معركة إساندلوانا

عودة للموسوعة

معركة إساندلوانا

معركة إساندلوانا
جزء من الحرب الإنگليزية الزولوية

تصوير للمعركة من Illustrated London News
التاريخ 22 يناير 1879
إساندلوانا, جنوب افريقيا

النتيجة فوز الزولو
الإمبراطورية البريطانية مملكة الزولو
القادة والزعماء
القائد العام:
ليوتنانت جنرال Lord Chelmsford

الصف الثاني من القادة:
Bvt. Lt-Col. Henry Pulleine  †

Bvt. Col. Anthony Durnford  †
القائد العام:
Ntshingwayo kaMahole Khoza

الصف الثاني من القادة:
Vumindaba kaNthati

Mavumengwana kaMdlela

Zibhebhu kaMapitha
No.2 Column:
البريطانيون: 14
الأهالي + المستعمرون: ca. 511
No.3 Column:
البريطانيون: 734
الأهالي + المستعمرون: ca. 578
بالاضافة إلى القوات المذكورةأعلاه، عدد غير محدد من المدنيين (wagon drivers, servants, etc.) were also present.
حوالي 10,000 to 15,000 engaged
4,000 to 5,000 to Rorke's Drift
Over 1,300 killed:
52 officers
727 British regulars
471 others including:
133 European Colonial troops
343 African NNC
2 cannons captured
1,000 قتيل
2,000 wounded
معركة إساندلوانا
Battle of Isandlwana

معركة إساندلوانا Battle of Isandlwana سقطت في 22 يناير 1879 بين الامبراطورية البريطانية ومملكة زولو, في الحرب الإنگليزية الزولوية, أحد عشر يوما من بدء الغزوالبريطاني لها زولولاند في جنوب أفريقيا، وقد كانت قوة محاربي الزولوحوالي 20000 محارب, هاجموا جزء من عمود القوات البريطانية الرئيسية التي تتألف من نحو1800 جندي بريطاني، والمحلية والمدنيين. وكانت قوات الزولولديها جيش وطني من خمسة وعشرين الف رجل مجهزة بالأسلحة التقليدية من الرماح الحديد، ودروع جلد البقر. وقد ألمت بالجيش البريطاني أسوأ هزيمة على يد قوات الزولو.



Lord Chelmsford.
Cetshwayo, c. 1875


Dabulamanzi kaMpande

View of Isandlwana Hill and Battlefeld.

ما بعد الحرب


Field Marshal Lord Wolseley

the end of the

نرنيب المعركة

القوات البريطانية

العمود 2

Commanding Officer: Brevet Colonel Anthony Durnford, RE

  • Staff - 2 officers, 1 NCO
  • 11th/7th Brigade, Royal Artillery – 1 officer,تسعة NCOs and men
  • Natal Native Horse (5 troops) –خمسة officers, ca. 259 NCOs and men
  • 1st/1st Natal Native Contingent (2 companies) -خمسة orستة officers, ca. 240 NCOs and men
  • 2nd/1st Natal Native Contingent - 1 NCO

العمود 3

Commanding Officer: Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Pulleine, 1st/24th Foot

  • Staff -ستة officers, 14 NCO and men
  • N/5th Brigade, Royal Horse Artillery - 2 officers, 70 NCOs and men
  • 5th Field Company, Royal Engineers - ثلاثة men
  • 1st/24th Regiment of Foot (5 companies and band) – 14 officers, 402 NCOs and men
  • 2nd/24th Regiment of Foot (1 company and details) –خمسة officers, 170 NCOs and men
  • 90th Regiment of Foot -ستة men
  • Army Service Corps - ثلاثة men
  • Army Hospital Corps - 1 officer,عشرة NCOs and men
  • Imperial Mounted Infantry (1 squadron) - 28 NCOs and men
  • Natal Mounted Police - 34 NCOs and men
  • Natal Carbineers - 2 officers, 26 NCOs and men
  • Newcastle Mounted Rifles - 2 officers, 15 NCOs and men
  • Buffalo Border Guard - 1 officer,سبعة NCOs and men
  • Natal Native Pioneer Corps - 1 officer,عشرة men
  • 1st/3rd Natal Native Contingent (2 companies) - 11 officers, ca. 200 NCOs and men
  • 2nd/3rd Natal Native Contingent (2 companies) -تسعة officers, ca. 200 NCOs and men

قوات الزولو


uDududu, uNokenke regiments, part uNodwengu corps – 3,000 to 4,000 men


umCijo,uKhandampevu, uThulwana regiments; part uNodwengu corps – 7,000 to 9,000 men


inGobamakhosi, uMbonambi, uVe regiments – 5,000 to 6,000 men


Undi corps, uDloko regiment – 4,000 to 5,000 men

الأسباب التي أدت إلى فوز زولو

Memorial erected at the site commemorating the fallen Zulu impi at Isandlwana Hill, which is visible in the background

أسباب الهزيمة البريطانية

Blame game

View of the Isandlwana battlefield.

انظر أيضاً

  • Natal Native Contingent
  • List of Zulu War Victoria Cross recipients
  • Military history of South Africa
  • Zulu Dawn, a 1979 film about the event with Peter O'Toole and Burt Lancaster
  • Battle of Rorke's Drift
  • Battle of Blood River
  • British military history
  • Colony of Natal
  • Bambatha Rebellion
  • Martini-Henry
  • Battle of Adwa


  1. ^ Knight, Ian. Zulu War 1879, Osprey Publishing, 2003, ISBN 1841766127, p. 33.
  2. ^ All figures from Holme, N. (1999) The Noble 24th: Biographical Records of the 24th Regiment in the Zulu War and the South African Campaigns, 1877-1879 pp.377-378
  3. ^ Doyle, p. 120: "...around 20,000...". Colenso, p. 313, "The Zulu army, he (Nugwende) says, numbered 20,0000..." and p. 312, "...full nominal strength reaches a total of 30,900 men but the actual numbers are estimated at from 20,000 to 25,000
  4. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير سليم؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة k86
  5. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير سليم؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة NHoSA-166
  6. ^ Smith-Dorrien, Chapter 1D, "... nearly 900 British and 2,000 or 3,000 natives, friend and foe, had breathed their last on the fatal 22nd."
  7. ^ Colenso, p. 312, gives 1333 also states a "given" total as 822 but says the actual loss is slightly higher
  8. ^ Lock, p. 224
  9. ^ Knight, Ian. Isandlwana 1879: The Great Zulu Victory, Osprey,2002, p. 86. Knight's estimate of Zulu casualties is more in keeping with those suffered by the Zulu at Kambula where a British column forms an excellent defensive position with a wagon lager, sixسبعة pounder artillery pieces and 2,000 soldiers and inflicts 800(counted bodies)-1,000 killed on the Zulu. Similarly, Knight & Castle. Zulu War 1879: twilight of a warrior nation, 1992, p.54 and in their Zulu War, 2004, p.114, state that the Zulu casualties at Kambula and Isandlwana are comparable. Also Laband, Historical Dictionary, 2009, p.123.
  10. ^ Smith-Dorrien, Chapter 1D, "The next few days after the battle, St. Matthew's simile, " Wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together," was fully illustrated, for literally the sky was darkened at times by continuous streams of " Aasvogels " heading from all directions to the battlefield marked by that precipitous and conspicuous crag, like a lion couchant, " Isandhlwana " where nearly 900 British and 2,000 or 3,000 natives, friend and foe, had breathed their last on the fatal 22nd." As can be seen from this account there were from both sides a total of 2 to ثلاثة thousand natives killed.
  11. ^ Morris, p. 369
  12. ^ Morris, p.370, "played no part in the battle"


  • Colenso, Frances E.; (assisted in those portions of the work that touch on military matters by Lieut.-Colonel Edward Durnford) (1880). . London: Chapman and Hall. ISBN .Google books
  • Doyle, Peter; Bennett, Matthew R.. Fields of Battle, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, ISBN 1-4020-0433-8, essay by Tony Pollard The Mountain is their Monument, pp. 118 ff
  • Gump, James O. (1996). The Dust Rose Like Smoke; The Subjugation Of The Zulu And The Sioux. Bison Books. ISBN  Check |isbn= value: invalid character (help).
  • Knight, Ian (1992). Zulu War 1879, Twilight of of a Warrior Nation. Osprey. ISBN . Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  • Knight, Ian (2002). Isandlwana 1879: The Great Zulu Victory. Osprey. ISBN .
  • Knight, Ian (2003). The Anglo-Zulu War. Osprey. ISBN .
  • Knight, Ian (2004). Zulu War. Osprey. ISBN . Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  • Laband, John (2009). Historical Dictionary of the Zulu Wars. Scarecrow Press. ISBN .
  • Lock, Ron (2002). Zulu Victory: The Epic of Isandlwana and the Cover-up. Johannesburg & Cape Town: Jonathan Ball Publishers. ISBN . Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  • Morris, Donald R. (1998). The Washing of the Spears. Da Capo Press. ISBN .
  • Smith-Dorrien, Horace. Memories of Forty-eight Years Service, London, 1925.
  • Spiers, Edward M. . The Scottish Soldier and Empire, 1854–1902, Edinburgh University Press, 2006.
  • Thompson, Paul Singer (2006). Black soldiers of the queen: the Natal native contingent in the Anglo-Zulu War. University of Alabama Press. ISBN .

قراءات أخرى

  • David, Saul Zulu, The Heroism and Tragedy of the Zulu War of 1879, 2005.
  • Furneaux, R The Zulu War: Isandhlwana & Rorke's Drift W&N (Great Battles of History Series), 1963.
  • Greaves, Adrian Isandlwana Cassell & Co, 2001, ISBN 0-304-35700-6.
  • Greaves, Adrian Rorke's Drift Cassell, 2003 ISBN 0-304-36641-2.

الصوت والصوت والصورة

  • "Impi", song written by South African music superstar Johnny Clegg and performed by his band Juluka on the album African Litany
  • Rattray, David. Day of the Dead Moon. Audio series narrated by author regarding Anglo-Zulu War
  • Zulu – The Warriors Return (clip from 52 mns TV documentary)
  • Blood Mountain: Re-enacting the battle of Isandlwana (1999) from Countrywide Productions of Huntingdon, UK. Written and narrated by Ian Knight. Produced and Directed by Michael Maloney. VHS/PAL (45 minutes). "Blood Mountain: re-enacting the Battle of Isandlwana (1999)". African Media Program of Michigan State University. Retrieved May 17, 2010.

وصلات خارجية

  • Zulu: The True Story By Dr. Saul David
  • Personal account of the battle by Horace Smith-Dorrien
  • Zulunet description of the battle
  • Secrets of the Dead — Day of the Zulu
  • Travellers Impressions
  • The Battle of Isandlwana
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 12:38:59
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