قائمة الزعماء الدينيين في القرن 21

عودة للموسوعة

قائمة الزعماء الدينيين في القرن 21

قائمة الزعماء الدينيين في القرن 20 – الزعماء الدينيون حسب السنة
انظر أيضاً:
  • State leaders by year
  • International organization leaders by year
  • Colonial governors by year


  • البوذية التبتية –
  • Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama (1950–الحاضر)
  • البوذية التايلندية –
  • Nyanasamvara Suvaddhana, Somdet Phra and Supreme Patriarch (1989–2013)



  • Roman Catholic Church – (complete list)
  • John Paul II, Pope (1978–2005)
  • Benedict XVI, Pope (2005–2013)
  • Francis, Pope (2013–الحاضر)
  • Old Catholic Church of America –
  • James Edward Bostwick, Archbishop (1997–2009)
  • Henry Pleau, Archbishop (2010–الحاضر)
  • Polish Catholic Church –
  • Wiktor Wysoczański, Bishop Superior (1995–الحاضر)
  • Old Roman Catholic Church in Europe –
  • Jerome Lloyd, Metropolitan Archbishop (2012–الحاضر)

الأرثوذكسية الشرقية

  • Church of Constantinople – (complete list), the first among equals in Eastern Orthodoxy
  • Bartholomew I, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople (1991–الحاضر)
  • Church of Alexandria (complete list) –
  • Peter VII, Patriarch of Alexandria (1997–2004)
  • Theodore II, Patriarch of Alexandria (2004–الحاضر)
  • Church of Antioch (complete list) –
  • Ignatius IV (Hazim), Patriarch of Antioch (1979–2012)
  • John X (Yazigi), Patriarch of Antioch (2012-الحاضر)
  • Church of Jerusalem -
  • Diodoros I, Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem (1981–2000)
  • Irenaios I, Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem (2001–2005)
  • Theophilos III, Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem (2005–الحاضر)
  • Albanian Orthodox Church –
  • Anastasios (Yannoulatos), Archbishop of Tirana and All Albania (1992–الحاضر)
  • Bulgarian Orthodox Church (complete list) –
  • Maxim, Patriarch of All Bulgaria and Metropolitan of Sofia (1971–2012)
  • Neofit, Patriarch of All Bulgaria and Metropolitan of Sofia (2013-الحاضر)
  • Cypriot Orthodox Church (complete list) –
  • Chrysostomos I, Archbishop of Nea Justiniana and All Cyprus (1977–2006)
  • Chrysostomos II, Archbishop of Nea Justiniana and All Cyprus (2006–الحاضر)
  • Czech and Slovak Orthodox Church –
  • Nicholas of Presov, Metropolitan of the Czech Lands and Slovakia (2000–2006)
  • Christopher of Prague, Metropolitan of the Czech Lands and Slovakia (2006–الحاضر)
  • Georgian Orthodox Church –
  • Ilia II, Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia (1977–الحاضر)
  • Church of Greece (complete list) –
  • Christodoulos of Athens, Archbishop of Athens and All Greece (1998–2008)
  • Ieronymos II, Archbishop of Athens and All Greece (2008–الحاضر)
  • Greek Orthodox Church of Jerusalem –
  • Diodoros I, Patriarch of the Holy City of Jerusalem and All Palestine (1981–2000)
  • Irenaios I, Patriarch of the Holy City of Jerusalem and All Palestine (2001–2005)
  • Theophilos III, Patriarch of the Holy City of Jerusalem and All Palestine (2005–الحاضر)
  • Orthodox Church in America, North America (complete list) –
  • Theodosius (Lazor), Archbishop of New York, Metropolitan of All America and Canada (1977–1980)
  • Theodosius (Lazor), Archbishop of Washington, Metropolitan of All America and Canada (1981–2002)
  • Herman (Swaiko), Archbishop of Washington, Metropolitan of All America and Canada (2002–2005)
  • Herman (Swaiko), Archbishop of Washington and New York, Metropolitan of All America and Canada (2005–2008)
  • Jonah (Paffhausen), Archbishop of Washington and New York, Metropolitan of All America and Canada (2008–2009)
  • Jonah (Paffhausen), Archbishop of Washington, Metropolitan of All America and Canada (2009–2012)
  • Tikhon, Metropolitan of All America and Canada (2012–الحاضر)
  • Polish Orthodox Church –
  • Sawa (Hrycuniak) of Poland, Metropolitan of Warsaw and All Poland (1998–الحاضر)
  • Romanian Orthodox Church –
  • Teoctist I, Patriarch of All Romania (1986–2007)
  • Daniel Ciobotea, Patriarch of All Romania (2007–الحاضر)
  • Russian Orthodox Church (complete list) –
  • Alexy II of Russia, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (1990–2008)
  • Kirill I, acting (2008–2009), Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (2009–الحاضر)
  • Serbian Orthodox Church (complete list) –
  • Pavle of Serbia, Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Serbs (1990–2009)
  • Irinej of Serbia, Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Serbs (2010–الحاضر)
  • Orthodox Church of Finland – (complete list)
  • John Rinne, Archbishop of Karelia and All Finland (1987–2001)
  • Leo Makkonen Archbishop of Karelia and All Finland (2001–الحاضر)

الأرثوذكسية المشرقية

  • الكنيسة الرسولية الأرمنية (complete list) –
  • Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians (1999–الحاضر)
  • الكنيسة الرسولية الأرمنية (complete list) –
  • آرام الأول، كاثوليكوس قيليقيا (1995–الحاضر)
  • Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria (complete list) –
  • Shenouda III of Alexandria, Pope and Patriarch (1971–2012)
  • Theodoros II of Alexandria, Pope and Patriarch (2012–الحاضر)
  • Eritrean Orthodox Church
  • Abune Dioskoros, Patriarch (2005–الحاضر)
  • Ethiopian Orthodox Church (complete list) –
  • Abune Paulos, Abuna and Patriarch (1992–2012)
  • Abune Mathias, Abuna and Patriarch (2013–الحاضر)
  • Indian Orthodox Church (complete list) –
  • Baselios Thoma Didymos I, Catholicos of the East and Malankara Metropolitan (2005–2010)
  • Baselios Mar Thoma Paulose II, Catholicos of the East and Malankara Metropolitan (2010–الحاضر)
  • Syriac Orthodox Church –
  • Ignatius Zakka I Iwas (1980–الحاضر)


  • National Association of Evangelicals
  • Kevin Mannoia، الرئيس (1999–2001)
  • Leith Anderson، الرئيس (2002–2003)
  • Ted Haggard، الرئيس (2003–2006)
  • Leith Anderson، الرئيس (2006-الحاضر)


  • Baptist World Alliance –
  • General Secretaries
  • Denton Lotz, General Secretary (N/A–2007)
  • Neville Callam, General Secretary (2008–الحاضر)
  • الرؤساء
  • Billy Kim، الرئيس (2000–2005)
  • David Coffey، الرئيس (2005–2010)
  • John Upton، الرئيس (2010–الحاضر)
  • Seventh Day Baptist General Conference –
  • Jan Lek, General Secretary (c. 2010)
  • Baptist Convention of Angola –
  • Mateus Chaves, current President (c. 2010)
  • Alexandre Melo Chilanda, current General Secretary (c. 2010)
  • Nigerian Baptist Convention –
  • President
  • Uche Enyioha, current President (c. 2010)
  • General Secretary and CEO
  • James Tanimola Ayorinde, General Secretary (c. 1960s)
  • S. T. Ola Akande, General Secretary
  • S. Ola Fadeji, General Secretary
  • Solomon Ademola Ishola, current General Secretary (c. 2010)
  • Bangladesh Baptist Sangha –
  • Joyanto Adhikari, current President (c. 2010)
  • Milton Biswas, current General-Secretary (c. 2010)
  • Paku Karen Baptist Association (Burma) –
  • Letta, Executive Secretary
  • Kooler, Executive Secretary
  • Augustus Spurgeon, Executive Secretary
  • Caleb Paw, Executive Secretary
  • Paul Htoo, current Executive Secretary (c. 2010)
  • Association of Baptist Churches in Israel –
  • Monther Naum, Chairman (N/A–2006)
  • Fuad Haddad, Chairman (2006–الحاضر)
  • Association of Fundamental Baptist Churches in the Philippines –
  • Arleen D. Fidel, Chairman (2004–الحاضر)
  • Baptist Conference of the Philippines –
  • Joel Villamor, first General Secretary of the Conference (c. 1970s)
  • Eugene Ares, first Moderator of the Conference
  • Singapore Baptist Convention –
  • Peter Tang, Executive Director (c. 2010)
  • Ao Baptist Arogo Mungdang –
  • O. Alem, current General Secretary (c. 2010)
  • Convention of Baptist Churches of Northern Circars –
  • T. Ch. Immanuel، الرئيس (2006–الحاضر)
  • M. Ashok Kumar, Secretary (2006–الحاضر)
  • Manipur Baptist Convention –
  • Vumthang Sitlhou, current General Secretary (c. 2010)
  • Tripura Baptist Christian Union –
  • M.J. Eade, founding leader (1938–N/A)
  • Rajani Kaipeng, current General Secretary (c. 2010)
Europe, regional
  • European Baptist Federation –
  • Tony Peck, current General Secretary (c. 2010)
  • International Baptist Convention –
  • Jimmy Martin, current General Secretary (c. 2010)
Europe, national
  • Baptist Union of Romania –
  • Paul Negruţ، الرئيس (N/A–2007)
  • Otniel Bunaciu, current President (2007–الحاضر)
  • Convention of the Hungarian Baptist Churches of Romania –
  • Borzási István, current President (c. 2010)
  • Norwegian Baptist Union –
  • Janne M. Sjödahl, first General Secretary (1879–N/A)
  • Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists of Russia –
  • Alexey V. Smirnov، الرئيس (2010–الحاضر)
United Kingdom
  • Baptist Union of Great Britain –
  • Jonathan Edwards, current General Secretary (c. 2010)
  • Baptist Union of Scotland –
  • Alan Donaldson, current General Director (c. 2010)
  • Baptist Union of Wales –
  • Peter M. Thomas, current General Secretary (c. 2010)
North America
  • Baptist General Conference of Canada –
  • Jamey McDonald, current Executive Director (c. 2010)
  • Canadian Baptist Ministries –
  • Gary Vincent Nelson, current General Secretary (c. 2010)
  • Canadian Baptists of Western Canada –
  • Jan Paasuke, current President of the Board (c. 2010)
  • Canadian National Baptist Convention –
  • Gerry Taillon, current National Ministry Leader (c. 2010)
  • Sovereign Grace Fellowship of Canada –
  • William Payne, founder (1983–N/A)
  • Roger Fellows, founding General Coordinator (2001–N/A)
  • Mark Hudson, current General Coordinator (c. 2010)
  • Union of French Baptist Churches of Canada –
  • Roland Grimard, General Secretary (2003–الحاضر)
United States
  • Alliance of Baptists –
  • Brooks Wicker, current President (c. 2010)
  • American Baptist Churches USA –
  • A. Roy Medley, current General Secretary (c. 2010)
  • Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America –
  • Gordon Taylor, Coordinator (2008–الحاضر)
  • Baptist Bible Fellowship International –
  • Linzy Slayden, current President (c. 2010)
  • Baptist General Conference –
  • Jerry Sheveland, current President (c. 2010)
  • Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty –
  • J. Brent Walker - Executive Director (1999–الحاضر)
  • Baptist Missionary Association of America –
  • John David Smith, Executive Director, (2010–الحاضر)
  • Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America –
  • Cheryl Dudley, President , (2008–2011)
  • Church of Christ, Instrumental (Kelleyites) –
  • Samuel Kelley, Founder, (1870–N/A)
  • Conservative Baptist Association of America –
  • Stephen LeBar, Executive Director (2004–2009)
  • Stan Rieb, National Network Facilitator, (2009–الحاضر)
  • Cooperative Baptist Fellowship –
  • Cecil Sherman, first Coordinator (1992–1996)
  • Daniel Vestal, Coordinator (1996–الحاضر)
  • Enterprise Association of Regular Baptists –
  • Eugene Dickerson, current Moderator (c. 2010)
  • Roger Ball, current President (c. 2010)
  • Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship –
  • Paul S. Morton, International Presiding Bishop (1994–الحاضر)
  • Fundamental Baptist Fellowship International –
  • John Vaughn, current President (c. 2010)
  • General Association of General Baptists –
  • James Murray, interim Executive Director (c. 2010)
  • General Association of Regular Baptist Churches –
  • John Greening, current National Representative (c. 2010)
  • National Baptist Convention of America, Inc. –
  • Stephen J. Thurston, current President (c. 2010)
  • Samuel C. Tolbert, current General Secretary (c. 2010)
  • American National Baptist Convention, since 1895 known as the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. –
  • W. H. Alpine، الرئيس (1880-1882)
  • J. Q. A. Wilhite، الرئيس (1882-1883)
  • J. A. Foster، الرئيس (1883-1884)
  • W. A. Brinkley، الرئيس (1884-1885)
  • W. J. Simmons، الرئيس (1886-1890)
  • E. W. Brawley، الرئيس (1890-1891)
  • M. Vann، الرئيس (1891-1893)
  • Elias Camp Morris، الرئيس (1895–1922)
  • L. K. Williams، الرئيس (1924–1940)
  • David V. Jemison، الرئيس (1940–1953)
  • Joseph H. Jackson، الرئيس (1954–1982)
  • T. J. Jemison، الرئيس (1983–1994)
  • Henry Lyons، الرئيس (1994–1999)
  • Stewart Cleveland Cureton، الرئيس (1999)
  • William J. Shaw، الرئيس (1999–2009)
  • Julius R. Scruggs، الرئيس (2009–الحاضر)
  • National Missionary Baptist Convention of America –
  • S.M. Lockridge، الرئيس (1988–1994)
  • S. M. Wright، الرئيس (1994)
  • Melvin Von Wade, Sr.، الرئيس (1994–N/A)
  • W.T. Snead، الرئيس (1988–N/A)
  • C. C. Robertson، الرئيس (2006–الحاضر)
  • North American Baptist Conference –
  • Rob McCleland, current Executive Director (c. 2010)
  • Ohio Valley Christian Baptist Church of God –
  • Paul Hagen, current General Superintendent (c. 2010)
  • Delmar Rogers, current General Secretary (c. 2010)
  • Progressive National Baptist Convention –
  • Walter Parrish III, current General Secretary (c. 2010)
  • T. DeWitt Smith, Jr., 18th President (N/A–2010)
  • Carroll A. Baltimore, 19th President (2010–الحاضر)
  • Southern Baptist Convention (complete list) –
  • James Merritt، الرئيس (2000–2002)
  • Jack Graham، الرئيس (2002–2004)
  • Bobby Welch، الرئيس (2004–2006)
  • Frank S. Page، الرئيس (2006–2008)
  • Johnny M. Hunt، الرئيس (2008–2010)
  • Bryant Wright، الرئيس (2010–الحاضر)
  • United American Free Will Baptist Church –
  • Henry J. Rodmon, current General Bishop (c. 2010)


  • Bible Missionary Church –
  • Rodger Moyer, General Moderator (1987–الحاضر)
  • Alvie Jarratt, General Moderator (1999–الحاضر)
  • Christian and Missionary Alliance (U.S.) –
  • David Rambo، الرئيس (c.1987–2005)
  • Gary Benedict، الرئيس (2005–2013)
  • Church of Christ (Holiness) U.S.A. –
  • Senior Bishop
  • Maurice D. Bingham, Senior Bishop, (1996–2004)
  • Emery Lindsay, Senior Bishop (2005–الحاضر)
  • President
  • Vernon Kennebrew، الرئيس (c.2005–الحاضر)
  • Church of the Nazarene –
  • John A. Knight, General Superintendent (1985–2001)
  • William J. Prince, General Superintendent (1989–2001)
  • James Diehl, General Superintendent (1993–2009)
  • Paul Cunningham, General Superintendent (1993–2009)
  • Jerry D. Porter, General Superintendent (1997–الحاضر)
  • Jim Bond, General Superintendent (1997–2005)
  • W. Talmadge Johnson, General Superintendent (2001–2005)
  • Jesse Middendorf, General Superintendent (2001–الحاضر)
  • Nina Gunter, General Superintendent (2005–2009)
  • J. K. Warrick, General Superintendent (2005–الحاضر)
  • Eugenio Duarte, General Superintendent (2009–الحاضر)
  • David W. Graves, General Superintendent (2009–الحاضر)
  • Stan Toler, General Superintendent (2009–الحاضر)
  • Pillar of Fire International –
  • Robert Barney Dallenbach, General Superintendent (2000–2008)
  • Joseph Gross, General Superintendent (2008–الحاضر)
  • Salvation Army –
  • John Gowans, General (1999–2002)
  • John Larsson, General (2002–2006)
  • Shaw Clifton, General (2006–2011)
  • Linda Bond, General (2011–2013)
  • André Cox, General (2013–الحاضر)


  • Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference –
  • Steven P. Petersen، الرئيس (2008–2011):
  • Daniel Koelpin، الرئيس (2011–الحاضر)
  • International Lutheran Council –
  • Chairman
  • Ralph Mayan, Chairman (2005 –2008)
  • Gerald B. Kieschnick, Chairman (2009 –2010)
  • Hans-Jörg Voigt, Chairman (2010 –2012)
  • Executive Secretary
  • Samuel H. Nafzger, Executive Secretary (2001 or before – present)
  • Lutheran World Federation –
  • Christian Krause (Germany)، الرئيس (1997–2003)
  • Mark Hanson (US)، الرئيس (2003–2010)
  • Munib Younan (Palestine)، الرئيس (2010–الحاضر)
  • Evangelical Lutheran Church of Estonia –
  • Jaan Kiivit, Jr, Archbishop (1994–2005)
  • Andres Põder, Archbishop and Primate (2005–الحاضر)
  • Evangelical Lutheran Church of Estonia Church Abroad
  • Udo Petersoo, Archbishop, (1990–2006)
  • Andres Taul, Archbishop, (2007–الحاضر)
  • Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland –
  • Jukka Paarma, Archbishop of Turku (1998–2010)
  • Kari Mäkinen, Archbishop of Turku (2010–الحاضر)
  • كنيسة النرويج –
  • Harald V of Norway, King of Norway (1991–الحاضر)
  • الكنيسة السويدية –
  • Karl Gustav Hammar, Lutheran Primate of Sweden (1997–2006)
  • Anders Wejryd, Lutheran Primate of Sweden (2006–الحاضر)
أمريكا الشمالية
  • Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod –
  • Alvin L. Barry، الرئيس (1992–2001)
  • Robert T. Kuhn، الرئيس (2001)
  • Gerald B. Kieschnick، الرئيس (2001–2010)
  • Matthew C. Harrison، الرئيس (2010–الحاضر)
  • Evangelical Lutheran Church in America –
  • H. George Anderson, Presiding Bishop (1995–2001)
  • Mark Hanson Presiding Bishop (2001–الحاضر)
  • Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ –
  • William Sullivan, National Service Coordinator (2002–2010)
  • Mark Vander Tuig, National Service Coordinator (2010–الحاضر)
  • Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod –
  • Karl R. Gurgel، الرئيس (1993–2007)
  • Mark G. Schroeder، الرئيس (2007–الحاضر)
  • Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada –
  • Telmor Sartison, National Bishop (1993–2001)
  • Raymond Schultz, National Bishop (2001–2007)
  • Susan Johnson, National Bishop (2007–الحاضر)


  • African Methodist Episcopal Church –
  • Clement W. Fugh, General Secretary (2000–الحاضر)
  • Chinese Methodist Church in Australia –
  • Albert Chiew, Bishop (c.2008–2010)
  • James Kwang, Bishop (2010–الحاضر)
  • Free Methodist Church in Canada –
  • Keith A. Elford, Bishop (1997–الحاضر)
  • Iglesia Evangelica Metodista en las Islas Filipinas –
  • Nathaniel P. Lazaro, General Superintendent (2000–الحاضر)
  • Methodist Church Ghana –
  • Samuel Asante Antwi, President and Presiding Bishop (1997–2003)
  • Robert Aboagye-Mensah, Presiding Bishop (2003–2009)
  • Emmanuel Asante, Presiding Bishop (2009–الحاضر)
  • Methodist Church in Malaysia –
  • Peter Chio, Bishop (?–2004)
  • Hwa Yung, Bishop (2004–الحاضر)
  • Methodist Church in Singapore –
  • Robert M. Solomon, Bishop (2000–الحاضر)
  • Methodist Church of Southern Africa –
  • President
  • H Mvume Dandala، الرئيس (1998–2003)
  • Ivan M Abrahams، الرئيس (2003–الحاضر)
  • General Secretary
  • Vivian Harris, General Secretary (1988–2001)
  • Ross A J Olivier, General Secretary (2001–2005)
  • Vuyani G Nyobole, General Secretary (2005–الحاضر)
  • United Methodist Church –
  • Gregory V. Palmer, President of the Council of Bishops (2008–2010)
  • Larry M. Goodpaster, President of the Council of Bishops (2010–الحاضر)


  • Indian Pentecostal Church of God – registered with the Government of India onتسعة December 1935
  • Rev K.E. Abraham, Founder (1924–1974)
  • Rev P.M. Samuel, First President (1935–1955)
  • Rev K.C. John، الرئيس (2006–الحاضر)
  • Church of God (Full Gospel) in India – registered with the Government of India onتسعة December 1949
  • Rev. Robert F. Cook, Founder (1919–1950)
  • Kalloor Chacko, Co-Founder (1919–1950)
  • Rev. M. Kunjappy, Overseer(2008–الحاضر)
  • World Assemblies of God Fellowship –
  • Thomas E. Trask, Chairman (2000–2008)
  • George O. Wood, Chairman (2008–الحاضر)
  • Assemblies of God, United States –
  • Thomas E. Trask, General superintendent (1993–2007)
  • George O. Wood, General superintendent (2007–الحاضر)
  • Grace Communion International (until 2009, called the Worldwide Church of God from 1968–2009) –
  • Joseph Tkach, Jr., President and pastor general (1995–الحاضر)
  • New Apostolic Church –
  • Richard Fehr, Chief apostle (1988–2005)
  • Wilhelm Leber, Chief apostle (2005–الحاضر)


  • Church of Scotland (Moderators of the General Assembly)
  • 2001 John Miller
  • 2002 Finlay Macdonald
  • 2003 Iain Torrance
  • 2004 Alison Elliot
  • 2005 David Lacy
  • 2006 Alan McDonald
  • 2007 Sheilagh M. Kesting
  • 2008 David W. Lunan
  • 2009 William C. Hewitt
  • 2010 John Christie
  • 2011 A. David K. Arnott
  • 2012 Albert O. Bogle
  • 2013 Moderator-designate: Lorna Hood
  • Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) (Moderators of the General Assembly)
  • 2000 Syngman Rhee
  • 2001 Jack Rogers
  • 2002 Fahed Abu-Akel
  • 2003 Susan R. Andrews
  • 2004 Rick Ufford-Chase
  • 2006 Joan Gray
  • 2008 Bruce Reyes-Chow
  • 2010 Cynthia Bolbach
  • 2012 Neal Presa

پروتستانت آخرون

  • كنيسة شمال الهند –
  • Purely Lyngdoh, Moderator
  • Enos Das Pradhan, General Secretary
  • كنيسة جنوب الهند –
  • S. Vasanthakumar, Moderator
  • Seventh-day Adventists (complete list) –
  • Jan Paulsen, General Conference President (1999–الحاضر)
  • Uniting Church in Australia –
  • الرئيس
  • James Haire، الرئيس (2000–2003)
  • Dean Drayton، الرئيس (2003–2006)
  • Gregor Henderson، الرئيس (2006–2009)
  • Alistair Macrae، الرئيس (2009–الحاضر)
  • General Secretary
  • Gregor Henderson, General Secretary (1989–2001)
  • Terence Corkin, General Secretary (2001–الحاضر)
  • United Church of Canada –
  • Marion Pardy, Moderator (2000–2003)
  • Peter Short, Moderator (2003–2006)
  • David Giuliano, Moderator (2006–2009)
  • Mardi Tindal, Moderator (2009–2012)
  • Gary Paterson, Moderator (2012–الحاضر)


Provinces of the Anglican Communion

  • Church of England –
  • Formal leadership –
  • Elizabeth II, Supreme Governor of the Church of England (1952–الحاضر)
  • Effective leadership, (complete list) –
  • George Carey, Archbishop of Canterbury (1991–2002)
  • Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury (2002–2012)
  • Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury (2013–الحاضر)
  • Anglican Church of Australia (complete list)–
  • Peter Carnley, Primate (2000–2005)
  • Phillip Aspinall, Primate (2005–الحاضر)
  • Anglican Church of Canada –
  • Michael Peers, Primate (1986–2004)
  • Fred Hiltz, Primate (2007–الحاضر)
  • Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui (Hong Kong Anglican Church) –
  • Peter Kwong, Archbishop (1998–2006)
  • Paul Kwong, Archbishop (2007–الحاضر)
  • Episcopal Church in the United States of America –
  • Presiding Bishop –
  • Frank Griswold, Presiding Bishop (1998–2006)
  • Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop (2006–الحاضر)
  • George L.W. Werner, President of the House of Deputies (2000–الحاضر)

Continuing Anglicanism

  • American Anglican Church – John A. Herzog, Presiding Bishop (1994–الحاضر)
  • Anglican Church of Virginia – Larry Wilson Johnson, Bishop (2001–الحاضر)
  • Anglican Orthodox Church – Jerry L. Ogles, Presiding Bishop (2003–الحاضر)
  • Anglican Province of Christ the King –
  • Robert Morse, Bishop Ordinary (1977–2007)
  • James E. Provence, Bishop (2007–الحاضر)
  • Federation of Anglican Churches in the Americas
  • Anglican Church in America –
  • Louis Falk, Primate (1991–2005)
  • Louis Falk, President of the House of Bishops (2005–الحاضر)
  • Anglican Province of America – Walter Grundorf, Presiding Bishop (early 1990s–الحاضر)
  • Diocese of the Holy Cross – Paul C. Hewett, Diocesan Bishop (2006–الحاضر)
  • Episcopal Missionary Church –
  • William Millsaps, Presiding Bishop (2000–2005)
  • Council Nedd II, Presiding Bishop (2005–الحاضر)
  • Reformed Episcopal Church – Leonard W. Riches, Presiding Bishop (1996–الحاضر)
  • Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans – Eliud Wabukala, Chairman (2008–الحاضر)
  • Anglican Church in North America – Robert Duncan, Primate (2009–الحاضر)
  • Church of England in South Africa –
  • Frank J. Retief, Presiding Bishop (2000–2010)
  • Desmond Inglesby, Presiding Bishop (2010–الحاضر)
  • North American Anglican Conference
  • Anglican Episcopal Church –
  • Reginald Hammond, Presiding Bishop (2000–2004)
  • George Connor, Presiding Bishop (2006–الحاضر)
  • Diocese of the Great Lakes –
  • Julius A. Neeser, Bishop Ordinary (1998–2002)
  • David T. Hustwick, Bishop Ordinary (2002–الحاضر)
  • Orthodox Anglican Communion –
  • Scott Earle McLaughlin, Metropolitan Archbishop (2000–2012)
  • Creighton Jones, Metropolitan Archbishop (2012–الحاضر)
  • Orthodox Anglican Church –
  • Scott Earle McLaughlin, Presiding Bishop (2000–2012)
  • Creighton Jones, Presiding Bishop (2012–الحاضر)
  • Traditional Anglican Communion –
  • Louis Falk, Primate (1991–2002)
  • John Hepworth, Primate (2002–2012)
  • Samuel Prakash, Primate (2012–الحاضر)
  • Anglican Catholic Church in Australia – John Hepworth, Archbishop (1998–الحاضر)
  • Anglican Catholic Church of Canada –
  • Robert Mercer, Bishop and Metropolitan (1988–2005)
  • Peter Wilkinson, Bishop and Metropolitan (2005–الحاضر)
  • Anglican Church of India – Stephen Vattappara, Metropolitan Bishop (1990–الحاضر)
  • Anglican Church in America –
  • Louis Falk, Primate (1991–2005)
  • Louis Falk, President of the House of Bishops (2005–الحاضر)
  • United Anglican Church – Robert D. Parlotz, Archbishop and Primate (c.2001–الحاضر)
  • United Episcopal Church of North America –
  • Stephen C. Reber, Presiding Bishop (1996–2010)
  • Peter D. Robinson, Presiding Bishop (2010–الحاضر)

Other Christian or Christian-derived faiths

  • Assyrian Church of the East – Mar Dinkha IV, Patriarch (1976–الحاضر)
  • Ancient Church of the East – Mar Addai II, Patriarch (1970–الحاضر)
  • Members Church of God International, Eliseo Soriano, Presiding Minister (1977–الحاضر)
  • The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints –
    Gordon B. Hinckley, President (1995–2008)
    Thomas S. Monson, President (2008–الحاضر)
  • Iglesia ni Cristo –
  • Felix Y. Manalo, Executive Minister (1914–1963)
  • Eraño G. Manalo, Executive Minister (1963–2009)
  • Eduardo V. Manalo, Executive Minister (2009–الحاضر)
  • National Council of Churches USA, Robert W. Edgar, General Secretary (2000–2013)
  • World Council of Churches –
  • Konrad Raiser, General Secretary (1993–2003)
  • Samuel Kobia, General Secretary (2004–2009)
  • Olav Fykse Tveit, General Secretary (2010-الحاضر)



  • البهرة الداودية – سيدنا محمد برهان الدين (1965–الحاضر)
  • النزارية (الإسماعيلية) –
  • أغا خان الرابع، الإمام رقم 49 (1957–الحاضر)


  • Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
  • خليفة المسيح الرابع، حضرت مرزا طاهر أحمد (1982–2003)
  • Khalifatul Masih V, Hazrat مرزا مسرور أحمد (2003–الحاضر)

أمة الإسلام

  • أمة الإسلام
  • لويس فرخان، الرأس، (1981-الحاضر)

اليهودية وما يتصل بها

  • United Kingdom and the Commonwealth of Nations (complete list) -
  • Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi (1991–2012)
  • Ephraim Mirvis, Chief Rabbi (2013–الحاضر)
  • Israel/Palestine, (complete list) –

  • هجريا –
  • David Asseo, Chief Rabbi (1961–2002)
  • أيرلندا –
  • Yaakov Pearlman, Chief Rabbi (2001–2008)
أمريكا الشمالية
  • Union for Reform Judaism (North America) –
  • Eric Yoffie، الرئيس (1996–الحاضر)


  • Art Of Living Foundation - Sree Sree Ravi Shankar (1956–الحاضر)
  • Brahma Kumari, Dadi Janki, (?–الحاضر)
  • Eckankar - Harold Klemp, Mahanta and Living ECK Master (1981–الحاضر)
  • فالون گونگ – Li Hongzhi, Foundator and spiritual master (1992–الحاضر)
  • Isha Foundation - Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev (1957–الحاضر)
  • LaVeyan Satanism, Peter H. Gilmore, (2001–الحاضر)
  • Ravidassia – Sant Niranjan Dass, (2007–الحاضر)–
  • Scientology – Heber Jentzsch, President of the Church of Scientology International (1982–الحاضر)

Unitarian Universalism

  • Unitarian Universalist Association
  • William G. Sinkford، الرئيس (2001-2009)
  • Peter Morales، الرئيس (2009–الحاضر)


  • Bahá'í Faith, Universal House of Justice (1963–الحاضر)
  • Hushmand Fatheazam (1963–2003)
  • Ali Nakhjavani (1963–2003)
  • Ian Semple (1963–2005)
  • Glenford Mitchell (1982–2008)
  • Peter Khan (1987–2010)
  • Hooper Dunbar (1988–2010)
  • Adib Taherzadeh (1988–2000)
  • Douglas Martin (1993–2005)
  • Farzam Arbab (1993–2013)
  • Kiser Barnes (2000–2013)
  • Hartmut Grossmann (2003–2008)
  • Firaydoun Javaheri (2003–الحاضر)
  • Paul Lample (2005–الحاضر)
  • Payman Mohajer (2005–الحاضر)
  • Gustavo Correa (2008–الحاضر)
  • Shahriar Razavi (2008–الحاضر)
  • Stephen Birkland (2010–الحاضر)
  • Stephen Hall (2010–الحاضر)
  • Chuungu Malitonga (2013-الحاضر)
  • أيمن روحاني (2013-الحاضر)

انظر أيضاً

  • الزعماء الدينيون حسب السنة


  1. ^ http://orcce.webs.com/
  2. ^ "Preacher, racer are two of a kind. Dallenbach brothers follow different roads that intersect with love". Denver Post. April 30, 1990. Retrieved 2007-07-21. It's quite a spin from Wally's life as a race-car driver to the Rev. Robert Dallenbach's small Pillar of Fire Church, where drinking, dancing and smoking are forbidden. While Wally directs Denver's Grand Prix races this August, his older brother likely will be a few blocks away, preaching at Alma Temple. The Reverend Bob wears a charcoal-gray suit and Roman collar. His 8-year-old, church-owned Ford station wagon bears license tag ... But things aren't always what they seem with the brothers Dallenbach ...
  3. ^ "Somerset Christian College". Somerset Christian College. Retrieved 2009-10-17.
  4. ^ The Methodist Church Ghana (1835-2005): 170th Anniversary Souvenir Brochure. Accra, 2005
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 13:37:24
التصنيفات: Lists of religious leaders by year, 21st-century Christianity, 21st-century religious leaders, 21st century in religion, 21st century-related lists

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