo.com/report-top-syrian-general-joins-opposition-101021047.html
  52. ^ Syria to discuss Brahimi peace proposals with Russia
  53. ^ Assad's forces seize Homs district from rebels
  54. ^ Who is Responsible for the Failure at Wadi Deif?
  55. ^ Ground War: Syria’s Rebels Prepare to Take a Province from Assad
  56. ^ http://world.time.com/2013/02/07/ground-war-syrias-rebels-prepare-to-take-a-province-from-assad/
  57. ^ http://www.facebook.com/syriaohr/posts/334972083277803
  58. ^ AFP (12 February 2013). "Armed men "behead" Syria poet statue". NOW. Retrieved 12 February 2013.
  59. ^ http://www.facebook.com/syriaohr/posts/350017478450728
  60. ^ Syrian activists says government airstrike kills at least 20 people in northwestern town
  61. ^ Syrian troops kill at least 12 rebels in ambush
  62. ^ Assad forces try to consolidate gains in Maaret al-Numan
  63. ^ Idlib Province
  64. ^ Rebels push Assad's army away from vital north Syria highway
  65. ^ Idlib province
  66. ^ Syria Rebels Capture Dabaa Army Base In Strategic Province Of Homs
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 17:18:24
التصنيفات: Pages with citations using unsupported parameters, Pages using deprecated image syntax, معارك الحرب الأهلية السورية, محافظة إدلب, 2012 في سوريا, 2013 في سوريا

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مولودية وجدة يفوز خارج ميدانه على المغرب التطواني

المصدر: الأيام 24 - المغرب التصنيف: سياسة
تاريخ الخبر: 2023-01-25 21:19:35
مستوى الصحة: 61% الأهمية: 70%

دروع روسية بأياد مصرية

المصدر: بوابة أخبار اليوم - مصر التصنيف: سياسة
تاريخ الخبر: 2023-01-25 21:19:19
مستوى الصحة: 45% الأهمية: 57%

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