فهد (ناقلة جنود مدرعة مصرية)

عودة للموسوعة

فهد (ناقلة جنود مدرعة مصرية)

فـهـد 240/280

فهد 240 مصرية تعمل كجزء من عملية الأمم المتحدة في الصومال. لاحظ راجمة القنابل اليدوية على الجنب ومزاغل إطلاق النيران.
النوع حاملة جنود مدرعة
مكان الصنع  مصر
تاريخ الخدمة
في الخدمة 1986-الحاضر
اسُتخدم من قبل انظر أدناه
تاريخ الانتاج
المصمم ثايسن هنشل (اليوم اسمها راينمتال لاندسيستمه، وهي جزء من راين‌متال دِتـِك)
المُصنع مصنع قادر للصناعات المتطورة، الهيئة العربية للتصنيع
صنعت 1985
عدد المصنوعات ما يزيد عن 1,400 (من جميع التنويعات)
التنويعات أساساً فهد 240، وفهد 280-30. انظر النص لقائمة مفصلة.
الوزن 10.9 - 12.5 طن (حسب التنويعة)
الطول 6 meters
العرض 2.45 meters
الإرتفاع 2.25 meters (without towers)
الطاقم 2 +عشرة ركاب (فهد-240), ثلاثة +سبعة ركاب (فهد-280-30)

التدريع صلب ملحوم.
30 mm automatic cannon 2A42
AT-5 Spandrel or AT-4 Spigot ATGM (فهد-280-30)
1-3 مدفع رشاش 7.62 مم
المحرك مرسيدس بنز Diesel OM 366 LA 4-Stroke turbo-charged water-cooled diesel engine
275 hp at 2,300 rpm
التعليق 4 x 4
الخلوص الأرضي 37 cm
Fuel capacity 280 لتر
المدى العملي 700 كم (on road)
450 كم (خارج الطرق)
السرعة 100 كم/س (على الطريق)
60 كم/س (خارج الطرق)

فـهـد، حاملة الأفراد المدرعة هي حاملة أفراد مدرعة ذات 4x4 مصرية، مصممة لتلبية متطلبات القوات المسلحة المصرية. المركبة فهد هي نسبياً أخف وأصغر وأضل تسليحاً وأرخص من ناقلات الأفراد المدرعة المعاصرة الأخرى. وتحل محل ناقلات الأفراد المدرعة الأقدم في الخدمة المصرية مثل BTR-40، ووليد . وتستخدمها ثمانية بلدان بما فيهم مصر ، بالإضافة لاستخدامها من قِبل الأمم المتحدة.

التصميم المرن للمركبة، وسرعتها الفائقة، وقدرتها على المناورة ومداها البعيد على الطرق المعبدة وخارجها، يجعل من الممكن خلق تنويعات منها تلبي مختلف الأغراض العسكرية والأمنية. Variants include the Fahd 240/280 APC, Fahd 280-30 IFV, a command post vehicle, ambulance vehicle, light armored recovery vehicle, and can be used for anti-riot purposes, mines laying and mines dispensing purposes, making it possible to form independent units capable of dealing with different threats of armor, low-flying targets, and personnel, with common repair duties, and operation. The Fahd consists of a Mercedes-Benz LAP 1117/32 truck (4 × 4) chassis fitted with an armored body. It has a usual APC configuration of placing the driver and the commander on the front, and a large box-like shape, similar to the German Fuchs.

مقارنة مع مركبات معاصرة

فيما يلي مقارنة لبعض عربات قتال المشاة المعاصرة على عجل بما فيهم فهد:

مقارنة مع بعض عربات قتال المشاة المعاصرة
فـهـد 280-30 BTR-3U VBCI LAV-25 Type-92 IFV BTR-90
بلد الأصل  مصر  أوكرانيا  فرنسا  كندا  الصين  روسيا
الوزن 12.5 MT (13.8 short tons) 16.4 MT (18.1 short tons) 26 MT (29 short tons) 12.8 MT (14.1 short tons) 12.5 MT (13.8 short tons) 20.9 MT (23.0 short tons)
التسليح الرئيسي 30 mm (1.2 in) 2A42 automatic cannon 30 mm (1.2 in) Dual-feed cannon 25 mm NATO dual feed cannon 25 mm NATO M242 chain gun 25 mm (0.98 in) Autocannon 30 mm (1.2 in) 2A42 automatic cannon
التسليح الثانوي 7.62 mm (0.300 in) FN MAG machine gun 7.62 mm (0.300 in) coaxial machine gun 7.62 mm (0.300 in) coaxial machine gun 2 x 7.62 mm (0.300 in) M240 machine gun 7.62 mm (0.300 in) coaxial machine gun 7.62 mm (0.300 in) PKT machine gun
grenade launcher
التسليح الصاروخي (المدى) AT-5 Spandrel (70-4,000 متر) AT-5 Spandrel (70-4,000 متر) - - - AT-5 Spandrel (70-4,000 متر)
النطاق على الطرق المعبدة 700 km (430 mi) 600 km (370 mi) 750 km (470 mi) 660 km (410 mi) 800 km (500 mi) 800 km (500 mi)
أقصى سرعة على الطرق المعبدة 100 كم/س (62 mph) 85 كم/س (53 mph) 100 كم/س (62 mph) 100 كم/س (62 mph) 85 كم/س (53 mph) 100 كم/س (62 mph)
أقصى حمولة 3 crew +سبعة passengers 3 crew +ستة passengers 2 crew +تسعة passengers 3 crew +ستة passengers 3 crew +تسعة passengers 3 crew +تسعة passengers


مواصفات تنويعات ناقلة الجنود فـهـد
فهد 240 للإنقاذ والإصلاح
الونش له المواصفات التالية
أقصى طول للذراع أربعة أمتار
Maximum angle of boom elevation 70 درجة
Angle of traverse 315
Slewing speed 1.5 r.p.m
Boom specifications
Lifting force (ton) Boom length (meter)
2 2.0 at stop
1.5 2.7 at stop
1 4.0 at stop
1 2.7 with a speed of 15–20 km/h
0.65 4.0 with a speed of 15–20 km/h
فهد للإسعاف بأجهزة متخصصة
Four stretchers of length 200–220 cm and width 50 cm with tight fixation and standard carrying handles.
Four oxygen bottles together with connections and mask (1-3m3)
حوض بخزان ماء سعة 40 لتر.
One air mattress for fractured backbone.
One suction pump together with connections.
Four first aid kits.
Fahd mine-laying vehicle's system specifications
طول حقل الألغام 1500-3000 meters
عرض حقل الألغام 25-30 meters
عدد الألغام في الرشة 600
Number of dispensing modules four
Minimum mine density 0.2 mine per square meter
Maximum mine density one mine per square meter
Fahd command post vehicle's equipments
One navigation set and gyroscopic compass.
3-4 wireless communication set with antennas and six terminals intercom system with six helmets.
10-line telephone exchange
Two field telephones
An additional 12 V acid battery
1.5k.w electrical generator with charging terminals.
One table and map board
A Spot light set

فهد 240

فهد 240 recovery and repair variant

فهد للإسعاف

فهد لغرس الألغام

فهد مركبة قيادة

The Fahd command vehicle contains three gun mounts for 7.62 mm caliber machine guns, as well as other special equipments for command purposes.

Fahd 280 w/ BTM-208 Turret

فهد لمكافحة الشغب

The Anti-Riot variant is based on the Fahd 280. The dual weapons installed in the turret are replaced with a water cannon actuated at 180L/min pump to jet plain, colored or mixed water at a distance of 30-50m. Grenade launchers are also installed on the turret for firing smoke and tear gas grenades. There is a steel grader in the vehicle front to remove barricades in streets and passes, along with two flashers, multi-tone siren, loud speaker and horn. This variant also has a passenger capacity of ten.

فهد 280-30

The Fahd 280-30 is an IFV variant of the Fahd, first announced in 1990. It features a BMP-2 turret on the roof of the passenger compartment near the rear. It has a 30 mm automatic cannon with an effective range of up to 1500 metres against armor, 2500 metres against ground targets, and 3,000 metres against air targets. It has a dual feed, one for HE rounds, the other for AP rounds, which can pierce 18 mm armor at 60 degrees from a range of 500 m. It also has a coaxial 7.62 mm PKT machine gun and an ATGM launcher, capable of launching AT-4 or AT-5 missiles which use SACLOS guidance, increasing the range at which the Fahd 280-30 can engange armored targets such as tanks to nearly 4000 m. These turret-mounted missiles may be deployed away from the vehicle on a launching tripod. The Fahd-30 carries 500 30 mm rounds for the autocannon, 2,000 rounds for the 7.62 mm machine gun, and five AT-5 missiles. Smoke grenade launchers are standard on this vehicle, with four on each side of the turret. The BMP-2 turret may use appliqué armor. In terms of design it is similar to the Fahd 240, but this variant has three firing ports on each side of the vehicle.

المشغلون وتاريخ الخدمة

The Fahd have been used by eight countries including Egypt, and the United Nations also bought it. It has also seen service as a part of SFOR in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and as a part of UNOSOM in Somalia.

-Current users of the Fahd in bright red
-Former in Dark red
-Also used by the United Nations
Operator Number Date received Status Notes
 مصر 1,400 1986-الحاضر still in service المنتج والمشغل الرئيسي. تشغل حوالي 900 فهد 240، 235 فهد 280 مزودة ببرج BTM-208، و265 فهد 280-30s. (انظر النص أدناه للمزيد من المعلومات)
 الكويت 110
مازالت في الخدمة Second largest operator in 1988. The Fahd was used by the Kuwaiti side during the غزوالكويت, when it lost most of them. Kuwait received more units in 1994, and had most of its captured units returned by Iraq in 1995 (See text below for more information)
 العراق -- 1990 أحيلت للتقاعد في 2003 Although not supplied by Egypt, Iraq was able to capture most of the Kuwaity vehicles in the غزوالكويت. These units were then used by Iraq during the Gulf War and the 2003 invasion of Iraq. After the Iraqi invasion in 2003, the new Iraqi army is not reported to be using them.
 بنگلادش 66 -- مازالت في الخدمة جيش بنگلادش used these vehicles widely in patrolling missions along the Iraq-Kuwait border during UN sanctioned peacekeeping missions.
 الجزائر 200 1992 مازالت في الخدمة The only export deal for the vehicle between 1992 and 2006 was to Algeria. The deal was for 53 units of the Fahd 240 APC variant, for use in the internal security role and by the Gendarmerie. Currently, there are 100 units in service with the Algerian forces as of 25-Feb-2008.
NA (not available) مازالت في الخدمة The Fahd have been sold to other nations as well including Oman, Sudan, and the Democratic republic of Congo. Because Egypt considered the value of its military exports confidential, it omitted this information from its published trade statistics. Yet, Oman is reported to be operating 31 units.
 الأمم المتحدة -- -- مازالت في الخدمة علاء الدين عبد العظيم، مدير الترويج العسكري في الهيئة العربية للتصنيع ذكر حتى الأمم المتحدة قد اشترت عربات فهد.


The vehicle was originally designed to fit Egyptian reqiurments, by Rheinmetall Landsysteme (then Thyssen-Henschel, part of Rheinmetall DeTech under the designation TH 390. The first prototypes of the vehicle were built in Germany for Egypt. Production is undertaken by the Kader Factory for Developed Industries, part of the Arab Organization for Industrialization. The production commenced in 1985. The first vehicles have been completed in 1986 to enter service with the Egyptian Army. The Egyptian Army is believed to have placed an initial order for 300 vehicles with an option of further 110. Egypt uses the Fahd for border patrolling, where these vehicles are equipped with extra periscopes, and night vision equipments. The Fahd is also used by the Egyptian police, and the central security forces; these vehicles are usually the Anti-riot version, or the standard APC variant provided with a box-type shield around the commander's hatch. The vehicle has been used by Egyptian forces in peace keeping missions, and have served with SFOR in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The military, and paramilitary users of the Fahd in Egypt are:

  • الجيش المصري
  • قوات الأمن المركزي


Egypt sold Kuwait 110 vehicles. Kuwait have been reported to operate about 100 units in 1988, where most of the vehicles were captured and/or destroyed by the Iraqi forces. Currently, Kuwait has 60 vehicles, where some more vehicles were received in 1994. A report of the secretary general of the United Nations Security Council shows that most of the units that were captured by Iraq were returned to Kuwait as part of the return of property seized by Iraq hand over operations that have taken place from the second of March 1994 to 15 October 1996. A total of forty vehicles have been returned on three phases. (See the table below for details) Not all of the vehicles are in active service with the Kuwaiti Army currently.

عربات مقارنة

  •  الصين: Type 92
  •  ألمانيا: فوكس
  •  فرنسا: VAB
  •  السعودية: الفهد
  •  كندا: LAV-25

انظر أيضاً

  • حرب المدرعات
  • ناقلة جنود مدرعة
  • عربة قتال مشاة


  1. ^ "Kader Fahd armoured personnel carrier". Jane's Information Group. 2008-10-23. Retrieved 2009-01-27.
  2. ^ "Fahd 280 Armoured Personnel Carrier". Bangladesh Military Forces. Retrieved 2009-01-27.
  3. ^ "Egyptian defence giant invites former partners". Zawya. 2003-03-18. Retrieved 2009-01-27.
  4. ^ "Fahd-240". Military. U.S. Cavalry, Global security. Retrieved 2009-01-27.
  5. ^ "FAHD armoured vehicle". Arab Organization for Industrialization. Retrieved 2009-01-27.
  6. ^ "FAHD armoured vehicle". Arab Organization for Industrialization. Retrieved 2009-01-27.
  7. ^ "FAHD". Kader factory. Retrieved 2009-01-27. خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صالح؛ الاسم "Kader factory" معهد أكثر من مرة بمحتويات مختلفة.
  8. ^ "BTR-3U Armoured Personnel Carrier". KMDB. Retrieved 2009-01-27.
  9. ^ "VBCI Wheeled Infantry Fighting Vehicle, France". SPG Media Limited, army-technology. Retrieved 2008-09-28.
  10. ^ "BTR-90 (GAZ 5923) specifications". globalsecurity.org. Retrieved 2008-09-28.
  11. ^ "ZSL92 Wheeled Armoured Vehicle". SinoDefence. Retrieved 2008-09-28.
  12. ^ "BTR-90". Modern Armored Vehicles. On War. Retrieved 2008-09-28.
  13. ^ "Recovery & repair vehicle". Arab Organization for Industrialization. Retrieved 2009-01-27.
  14. ^ "Ambulance". Arab Organization for Industrialization. Retrieved 2009-01-27.
  15. ^ "Mines Dispensing Systems, Mine Scatter Systems". Sakr factory. Retrieved 2009-01-27.
  16. ^ "Vehicle Mounted antitank mine dispensing systems". Arab Organization for Industrialization. Retrieved 2009-01-27.
  17. ^ "AFV FAHD -280-30". Kader factory. Retrieved 2009-02-08.
  18. ^ "FAHD armoured vehicle". Military Today. Retrieved 2009-01-28.
  19. ^ "Iraqi equipment & vehicles". Bjoern Clausen. Retrieved 2009-01-27. Unknown parameter |notice= ignored (help)
  20. ^ "Iraq" (pdf). INSS. p. 6. Retrieved 2009-01-27.
  21. ^ "BANGLADESH ARMY". tripatlas. Retrieved 2009-02-13.
  22. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير سليم؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة janesRepair
  23. ^ "Algeria" (pdf). INSS. p. 7. Retrieved 2009-02-07.
  24. ^ "Oman" (pdf). INSS. p. 7. Retrieved 2009-02-07.
  25. ^ "Sudan" (pdf). INSS. p. 6. Retrieved 2009-02-07.
  26. ^ "Kuwait". Army Recognision. Retrieved 2009-02-17.
  27. ^ "Armée koweïtienne Koweït forces terrestres équipements et véhicules". Army Recognision. Retrieved 2009-02-17.
  28. ^ "Kuwait" (pdf). INSS. p. 7. Retrieved 2009-02-07.
  29. ^ "REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL OF THE RETURN OF KUWAITI PROPERTY SEIZED BY IRAQ" (pdf). United Nations Security Council. 16 December 1996. p. 2. Retrieved 2009-02-07.

وصلات خارجية

  • Official Site of the Factory
  • The vehicle's page on AOI's official site
  • The vehicle's page on GlobalSecurity.org
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 07:03:30
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