سن ترك المدرسة

عودة للموسوعة

سن هجر المدرسة

خريطة العالم حسب سن هجر المدرسة ██ School leaving age 18 ██ School leaving age 17 ██ School leaving age 16 ██ School leaving age 15 ██ School leaving age 14 ██ School leaving age 13 ██ School leaving age 12 ██ School leaving age 11 ██ School leaving age 10 ██ No data available

سن هجر المدرسة ،هوهجر المدرسة في سن دون السن القانوني المسموح للشخص بمغادرة التعليم الإلزامي. غالبية البلدان قد هجر المدرسة في سن حدد نفس الحد الأدنى من عمل بدوام تام السن ، مما يتيح الانتنطق السلس من التعليم إلى العمل ، في حين حتى القليل فقط من أنها أقل من السن التي يسمح للشخص حتى يعمل.

سن هجر المدرسة حسب البلدان

Color legend Ages legend
██ Both ages synchronised ? denotes no information available
██ School leaving age higher 0 denotes education is not compulsory
██ Employment age higher 0 denotes no minimum employment age as children could be, in theory, employed from birth
██ No information / No age set ? denotes the age set is unknown


# البلد De jure التعليم/
الفجوة في معدلات تشغيل العمالة
سن هجر المدرسة سن العمل
 الجزائر 16 0
 بنين ? 14
 بوركينا فاسو 16 0 -16
 بوروندي 12 16 4
 الكاميرون 0 14 14
 الرأس الأخضر 16 14 -2
 تشاد 15 0 -15
 جزر القمر 14 0 -14
 مصر 14 0
 إرتريا 0 14 14
 إثيوپيا 0 14 14
 الگابون 16 0
 غانا 15 0 -15
 غينيا 16 0
 كنيا 0 0
 ليبيا 15 0
 المغرب 13 15 2
 النيجر 16 14 -2
 رواندا 12 0 -12
 سيشل 15 0
 سيراليون 15 0 -15
 جنوب أفريقيا 15 0 -15
 السودان 0 16 16
 تنزانيا 13 0 -13
 توگو 15 14 -1
 تونس 16 0
 زامبيا 0 14 14


# البلد De jure التعليم/
الفجوة في معدلات تشغيل العمالة
سن هجر المدرسة سن العمل
 بنگلادش 10 0 -10
 البحرين 0 15 15
 بروناي 0 14 14
 الصين 15 16 1 Compulsory education lastsتسعة years. School leaving age is calculated under the assumption that pupils will enroll in school at ageستة or graduate high school at age 18.
 الهند 15 18 3 The Government of India has made a law of compulsory education upto 17 years. Any person who wishes to continue his education can continue his work.
 إيران 16 15 -1
 العراق ? 15
 إسرائيل 18 14 -4 The age of employment has been lowered and the school leaving age has raised.
 اليابان 15 0
 الأردن 17 16 -1
 كوريا الجنوبية 15 0
 الكويت 14 0
 ماليزيا 0 ?
 المالديڤ 0 16 16
 پاكستان 10 14 4 Although the minimum age for leaving school isعشرة years or primary in Pakistan which mean aسبعة year education, but the minimum age of employement is considered to be 14.The 14 years old can do only light work and not hazardous employment
 الفلپين 16 18 2
 السعودية 18 0 In Saudi Arabia a student may leave school when permission of his legal custodians (parents) is given, if not the student must complete school until the age of 18. The employment age in a part time job during school holidays is 14.
 سنغافورة 16 15 -1 Primary schools are compulsory since January 2003 and it is universal for primary and secondary schools. 16 is the school leaving age; one can only leave only after the release of Singaporean GCE 'O' Level results for admission to polytechnics, junior colleges, Institute of Technical Education, or work. 15 is the minimum employment age. Underaged people are not allowed to employ as Ministry of Manpower would give out fines.
 سريلانكا 14 10 -4
 سوريا 12 0
 تايوان 15 0
 الإمارات العربية المتحدة 11 15 4
 ڤيتنام 10 ? Every child should receive an education up to the age of 14 years, although education is compulsory only up to the age ofعشرة years.


# البلد De jure التعليم/
الفجوة في معدلات تشغيل العمالة
سن هجر المدرسة سن العمل
 أندورا 16 0
 النمسا 15 0
 بلاروس ? 14
 بلجيكا 18 0 Full-time education is compulsory from the age of 3[بحاجة لمصدر] to 15. From the person's 16th to their 18th birthday, they are obliged to pursue at least part-time education, thus having a choice between full-time or part-time education.
 بلغاريا 19 0
 قبرص 15 0
 التشيك 15 0
 الدنمارك 16 15 -1
 إستونيا 15 18 3
 فنلندا 16 14 -2
 فرنسا 16 0 The statutory minimum school leaving age in France is 16. There are however a few specific cases where young people may enter employment before the age of 16, such as employment in the parents’ company, sporadic work or young people who have left school early taking up an apprenticeship at 15, to name a few.
 ألمانيا 16 0
 اليونان 16 0
 المجر 16 0
 آيسلندا 15 0
 أيرلندا 16 15 -1 16 is the minimum school leaving age, though students must complete three years of basic secondary education (ie. the Junior Certificate) regardless of age. Young people can be employed in a part time job during school holidays at age 14, part time year-round at age 15, and be employed full time at age 18. Persons under the age of 18 are subject to restrictions on their work. People under 16 must have written parental approval before they take a job.
 إيطاليا 18 15 -3
 لاتڤيا 15 0
 ليختنشتاين 15 0
 لوكسمبورگ 15 0
 جمهورية مقدونيا 18 15 -3 Compulsory secondary education starts year 2008 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 49 from 18.04.2007)
 مالطا 16 0 Although the compulsory education ends at 16, an increasing number of children opt to further their studies while taking up part-time employment.
 موناكو 16 0
 هولندا 16 0 Children may leave full-time education on the year they turn 16, but are still obliged to attend part-time education for 1 year thereafter.
 الأنتيل الهولندية 15 12 -3
 النرويج 16 15 -1
 پولندا 18 15 -3
 الپرتغال 15 0
 رومانيا 16 0
 روسيا 15 0
 سان مارينو 16 0
 سلوڤاكيا 16 14 -2
 سلوڤنيا 15 0
 إسپانيا 16 0
 السويد 16 0
 سويسرا 15 0
 هجريا 14 12 -2
 أوكرانيا 17 16 -1
 المملكة المتحدة 16 0 16 to work full-time, 14 part time, part time with exceptions at 13. In England and Wales only, those who entered secondary school (or Yearسبعة in areas with middle schools) in September 2008 must remain in education until 17. In Britain only, those who enter secondary school / Yearسبعة in September 2009 or later must remain in education until 18. NOTE: This excludes Scotland.
 اسكتلندا 16 13 -3 Restrictions apply to working hours of 13 to 16 year olds (i.e. max. hours, work permits, type of work) this is to allow 13-16 year olds to hold a job and study full time.

أمريكا الشمالية والكاريبي

# البلد De jure التعليم/
الفجوة في معدلات تشغيل العمالة
سن هجر المدرسة سن العمل
 بربادوس 16 0
 بليز 14 12 -2
 كندا 17 14 -3 (18 in Ontario and New Brunswick, 16 in Québec)
 دومنيكا 16 12 -4
 جمهورية الدومنيكان 15 0
 گرينادا 14 0
 هايتي ? 15
 هندوراس 13 14 1
 جامايكا 16 18 2
 المكسيك 15 0 -15
 سانت كيتس ونڤيس 16 0
 سانت ڤنسنت والگرنادينز 0 14 14
 ترنيداد وتوباگو 12 0
 الولايات المتحدة 17 14 -3 The school leaving age varies from state to state with most having a leaving age of 17 or 18. Students who complete a certain level of secondary education ("high school") can take a standardized test and be graduated from compulsory education. Young people may seek employment at age fourteen but in practice most employers seek someone slightly older.
 ڤنزويلا 14 0


# البلد De jure التعليم/
الفجوة في معدلات تشغيل العمالة
سن هجر المدرسة سن العمل
 أستراليا 17 15 -2 School leaving age varies from state to state with 15 and 17[بحاجة لمصدر] being the most popular. In some states students can leave before the specified age if they are in TAFE or a fulltime job.
 فيجي 0 12 12
 جزر مارشال 14 0 -14
 ميكرونزيا 14 0 -14
 نيوزيلندا 16 0 -16 15 year olds can leave school with permission from the education department
 پالاو 17 0 -17
 جزر سولومون 0 12 12

أمريكا الجنوبية

# البلد De jure التعليم/
الفجوة في معدلات تشغيل العمالة
سن هجر المدرسة سن العمل
 الأرجنتين 15 14 -1
 البرازيل 15 14 -1 Schooling is mandatory in Brazil for children aged 6-14 (years 1-9 in the new Brazilian school system). After that, there is no legal obligation to stay in school. Students who want to qualify for university admission must however complete three additional years (years 10-12) of secondary school (ensino médio), thus normally leaving school at age 17 or 18, depending on one's birthday date.
 تشيلي 16 17 1
 كولومبيا 15 14 -1
 پاراگواي 15 0 -15 Since the initiation of the Education Reform in 1993, basic education is for a period of nine years, to the age of 15 years. According to the Constitution, compulsory education ends at age 12.
 پيرو 16 12 -4 Employers are obliged to report regularly on the performance and attendance of students who they employ, to help ensuring their education doesn't suffer because of their employment.
 سورينام 0 14 14

انظر أيضاً

  • مؤشر التعليم
  • Compulsory education
  • Raising of school leaving age
  • Legal working age


  1. ^ Contribution to EIRO thematic feature on Youth and work - case of France

وصلات داخلية

  • Right to Education - At What Age?

تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 06:46:32
التصنيفات: مقالات ذات عبارات بحاجة لمصادر, Education policy, Juvenile law, قوائم بلدان

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