مجاعة البنغال 1943

عودة للموسوعة

مجاعة البنغال 1943

مجاعة البنغال 1943
পঞ্চাশের মন্বন্তর
البلد British India
المسقط Bengal
الفترة 1943–44
إجمالي الوفيات 1.5 to أربعة million
الرصد Policy failure, war

مجاعة البنغال 1943 (Bengal famine of 1943؛ بالبنغالية: পঞ্চাশের মন্বন্তর) ضربت مقاطعة البنغال في الهند البريطانية قبل التقسيم (والتي تشكل حالياً غرب البنغال، اوديشا، بيهار وبنگلادش) أثناء الحرب العالمية الثانية إثر الاحتلال الياباني لبورما. وقد لقي نحوثلاثة ملايين حتفهم بسبب المجاعة. وعموماً تتراوح التقديرات بين 1.5 وأربعة مليون نسمة، باعتبار الموت بسبب starvation، سوء التغذية والأمراض، من إجمالي تعداد البنغال البالغ آنذاك 60.3 مليون نسمة. نصف الضحايا ماتوا بسبب الأمراض بعد حتى توافر الطعام في ديسمبر 1943. Generally it is thought that there was serious decrease in food production during that time which is coupled with Bengal's continuing export of grain. إلا أنه حسب أمارتيا سن لم يكن هناك نقص ملحوظ في انتاج الغذاء في 1943 (في الواقع، فقد ارتفع انتاج الطعام بالمقارنة بعام 1941). As in previous Bengal famines, the highest mortality was not in previously very poor groups, but among artisians and small traders whose income vanished when people spent all they had on food and did not employ cobblers, carpenters, etc. كما تسببت المجاعة في اضطراب اقتصادي واجتماعي هائلين، إذ دمرت الملايين من العائلات.


A child who starved to death during the Bengal famine of 1943.

لماذا مُنـِع الطعام عن البنغال

Distribution of food among people

انظر أيضاً

  • 2008 global rice shortage
  • Bengal famine of 1770
  • Bihar famine of 1873–74
  • Famine in India
  • List of famines
  • Ruzagayura famine in Rwanda, 1943-4


  1. ^ Amartya Sen (1981). Poverty and Famines: An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation. London: Oxford University Press. p. 203. ISBN .
  2. ^ Joseph Lazzaro. "Bengal Famine Of 1943 - A Man-Made Holocaust". ibtimes.com. Retrieved 4 July 2014.
  3. ^ David Myers. "Causes of the Great Bengal Famine 1943". suite.io. Retrieved 4 July 2014.
  4. ^ See Dyson and Maharatna (1991) for a review of the data and the various estimates made.
  5. ^ Soutik Biswas. "How Churchill 'starved' India". bbc.co.uk. Retrieved 4 July 2014.
  6. ^ "The Bengal Famine of 1943:Amartya Sen and Satayajit Ray" (PDF). pooreconomics.com. Retrieved 4 July 2014.
  7. ^ Frere (1874); Hunter (1873); Bengal Administration (1897).
  8. ^ Mahalanobis, Mukkerjee, and Ghosh, (1946).
  9. ^ Greenough(1982)
  • "BBC/OU: The things we forgot to remember - The Bengal famine".


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  • Bhatia, B.M. (1985) Famines in India: A study in Some Aspects of the Economic History of India with Special Reference to Food Problem, Delhi: Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
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  • Brennan, Lance. "Government Famine Relief in Bengal, 1943", The Journal of Asian Studies Vol. 47, No. ثلاثة (August 1988), pp. 541–566
  • Costello, John, & Hughes, Terry. The Battle of the Atlantic. Collins. 1977. OCLC 464381083
  • Dewey, C., (1978) ‘Patwari and Chaukidar: subordinate officials and the reliability of India's agricultural statistics.’ pp 280–314, In Dewey, C. and Hopkins, A.G. (1978), The Imperial Impact: Studies in the Economic History of Africa and India, Athlone Press. bowbrick.org.uk
  • Dyson, T. and A. Maharatna 'Excess mortality during the Great Bengal Famine: A Re-evaluation' in The Indian Economic and Social History Review, Vol 28, No. 3, 1991.
  • Dyson, T. 'On the Demography of South Asian Famines, Part II' in Population Studies, Vol 45, No. 2, July 1991.
  • Goswami, O., ‘The Bengal Famine of 1943: Re-examining the Data' in The Indian Economic and Social History Review, Vol 27, No. 4, 1990.
  • Greenough, P. R. (1982). Prosperity and Misery in Modern Bengal – The famine of 1943-1944. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Padmanabhan, S.Y. The Great Bengal Famine. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 11:11-24, 1973
  • Sen, A. Poverty and Famines: An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation, 1981, Oxford University Press. ISBN 0198284632
  • Sen, Shila (1976) Muslim Politics in Bengal 1937-1947, New Delhi.
  • Singh, A. (1965). Sectional Price Movements in India. Benares: Banaras Hindu University.
  • Slim, W. (1956) Defeat into Victory, Cassell & Company.
  • Tauger, M. 2003. Entitlement, Shortage and the 1943 Bengal Famine: Another Look. The Journal of Peasant Studies 31:45 – 72
  • Iqbal, F; You, J.I. (2001). "Ideas of Justice". . Other World Bank Bks. Washington, D.C: World Bank. pp. 9–24. ISBN . LCCN 01017950.
  • Bayly, Christopher; Harper, Tim (2004). Forgotten Armies: Britain's Asian Empire & the War with Japan. London: Penguin Books. ISBN .
  • Ó Gráda, Cormac (March 2007), "Making Famine History", Journal of Economic Literature Vol. XLV: 5–38 
  • Tharoor, Shashi (29 November 2010), The Ugly Briton, http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2031992,00.html, retrieved on 19 December 2010 
  • Tauger, Mark. "The Indian Famine Crisis of World War II", British Scholar, Vol. I, Issue 2 (March 2009),
  • Tauger, Mark, "Entitlement, Shortage, and The 1943 Bengal Famine", Journal of Peasant Studies, 2006

مصادر معاصرة للحدث

  • Aykroyd, W.R. The conquest of famine, London, Chatto and Windus, 1974.
  • Bedi, Freda, Bengal Lamenting, Lion, Lahore, 1944?.
  • Bengal Administration, Bengal Famine Code, (Revised edition of December 1895) Calcutta. 1897.
  • Bengal Land Revenue Commission (1940) Report cited in Mahalanobis (1944)
  • Bhatia, B.M. Famines in India, Asia Publishing House, Bombay 1967.
  • Bowley, A.L. and D. H. Robertson (1934) A Scheme for an Economic Census of India, Delhi. Cited in Dewey, C., (1978) ‘Patwari and Chaukidar: subordinate officials and the reliability of India's agricultural statistics.’ pp 280–314, Cited in Mahalanobis (1944): Dewey, C. and Hopkins, A.G. (1978), The Imperial Impact: Studies in the Economic History of Africa and India, Athlone Press. bowbrick.org.uk
  • Braund, H.B.L., Famine in Bengal, Typescript 1944. British Library Doc D792
  • Chandra, Mahesh, (1943) Report to Calcutta Statesman, cited in Stephens (1966)
  • Department of Anthropology, Calcutta University, quoted by Rajan, N.S.R. "‘Famine in Retrospect’", Pamda Publications Bombay, India, 1944
  • Desai, R.C., Standard of living in India and Pakistan, 1931-2 to 1940-41, Popular Book Depot, Bombay, 1953.
  • Dutt, T.K., Hungry Bengal, Indian Printing Works, Lahore, 1944.
  • Famine Inquiry Commission Final Report, Madras, Government of India. 1945b
  • "Famine Inquiry Commission, Report on Bengal, New Delhi, Government of India, 1945". Bowbrick.org.uk. Retrieved 20 April 2011.
  • "Famine inquiry commission report on Bengal". Famine Inquiry Commission. 1945.
  • Famine Inquiry Commission. Evidence to the Commission
  • Frere, Sir Bartle On the Impending Bengal Famine: How it will be met and how to prevent future famines in India, London, John Murray, 1874
  • Ghosh, K.C. Famines in Bengal, 1170–1943 Calcutta: Indian Associated Publishing, 1944.
  • Ghosh, T.K.O., The Bengal Tragedy, Hero Publications, Lahore. 1944.
  • Government of India, Report on the marketing of rice in India and Burma, Government of India Press, Calcutta. 1942.
  • Hunter, W.W. Famine Aspects of Bengal, Simla 1873.
  • "Famine Inquiry Commission final report". India, Famine Inquiry Commission. 1945.
  • Knight, Henry, Food Administration in India, 1939-47 (Palo Alto, 1954).
  • Imperial Council of Agricultural Research (1950) Sample Surveys for the Estimation of Yield of Foodcrops, 1944-49. Cited in Dewey, C., (1978) ‘Patwari and Chaukidar: subordinate officials and the reliability of India's agricultural statistics.’ pp 280–314, In Dewey, C. and Hopkins, A.G. (1978), The Imperial Impact: Studies in the Economic History of Africa and India, Athlone Press. bowbrick.org.uk
  • Mahalanobis, P.C., ‘Sample Surveys of Crop Yields in India', Sankhya,سبعة (1945-6), p269
  • Mahalanobis, P.C. (1944). "Proceedings of the National Institute of Sciences of India, x P.71" (PFD). Organisation of Statistics in the Post-War Period.
  • Mahalanobis, P.C. "Recent experiments in statistical sampling in the Indian Statistical Institute." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Part iv, pp326–378. 1946
  • Mahalanobis, P.C., Mukkerjee, R.K., and Ghosh, A. "A sample survey of after effects of Bengal famine of 1943." Sankhya 7(4),337-400. 1946
  • Mansergh, N. (ed) The transfer of power 1942-7 vol III, London, HMSO. 1971
  • Mansergh, N. (ed) The transfer of power 1942-7 vol III, London, HMSO. 1971.
  • Mansergh, N. (ed) The transfer of power 1942-7 vol IV, London, HMSO. 1973
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  • Masefield, G.B., Famine: its prevention and relief, Oxford, OUP. 1963.
  • Moon, P. (ed.), Wavell: the Viceroy's journal, OUP, Oxford 1973.
  • Padmanabhan, S. Y. "The Great Bengal Famine", Annual Review of Phytopathology 11(1973), pp. 11–26.
  • Panse, V. G. (1954). "Report on the Scheme for the Improvement of the Agricultural Statistics 1954 Delhi" (PDF). Delhi.
  • Palekar, S. A., Real wages in India 1939–1950 International Book House, Bombay. 1962.
  • Pinnell, L. G., The Pinnell Archive on the Bengal Famine: Evidence to the Famine Inquiry Commission 1944. British Library doc EUR Doc 911.
  • Rajan, N. S. R., Famine in retrospect, Pamda Publications, Bombay. 1944.
  • Report of the Royal Commission on Agriculture in India, Parliamentary Papers (1928) VIII, P.605. Cited in Dewey, C., (1978) ‘Patwari and Chaukidar: subordinate officials and the reliability of India's agricultural statistics.’ pp 280–314, In Dewey, C. and Hopkins, A.G. (1978), The Imperial Impact: Studies in the Economic History of Africa and India, Athlone Press. bowbrick.org.uk
  • Trevaskis, H. K. (1931) The Punjab of Today, 2 vols, Lahore, Dewey, C., (1978) ‘Patwari and Chaukidar: subordinate officials and the reliability of India's agricultural statistics.’ pp 280–314, cited in Dewey, C. and Hopkins, A.G. (1978), The Imperial Impact: Studies in the Economic History of Africa and India, Athlone Press. bowbrick.org.uk
  • Stevens, I. Monsoon morning, London, Ernest Benn. 1966.

وصلات خارجية

  • Bengal Famine materials in the South Asian American Digital Archive (SAADA)
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 16:31:14
التصنيفات: Articles containing non-English-language text, مجاعات الهند, تاريخ البنغال, 1943 في الهند

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