سدكو إكسپرس

عودة للموسوعة


الاسم سدكوإكسپرس
Sedco Express
معلومات عامة
النوع شبه غاطسة
التصميم سدكوفوركس إس إف إكسپرس 2000
البناء ترانس‌اوشن، DCN at the DCN Brest, France shipyard
تاريخ البناء 2001
المالك نوبل إنرجي
الفهم  ليبريا
عمليات البحر المتوسط، إسرائيل
عمق المياه 7.500 قدم
أقصى عمق 25,000 قدم
سرعة النقل
Variable Deck Load / Setback
Hook Load
Racking Capacity
Metocean Criteria
Drawworks Hitec / Dreco AHDD 6,800 HP
مكافئ الحركة
مضخات الطمي 3 x National Oilwell 14-P-220 triplex, 2200 HP
Top Drive 3 x National Oilwell 14-P-220 triplex, 2200 HP
Derrick / Tower Joseph Paris 190'; Capacity: 2,057,000 lbs
نظام الدفع
نظام التحكم
Riser Hold
Rotary (Main) Varco 60.5 in. diameter
Pipe Handling System
الهزاز/منظف الطمي
Riser Tensioner / Stroke
Tree Storage / LxWxH
Drilling Water
اجمالي الطمي السائل
الطمي النشط
Brine Storage
Base Oil Storage
Bulk Capacity
Sack Material

سدكوإكسپرس Sedco Express، هي فئة حفارات بحرية تنتجها ترانس‌اوشن، وتملكها شركة نوبل إنرجي، ويعمل في التنقيب عن النفط والغاز الطبيعي في المياه العميقة. تشغله إسرائيل في أعمال التنقيب بالبحر المتوسط.

البناء والتصميم

سدكوإكسپرس، هي حفارات مياه عميقة شبه غاطسة، من الجيل الخامس، بنتها ترانس‌اوشن وتضم الحفارات كاكون إكسپرس وسدكوإنرجي.

وسدكوإكسپرس حفارات مصممة لتقليل الزمن الاجمالي لانشاء البئر بنسة 35% على الأقل وتخفيض اجمالي التكلفة بأكثر من 30%. وتتميز هذه الفئة من الحفارات بمعدل التغلغل سريع، streamlined logistics, extensive mechanization and parallel tubular handling operations are supported by a transparent integrated well construction center.

Savings contributions also come from a high-powered, integrated mud and cement pumping system, innovative built-in Electric Wireline Logging, Measurement While Drilling (MWD), Logging While Drilling (LWD) and coiled tubing operations.

السلامة والبيئة

To improve safety, a Sedco Express-class rig reduces human interface in drilling operations with a mechanized "tubular handling process." Modular deck components and 30,000 square feet of unobstructed main deck area also reduce hazards and improve efficiency. Most main equipment in the Integrated Well Construction Center (WCC) is ergonomically designed, including the control-console chairs, Man Machine Interface (MMI) and tubular handling joystick.

To reduce noise in the living quarters, the Sedco Express-class accommodation modules are fully suspended on isolating shock absorbers and the main engines are located inside the pontoons below water level. All rooms on the rig have a maximum occupancy of two, with individual bathroom facilities.

To safeguard the environment, discharge is controlled. Sack cutting is dust-free and dust collectors are used at manual hoppers. To prevent an accidental spill, the mud tanks have no discharge valves, and all exposed areas of columns and pontoons are double-skinned. The latest, fuel-efficient diesel engines and a power management system reduce energy consumption and engine emissions.

الميكنة والتشغيل

Once riser, drill pipes and casing tubular are on board a Sedco Express-class rig, the riser gantry crane, tubular pick-up machines, tubular transfer system and the Tri-Act Derrick carry out the tubular process without direct human involvement.

A 190-foot Tri-Act derrick with integral and externally adjacent setback areas, combined with two independent vertical pipe handling/racking machines and makeup stations, can reduce tubular handling time about 50%. Drill pipe, casing, tubing, riser and other tubulars are picked up off the critical path before running. Since 40% of rig time is spent handling tubulars, well costs can be decreased with this technology.

A 30,000-square-foot unobstructed deck area permits storage of all tubulars needed for the operation, and the derrick height allows crews to work with quadruple sections of 32-foot drill pipe, triple sections of 41-foot casing and double sections of 65-foot riser. As a result, the Sedco Express-class rig is able to run riser at four times the rate of existing rigs, casing three times as fast and drill pipe 25% faster. The Tri-Act derrick has a total set back capacity of 2,550 metric tons, which is the equivalent of the total variance deckload of an average semisubmersible.

Instead of a standard V-door at the center front of the derrick, there are two landing areas for the horizontal tubular transfer systems located at each side of the derrick, where casing and iron roughnecks make up tubulars.

مضخات الضغط العالي لزيادة كفاءة الحفر

Three or four 2,200-horsepower, 7,500-psi integrated mud pumps lower overall mud costs and increase penetration rates by 120-325%, depending on hole size (compared to 5,000-psi pumps on conventional semisubmersible).

With high-pressure mud system, cuttings tend to be larger. This increases solids control equipment efficiency and minimizes the need for dilution and treatment, which minimizes open hole time and formation damage. The flexible modular solids control area is easily outfitted to customer requirements.

أنظمة مضخات الطمي المتطورة

An improved mud mixing system (which has the ability to accurately control the density of the drilling fluid while mixing) coupled with large capacity mud storage volume significantly reduce the time spent in switching mud. The 4,500-barrel mud pit system at the surface can be split to allow crews to swiftly change over mud systems when hole conditions change. Another 7,000 barrel of weighted mud can be held in reserve in the pontoons. An additional 6,175 barrel of storage for brine and base oil is available in the pontoons.

انخفاض مركز الجاذبية

By locating such main machinery as heavy winches and main engines inside the pontoons, the Sedco Expres-class rig has better weight distribution than conventional semisubmersibles. With much of its mass below the water line, the center of gravity (CG) is lowered and stability is improved. Having the engine room and machinery spaces located in the pontoons facilitates completely redundant power supply and distribution, which is one of the primary criteria required for certification to DPS3 (the highest standard for dynamic positioning and propulsion systems).

أنظمة تحديد المواقع والضبط

Designed for ultra-deepwater environments, the Sedco Express-class rigs are fitted with the advanced Mermaid seven-megawatt variable speed azimuthing (fully rotating) pod propulsion system. One of the prime features of the Mermaid system is its capability for under water installation and removal. Shaft seals and propellers can be changed in place. Marine vessel characteristics of the rig have been optimized to achieve an estimatedعشرة knots self-propelled speed.

Designed to maintain station and continue to operate even during severe weather, the dynamic positioning system will keep the rig in place in the Gulf of Mexico's loop current and changing wind directions.

The Sedco Express-class rig design can also be equipped with an eight-point-spread, wire mooring system for ultra-deepwater depth. The mooring system is designed to work with pre-laid mooring arrangements. Each anchor winch can accommodate up to 6,000 feet of 600-metric-ton breaking strength wire. These anchor winches are located at the bottom of the four columns, which results in lower rig center of gravity and at the same time freeing up a large area of deck space.

أنظمة التحكم

The concurrent pipe handling process is being controlled by an integrated control system (ICS). In fact, this advanced control system takes care of a much wider array of operations. ICS comprises networks like Real Time Control Network (RCN) [involves events sequencing, data storage, collision avoidance calculation, etc], Rig Video Network (RVN) [consists of CCTV video network], Vessel Management System Network (VMS) [provides vessel control and marine functions], Local Area Network (LAN) [provides user access to various data servers, printers, emails, etc.] and Rig Area Network (RAN) [integrates and improves rig communications through efficient data and information transmission].


  1. ^ "Rig Data: Sedco Express". ريگزون. Retrieved 2012-07-24.
  2. ^ "Sedco Express". deepwater.com. Retrieved 2012-07-24.
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 11:14:29
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